
Projekt identyfikacji genetycznej rodu Plewako
  • 33 members

About us

Stanisław-Jan Plewako odtworzył drzewo filogenetyczne rodu Plewako w okresie historycznym oparte na drzewie genealogicznym rodu Plewako herbu Pogonia Zaproponował też w swoim artykule opublikowanym w "Merkuriuszu" nr 2 /maj 2008/ metodologię poszukiwania dalekiego pokrewieństwa rodowego poprzez rekonstrukcję haplotypów wspólnych przodków. Metoda ta opisana była wcześniej przez Billa Hursta jako "triangulacja". Wyniki jej zastosowania widoczne są w sekcji Rezultaty

Notacja w kolumnie Paternal Ancestor Name zawiera:
nazwisko, imię najdalszego znanego przodka oraz imiona i daty urodzenia kolejnych przodków, którzy dawali początek dwóm lub więcej istniejącym do dzisiaj liniom genetycznym (subkladom).
Dla przykładu dla braci Stanisława #131251 i Krzysztofa #420202: PLEWAKO Jarosz>Paweł>Jan>Hieronim>Kazimierz>Marian
Marian to ojciec, Kazimierz - pradziad, Hieronim -prapradziad, Jan - praprapradziad, a Paweł - pradziad tego Jana.
Notacja ta odwołuje do schematu drzewa genealogicznego rodu Plewako zweryfikowanego metodą Y-DNA

Stanislaw-Jan Plewako has reconstructed filogenetic tree of kin I-PLE01 Plewako in historical period based on the genealogical tree of the Plewako family (coats of arms Pogonia) and would like to join to various families of Plewako those people who have close match to them. In result we might to know more about common tribal ancestry and evolution of each included family.
Stanislaw Jan Plewako has propose in his article published /in the polish language/ in "Merkuriusz" No2 /May 2008/ a methodology of searching distant kinship through to reconstruction of haplotype of common ancestors. This method, was described earlier by William Hurst as "Triangulation". Results are presented in Results section
More in a polish language:

First Y-DNA67 Ordered 08/28/2008 (#131251 Stanislaw-Jan Plewako), completed 11/26/2008, and starting with this results Plewako Y-DNA Project

Plewako Clan Society has took part of WTY Program (Walking Through Y Chromosome, completed  06/29/2011)
As result WTY in #131251 Stanislaw-Jan Plewako Y-DNA sample has been discovered I-L621 mutation.

Plewako Clan Society continues research and took part in BigY Program:
#131251 of Stanislaw-Jan Plewako (ordered 11/20/2013, results in April 2014)
#156366 of Damian Plewako (ordered 06/17/2014, results 08/14/2014).
As the results a series PLE mutations was registered in 2016, January

Those results have been ordered to upgrade to BigY500 and results have obtained both at 04/19/2018

We has established genetic tree of Plewako clan starting of Paweł Plewako born ca 1620 died ca 1680 - father of sons who begins two lines of clan presented in Genealogical Proof in 7 December 1800 in Wilno, and existing both in XXI century. In our Genetic Proof I2a2 haplogroup has been confirmed for Nearest Common Ancestor: Paweł Plewako (~1620~1680) and sequence of changes in main line was discovered.

The territory of I2a2 intensive presence fit to territory Epi Gravettian Culture 20.000 years ago (magenta colour).

At the post-roman period I2a population in middle Europe was limited to some tribes, which use probably Slavic language at this time,
Венеды (Vistula Veneti), marked by light brown south and around mud of Polessye (especially Drevlyans and Dregovichs)
and southern Poland in its present borders (White Croats territory):

Droga wedrówki przodków subkladu I-PLE01 wg na podstawie danych FTDNA wg

last modification of content: 2018-07-10