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Pimble & Pymble

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A. descendant of Robert Pymble of Australia (kit N7250) & George Pimble of UK Midlands (Kit 61480) – closely relatedHaplogroup I1 see below for brief explanation of haplogroups. We know from the detailed DNA results that there is a genetic distance of 4 between Robert Pymble and George Pimble based on the 67 Marker test. We also know that the Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA) has to be sometime before Robert emigrated to Australia and therefore can’t be in the last 8 generations (assuming a generation = 25 years). Using the FTDNATiP report we can establish that there is a 74% chance that the MRCA will be with the last 12 generations (300 years) a 93% chance within the last 16 generations (400 years), 98.4% within the last 20 generations (500 years) and 99.7% within the last 24 generations (600 years). Given the difficulty we have found in finding the baptism of George around just 200 years ago it seems unlikely that we will find the papers records to link these two family trees, though of course we will continue to attempt to do so. Without the DNA test the potential link between these two family trees would have been pure conjecture. ----- o ----- B. descendant of John Pimble (kit 148071) – no match to any other Pimble project test.Haplogroup I1 see below for brief explanation of haplogroups. Though John Pimble’s descendant shares the same Haplogroup of I1 the genetic distant is such that there is less than 1% chance of John being related to Robert and/or George within a 24 generation span (600 years). The other members of the project have different Haplogroups and therefore no relationship with them is possible. This is despite some circumstantial evidence, not supported by paper records, that a relationship did exist between Robert and John. It would be useful to have more tests on other branches of the John tree to see if that is consistently the case. ----- o ----- C. descendant of Thomas Pymble (1801 – 1854 Herefordshire) (kit 62699) – no match to any other Pimble project test.Haplogroup R1b1b2 see below for brief explanation of haplogroups. The paper records show a clear relationship to Robert’s UK family tree and one might have expected matches however the Haplogroup is quite different and therefore the paper records are not supported in this instance. There branch underwent a family name about 100 years ago and this may be significant. More tests on related branches may we hope clarify the situation over time. ----- o ----- D. descendant of US African-American tree (kit 58532) – no match to any other Pimble project test.Haplogroup E1b1a see below for brief explanation of haplogroups. With a single test it is obviously not possible to draw any conclusions in support or otherwise of paper records. Only further tests will show whether there is a single or multiple common ancestors. ----- o ----- HapologroupsHaplogroup I1 The I1 subclade of Haplogroup I is estimated to be 15,000 to 20,000 years old and confirmed by the single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP, known as M253. According to the Genographic Project, the founder of the I1 branch lived on the Iberian Peninsula during the Last Glacial Maximum or LGM. 15,000 years is a long time ago though and the descendants of that first I1 have spread across Europe. Their children have formed subpopulations each having its own distinct history. While many I1 members trace their ancestry to Scandinavia, others find their roots in the British Isles, Germany, and beyond. Haplogroup R1b1b2 Haplogroup R1b is the most frequently occurring Y-chromosome haplogroup in Western Europe and amongst speakers of Chadic languages in northern parts of sub-Saharan Central Africa. R1b is also present at lower frequencies throughout Eastern Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, and parts of North Africa. Due to European emigration it also reaches high frequencies in the Americas and Australia. While Western Europe is dominated by the R1b1b2 (R-M269) branch of R1b, the Chadic-speaking area in Africa is dominated by the branch known as R1b1a (R-V88). These represent two very successful "twigs" on a much bigger "family tree". Haplogroup E1b1a E1b1a is almost exclusively associated with West/Central/South/South eastern Africans. It is the single most common Y haplogroup in sub-Saharan Africa as well as in the African diaspora of the Americas. Elsewhere, it is observed in small frequencies and its spread is generally attributed to relatively recent migrations. ----- o ----- To see the detailed results please go to the Y-DNA results page