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European Royalty
  • 2371 members

About us

Greetings and welcome to the Family Tree DNA Royalty Group. It is our goal to trace the genetic origins of European Royalty. We intend to accomplish this goal through the judicious use of individual DNA results grouped together in combination with reliable genealogical and historical sources, including but not limited to published DNA results for royal and noble persons, such as, Queen Marie-Antoinette of France and Queen Anna of Romania. Other results, such as surname and harmonious DNA matches to published genealogical trees, even if contradictory to published results, will be recognized and included. This includes results for the large Oldenburg family. TO JOIN THIS GROUP YOU MUST SEND A JOIN REQUEST FROM YOUR PERSONAL PAGE. It is not possible to join this group until AFTER you have received your Y-DNA or mtDNA test results AND you have provided this information in your request to join. Autosomal testers are unlikely to have genetic proof of royal ancestry unless an individual is a child or grandchild of a royal person whose autosomal DNA profile is published and known.. You will be turned down unless you provide the required information. As a result of unsourced trees found on various internet sites, this project is taking a hard-nosed attitude to pedigree information without verifiable sources - chief of which is DNA. Testers MUST have a DIRECT male line (YDNA) or a DIRECT female line (mtDNA Full Sequence) back to the person you believe to be your ancestor. This is a DNA project and YDNA and (or) mtDNA is essential - autosomal DNA is not recognized as an appropriate genealogical source for this project. In general, we are looking for persons with unbroken royal lineages. We hope that a new group focused on descendants of noble persons would be formed to assist persons whose ancestral links to old nobility were broken by non-noble marriages in later times. It should be remembered that while all royal persons belong to nobility, not all persons belonging to nobility are of royal ancestry. On your FTDNA Dashboard page (the landing page when you log in) click on the Projects menu head in the upper left part of the page, then click on "Join a Project." When the next screen opens up, click on Surname Projects. In the next screen, click on R. Then on the next page click on the Join Request button. Please include your DIRECT male or DIRECT female tree so that the Project Administrators have a chance to confirm that you are an actual or likely member of Royalty. Do not include women in a Male tree. Do not include men in a Female tree. This is a public project so the project reports are viewable. We don't publish your full name or contact info and do respect your privacy. If you do not wish to share results please do not join this project. Please note that certain scientific and/or historical results may be published provided that any such putative result have a genuine scientific or historical makes a contribution to knowledge. The administrator(s) of this group observes, subscribes, and endorses FTDNA's privacy policies.