Scoggin, Scoggins, S

  • 110 members

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Thank you to all those who have checked their entries andsubmit any changes or contact information
At the moment (January 2014) we have 29 sets of results. As new tests are submitted we will update this site.

Some participants are also using the MDna tests and that may yield more leads, Thank you

Recently we  have re-sorted the chart on the "Y-results" page using a new tool they have provided to administrators. Some of the old correspondence was lost with a crashed hard drive so please check the information and contact me if more changes need to bemade. The results are re-sorted each time a result is submitted or changed by the company. The test numbers (5 or more digit numbers) however should remain tied to the correct history. At the moment they are in approximately the same order as the results page but not quite.
I have sent out an email to the participants requesting they check, confirm, and update the information. (JAN 2014) I have resorted the information and made the changes requested based on what has been received. Please do not hesitate to email me. The chart on the "Y results" page is produced automatically by FamilyTreeDNA and is accurate and up to date.
In the chart on the ‘Y-results’ page you will see the results of tests as they come in. Those 'loci' in red show quicker evolution thus it is expected that the values in these locations would show more variance thus exact matching isless significant. The intro pages at FamilyTree DNA will explain things better than I can.
Below are listed the earliest proven ancestors in the lines of the DNA test donors as provided by them.
PLEASE NOTE that “earliest proven ancestors” is a term open to interpretation.What one researcher considers proven may differ from what another might accept.It is the administrator’s job to encourage participation and we accept the submissions of the participants without interpretation. When researchers differ in their interpretations of their families histories (and they will) we hope the evidence of DNA can help solve the mysteries.

Haplogroups tend to group people in to more closely related lines, for instance:

Haplogroup "I1a" are most likely closely related at the earliest known ancestor in each line.
Haplogroup "R1b1" are thus also related to each other. The sample classified as Haplogroup "R1a"seems to be more closely related to this second group but more research is needed here.
The samples result in the "G" and “I1” haplogrouup does not appear to have any matching members at this time. We’ve gotten a few more groups as results are further refined.

***NOTE*** WE NEED everyone to submit what they know of their earliest ancestor so we can update our information below and VERY importantly PLEASE let me know if I can list your name and email or method of contact for other researchers interested in your line. PLEASE include the 5 or more digit test number with all communications as it's the only way we can be sure we are tying the information to the correct test results.

Family Histories as Submitted by participants with comments in [ ] by the administrator.

The earliest proven ancestor of the “Scogin” lineage was Solomon Scoggin (notice the spelling). His date of birth is unknown but he is said to have been a Welshman (from Wales, Great Briton) [Editor note: the origin is not yet proven]. The oldest records we have on him are found in the Pennsylvania Archives. The Archives reflect that he was a member of the Pennsylvania Militia, Chester County, in 1780, during the Revolutionary War. He is listed as assessing property for taxes in Chester County in 1785, and is again listed as a member of the Pennsylvania Militia, Chester County, in 1786. The first census of the United States, taken in 1790, lists him as a "head of family" with one male child and two females (wife unknown) in Chester County. (Spelling on this record is quite different)
Solomon Scoggin married Jane Taylor in Frederick County, Virginia on October 2, 1792.2 Sometime there after he and his family migrated west and settled in Hamilton County, Ohio.
Solomon Scoggin died in 1818 and left a Will which is probated in Hamilton County, Ohio. The Will lists his wife as being Jane, and his children as Joel, Ruben, William, Lewis, Alse, Ruth, Ann, Mary and Rachel.
The contact for this line is Mark Scogin
The oldest known ancestor for our line from a family Bible is John Beverly Scoggin, born Dec. 18, 1809 in Tennessee. He married Cythia C. Davis about Oct. 4, 1830, in Rutherford Co., Tennessee.
John was a Methodist minister.
John and Cynthia's children were James M. (b. 1831), David Clement (1833), John W. (1835), Elizabeth (1837), William P.M. (1840), Priscilla Ingram (1843), Lee Ann (1847), and John Beverly, 1853.
David Clement Scoggin married Margaret H. Thomas in Morgan County, Missouri in 1856. Their two children were George Mattison (b. 1857) and Hallard Randolph Scoggin (1859). David died in 1861 in Butler, Missouri.
Hallard Randolph Scoggin was born at Altona, Bates County, Missouri. He married CeCelia Ann Moore in 1880. Their children were Clement Barkley (b. 1881), Mollie Frances (1883), Eliza Ethel (1885), Grover Randolph (1887), Henry Elmer (1889), and an infant son (1895). Hallard and CeCelia lived and farmed near Harford, Kansas.
From the book, Genealogical Serendipity, by Doliante, John Beverly Scoggin, b. 1809, is listed as a son of John Beverly Scoggin, b. about 1784 in Pennsylvania, and Elizabeth White, b. about 1786. We don't have a document for this birth, but accept it as being "our" John for strong circumstantial evidence and faith in the book's author.
The Contact for this line is Aaron Cook of Arizona at
Isaac Scoggin was born 1799-1800 in Virginia, and died 1840-1850 in Izard County Arkansas. He married Sarah (last name unknown but possibly Walker or Webb, Marriage date and place unknown but possibly Illinois or Tennessee). She was born in North Carolina about 1785 and died in Coryell County, Texas, 1882.
They lived in NC/VA and migrated to Tennessee then to Illinois and Missouri, back to Tennessee and then to Arkansas. After Isaacs’s death much of the family including the Sarah and many of her children moved to Coryell County, Texas. Sarah had 18 children some of whom have been traced to the present day.
Their identified children are: Henry, Jesse, Elizabeth, David, Stephen, John, James, Sarah, Rachael, Robert, Martha, Nancy and Ellen. There are three more female and two male children as yet not identified. (A note here that various researchers have different ideas of who should or should not be included as children or the level of proof needed for that)
It is strongly believed that the father of Isaac was a Rev. John Scoggin Sr. of Washington County, Virginia and White County, Tennessee. But that is not yet proven. This DNA study does go a long way toward confirming this. It would be fantastic to find a descendant of a sibling or uncle of John Sr for further confirmation. All descendants of this line are strongly encouraged to join the study.
If as strongly suspected the connection to the Rev John is confirmed then there is a good study that takes this line back to a Johan Scoggin/Schaggen who arrived in New Sweden (Delaware) in1639 aboard the good ship Kalmar Nyckel from Sweden.
Patrick Scoggin (that’s me) is one genealogist who is studying this line. You can find information on his website at I am also administrator of this DNA study. Please contact me at

According to most family records, Gardner Scoggin, Jr. of Brunswick County, VA was born in 1763. He married Martha Lucy on February 29, 1788, in the same VA County of Brunswick.
One of Gardner and Martha’s sons, Benjamin M. Scoggin was born in the same county on April 22, 1789. Benjamin M. married Martha Abernathy on December 17, 1814. Benjamin and Martha left Brunswick County, VA after their first child (Alfred C.) was born in 1815 and migrated with a group of settlers to Tennessee. Their second child, their only daughter (Elizabeth) was born somewhere in Tennessee on May 5, 1817. They settled and made their home in the middle Tennessee County of Giles.
Benjamin M and Martha’s next child (Charles G.) was born in Giles County, Tennessee sometime during 1819. Other children came along and their last child (Benjamin F Scoggin) was born in 1826.
Benjamin F. married Clarinda Anna McKnight sometime during July, 1849. Benjamin F and Anna had several children including my great grandfather, Milliard Phillip Scoggin, who was born in Giles County May 17, 1856.
Milliard Phillip married Beulah Johnston in March of 1870. They had seven children who survived beyond childhood, including my grandfather, James Oscar Scoggin, who was born May 9, 1890.
Oscar married Ora Glover in 1913. Oscar and Ora had six children, the oldest being my father, Milliard Edward Scoggin, who was born in the home of his parents on November 27, 1914.
Edward met my mother, Ruth Tucker and they were married on August 10, 1935. I am the second of three children, and was born in the home of my parents, near Minor Hill Tennessee, also in Giles County, Tennessee, on January 26, 1944.
The contact for this line is James Allen Scoggin
# 83188
The earliest known ancestor may be Richard Gardner SCOGGIN, b;abt 1808 in VA. Death: 17 Dec 1879 in Limestone Co., AL. Marriage 1 Mary M. HARWOOD b: 1813 in TN. they had at least one child: Christopher Howard "Kit" SCOGGIN b: 27 Nov 1852 in Limestone Co., AL.
The contact on this line is Paul Stephen Scoggin at PSCOG6839@AOL.CO

THE FOLLOWING are all in Haplogroup R1B1

Last proven ancestor was Jacob M Scoggin. He was living in Roane County Tennessee in early 1800s. He married Margaret McPherson 1825. The marriage bond was signed and filed 2/10/1825. Jacob died March of 1836 Roane County Tennessee. According to the census 1830 he would have been born between 1800 and 1810. Based on the marriage information he would have been born about 1800.
My line then goes Jacob M, Jacob Lafayette Scoggin, Arthur Scoggin, Robert Scoggin and myself.
Contact on this line is Gary Scoggin

[Administrators note: while this sample falls in the same haplotype there is significant variation from those other samples in this group so it might be well to think of it as a separate line.]
A study of the Scoggins line represented in this test can be found on this website:
William Bye Scogings came to Utah in 1859. He was born in 1822 in Badingham, Suffolk, England son of Philip Scoggins and Mary Bye. Philip Scoggins son of Thomas Scoggins and Elizabeth Lloyd was born in Badingham in 1789.
Thomas Scoggins son of Thomas Scoggins and Elizabeth Flurry was born in Clopton, Suffolk, England in 1751. Thomas Scoggins son of Robert Scoggins and Elizabeth of Framsden, Suffolk, England was born about 1709. Thomas and William Scoggins sons of Thomas Scoggins and Ellizabeth Flurry has large families in Badingham. Between the two they had twenty five children.
The current study focuses on these twenty five children born between 1777 and 1802, fourteen of which lived to old age. No descendants have yet been traced to the United States except for my ancestor William Bye Scogings.
[Administrators note: while this sample falls in the same haplotype there is significant variation from those other samples in this group so it might be well to think of it as a separate line. However it is important to note that this line identifies another immigrant who arrived in the United States much later than the other two identified immigrants. The fact that the name is essentially the same and the Hahplotype matches it would be VERY instructive to see what connections can be made.] A study of the Scoggins line represented in this test can be found on this website:

For one reason or the other we do not have a submitted history for this test. PLEASE if at all possible we would like to add a history and contact information. Thank you.

My earliest Scogins ancestors that I can locate were born in LA in the 1800's, which was my great grandfather, Robert L. Scogin, his son was Lloyd Dewey Scogins, he married, had a son that took the name Dolphus D Scoggins. Lloyd re-married, had my father; Robert Dewey Scogins, and I am a Jr. Lloyd had 2 brothers, their last names were spelled Scogin. One of them died in 1963 in Patagonia, AZ, and I believe the other brother died in Arkansas. I also have a public tree (Scogins Family Tree) on and a gedcom as well.,
The contact on this line is Robert Scogins at:

Our earliest proven ancestor is JONAH SCOGGINS, born 13 Oct 1763 in Brunswick Co, VA; died in Greene Co.,IL 25 Jan 1845; married Anna Hightower 1 Jan 1789 in Orangeburg District, SC.
The line from the test subject back to Johah is a follows :
WILLIAM LYNN SCOGGINS, b. 4 Dec 1931 Madison Co, IL. d.27 Feb 2006 Madison Co, IL. m. 5 Sept 1950 Madison Co, IL to Norma Jean Brown first born son of:
LELAND LYNN SCOGGINS/Margaret Eades b. 11 Apr 1903 Greene Co, IL. d. 16 Dec 1989 Madison Co, IL m. 3 July 1930 Madison Co, IL. second born son of:
MARTIN LUTHER SCOGGINS/ Mary E. Gilleland b. 26 Aug 1875 Greene Co, IL. d, 16 Nov 1959 Madison Co, IL. m. 3 Dec 1898 Greene Co, IL. fourth born son of:
WILLIAM FRANCIS MARION SCOGGINS/Sarah Frances McCants Harrison b. 20 Nov 1837 Greene Co,IL. d. 30 July 1899 Greene Co, IL. m.23 Nov 1870 Greene Co, IL. first born son of:
ROBERT HIGHTOWER SCOGGINS/Martha Ann Witt b. 13 Feb 1813, Christian Co, KY. d. 10 Dec 1890 Greene Co, IL. m. 25 Nov 1836 Greene Co, IL. youngest son of:
JONAH SCOGGINS/ Anna Hightower b. 13 Oct 1763 Brunswick Co, VA. d. 25 Jan 1845 Greene Co, IL. m. 1 Jan 1789 Orangeburg Dist.,SC.
Jonah Scoggins Revolutionary War Pension file (W24913) states his birth date, name of wife and marriage date, as well as names and dates of birth for his children with accompanying Bible pages. Names and dates of birth, marriage, death dates and places of residence have been documented by county/state records as well as tax and/or census records for children in each generation.
Please contact Jo Ann about this line at:

"The earliest proven ancestor of our "Scroggins" lineage is John Scoggins (his name is variously spelled Scogin, Scoggin, Scogins & Scoggins in these early records, but never Scroggins). His date of birth is ca. 1755, we believe in Prince George County, Virginia. The oldest records we have on him are from 1776 in Granville County, North Carolina and from 1778 in Wake County, North Carolina. There are numerous records of him in the Orange County and Wake County records. The first census of the United States, taken in 1790, lists him as a "head of household" with two male children under 16 years and five females of undetermined age in the Hillsborough District of Wake County, North Carolina. His name is spelled Scoggins in this census.
John's wife's first name is unknown, but is believed to be Mary. Her last name could have possibly been Repps, but this is only speculation. It is strongly believed that John was the great grandson of George Scoggins/Scroggins of Virginia. George migrated to Lancaster County, Virginia in January 1653 from England (although his family is believed to be of Scottish descent). George signed his last name as "Scroggins" on a land grant, but his name is listed as "Scoggins" in all the other records.
John Scoggins died after 1820 in Wake County, North Carolina. His children's names were John B., Repps, Smith, Charity, Leah, Sarah, Elizabeth and Polly Mary. The children's last names are spelled both Scoggins and Scroggins in later records. His son, Smith Scroggins (senior), spelled his last name "Smith Scoggins" on an official document in 1873 in Alcorn County, Mississippi. His wife signed her last name "Tabitha M. Scroggins" on the exact same document. It is believed that Smith could neither read nor write.
Smith's son of the same name, Smith Scroggins (junior) was born in 1829 in Hickman County, Tennessee. He married Ellender Wells in 1849 in Lincoln County, Tennessee. He died of multiple gunshot wounds after the Battle of Chickamauga in 1863 while serving in the Confederate Army. His name was placed on the Confederate Roll of Honor for his actions at Chickamauga.
Over the years, the family moved from Wake County, North Carolina to Hickman County, Tennessee in 1826; Lincoln County, Tennessee ca. 1832; Tishomingo County, Mississippi in 1857; Scott County, Arkansas in 1874 and eventually to Fannin County, Texas in 1884 where the family remained until 1953 when they moved to Fort Worth in Tarrant County, Texas. My branch of the family moved in 1991 to Galveston County, Texas.".
the contact for the above is Bill Scroggins at

For one reason or the other we do not have a submitted history for this test. PLEASE if at all possible we would like to add a history and contact information. Thank you.
[Going from most recent to oldest generation, some proof citations were deleted for brevity but you can contact the submitter for these]

Frederick Hanford Scroggins aka Frederick Hanford McHargue, b. Feb. 17, 1905, Indianapolis, IN d. July 17, 1983, Reseda, Los Angeles Co., CA. He married twice; 4 children.  He was the son of:
Charles Dalton Scroggins (aka Dalton C. Scroggins, aka Dan Scroggins) b. Dec. 28, 1875, Urbana, IL. d. August 10, 1945,Los Angeles, CA. m #1. 1904, Indianapolis, IN, Wilmetta J. Fisher, b. June 27, 1877,  Switzerland Co. IN d. October 29, 1950, Glendale, L A Co., CA. (She married in 1910 Harrison Franklin McHargue, b. 1888, d. 1970) m#2. Nellie Fran Phelps, 1891-1984, New Mexico April 16, 1908; He was the son of:
George "Watt" Washington Scroggins, b. December 24, 1843, Urbana, IL. d. May 23, 1881, Indiana. m. #1. October 5, 1863 at Piatt Co. IL, Louisa H. "Hattie" Sherry (1845-1872; 5 children) m. #2. October 27, 1874 at Urbana, Champaign Co., IL (1855-1938; 2 children).He was the son of:
Leonard "Len" David Scroggins, b. March 4, 1816, Shawneetown, Galatin Co.IL., d. November 10, 1900, Mt. Pulaski, Logan Co., IL. m. Mary Margaret Sims (1820-1893) Mary 28, 1838, St. Louis, MO. . He was the son of:
Humphrey Scroggins, b. 1763 at Culpepper Co., VA, d. July 1846, Mt. Pulaski, Logan Co., IL. m. Sarah Ann Kirby (1767-1833). Children: Barton, Pleasant, Lem (Lemuel), Thomas Jefferson, John, Absolom, Peggy, Betsey, Eliza, Leonard David, and Carter T. (Terrant) Scroggins.

 Jim McHargue (James C. McHargue).Is the contact on  this line. James C. McHargue