R-Z198 incl. R-SRY2627

R-Z198 and subclades R-ZS312 (incl. R-SRY2627), R-CTS4188 and R-L165
  • 1835 members

About us

NB Please join if you have been invited by one of the Project Administrators - they have already checked that you meet the eligibility criteria. This project is investigating the shared ancestry of members of YDNA Haplogroup R-Z198 and its branches - including R-SRY2627, R-CTS4188 and R-L165. To join you must (a) have any of Z198+, SRY2627+, L165+ or CTS4188+ from FTDNA (Big Y or Family Finder) or Geno 2.0; or (b) have a positive result for one of these SNPs (any company) plus at least the Y37 test from FTDNA (NB SRY2627 is also called M167); or (c) share recent paternal ancestry with an existing project member (as indicated/supported by a close match at 37 or more STR markers); or (d) have a DYS490=10 result and be predicted haplogroup R