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European Royalty
  • 2371 members

About us

A number of known or suspected royal persons and their descendants have been tested through either YDNA or mtDNA, or both, and compared their results with published results. Not all results though are without controversy; however the purpose of this project isn't to play favorites but simply compare haplotypes (individual DNA results) and haplogroups of those tested. Presumably, older extant families will have numerous descendants sharing genetic similarities, and those results should translate displayable results here. 

We shall continue to use only YDNA and/or mtDNA results as autosomal DNA testing is generally unhelpful for deep ancestral research on account of rapid changes from birth event to birth event. As you may know, YDNA and mtDNA changes very slowly over time, YDNA for male lineages, mtDNA for female lines. This makes both methods ideal for tracing deep ancestral roots. 

In general, most European royal persons are related, which potentially narrows down the number of authentic haplogroups considerably. De Baumgarten's genealogies, published by the Pontifical Oriental Institute in the 1920s and 1930s demonstrate a substantial transfer of genes through marriages across Europe and into the Middle East. On account of these records, we expect to be able to trace lineages across time and across nations. 

We require for inclusion in our results table YDNA testing at the Y67 or Y111 level, unless verified as part of a surname project with solid documentation. Persons whose DNA results are included in those royal surname projects are encouraged to join this project. Some SNP testing within that group will also be common to identify relationships. Descent from European Royalty generally relies on SNP testing, but grouping may also be based on HV1 results. Group inclusion may also be based strong STR matches, especially if the results and independent bellwether attributes such as as surnames that conform with recognized genealogical tables.