About us
This Mullins Surname Y-DNA Project was formed in the fall of 2004. Our original intention was to focus on a particular group of the Mullins surname that appears to descend from a common ancestor who first appears in the records of colonial Virginia in the late 1600s. Descendants believed to go back to this common ancestor represent a huge extended family with many branches that spread from the Tidewater region of old Virginia into the mountainous regions of the Appalachians and from there, into every state in the union. The believed progenitor (Matthew Mullins) first appears in existing records as an adult male on the Pamunkey Neck in the Tidewater Virginia County of King and Queen in the year 1699. Five males have been identified as probable sons of the immigrant--positive proof has only been established for one of these males, a son named William Mullins (born circa 1700), who died young (circa 1735) and left four known sons and two daughters. Descendants of this William Mullins have been identified for three of the sons. If you suspect that you are a direct male descendant from any of the branches of this line of Mullins (or associated surnames linked genetically to this line of Mullins), we hope you will consider joining this project.
By mid-2005 a subgroup had been identified who share the same genetic markers, but who carry a number of surnames—including Mullins. By late 2006, the project had enough evidence to re-name this group “Common ancestor in William Adkins of Early Virginia.” Associated surnames with this sub-group include: Mullins, Adkins, Atkins, Slone, Hall, & McGuire. There are likely to be others.
By 2007, the project had identified 3 genetically separate groups of Mullins, plus one genetically separate group that contains a number of Mullins, but who have a common ancestry with a number of surnames leading back to a common ancestor whose surname was Adkins. Additionally, at present, the project also contains DNA test results for 5 other Mullins men who currently stand alone and do not match with anyone else in the project database.
The project’s 2 co-administrators have agreed it is time to expand the project; and would welcome male participants who meet the new criteria:
1) You are a male bearing the Mullins surname or variants, whose ancestors are known or believed to be from the British Isles;
2) You are a male bearing the Adkins surname or variants, who know or believe their Adkins ancestry goes back to colonial Virginia, or the Cork area of Ireland, or you suspect that your direct male ancestry links to surnames the project has identified as genetically associated with an Adkins ancestry in colonial Virginia or Cork, Ireland;
3) You are a male whose Y-DNA matches with any of the project’s participants
The project has had numerous inquiries from individuals linked to these surnames, but whose connections represent either indirect male lines or maternal lines which prevent them from contributing their own DNA to the project. For interested people who fall under these categories, there is a way to help us move the project forward—by contributing to the project’s general fund. This can be done in any amount, and in a general way, or you may stipulate that XX amount is to be used on a specific lineage and surname. Contributions may be made anonymously, or you may also contribute in memory or in honor of a particular family member. The project has very effectively used monies from the general fund to find and partially fund a number of tests in the last few years—especially, individuals representing key lineages important in establishing a wide database.
If you would like to contribute to the general fund for the project, use this link:
By mid-2005 a subgroup had been identified who share the same genetic markers, but who carry a number of surnames—including Mullins. By late 2006, the project had enough evidence to re-name this group “Common ancestor in William Adkins of Early Virginia.” Associated surnames with this sub-group include: Mullins, Adkins, Atkins, Slone, Hall, & McGuire. There are likely to be others.
By 2007, the project had identified 3 genetically separate groups of Mullins, plus one genetically separate group that contains a number of Mullins, but who have a common ancestry with a number of surnames leading back to a common ancestor whose surname was Adkins. Additionally, at present, the project also contains DNA test results for 5 other Mullins men who currently stand alone and do not match with anyone else in the project database.
The project’s 2 co-administrators have agreed it is time to expand the project; and would welcome male participants who meet the new criteria:
1) You are a male bearing the Mullins surname or variants, whose ancestors are known or believed to be from the British Isles;
2) You are a male bearing the Adkins surname or variants, who know or believe their Adkins ancestry goes back to colonial Virginia, or the Cork area of Ireland, or you suspect that your direct male ancestry links to surnames the project has identified as genetically associated with an Adkins ancestry in colonial Virginia or Cork, Ireland;
3) You are a male whose Y-DNA matches with any of the project’s participants
The project has had numerous inquiries from individuals linked to these surnames, but whose connections represent either indirect male lines or maternal lines which prevent them from contributing their own DNA to the project. For interested people who fall under these categories, there is a way to help us move the project forward—by contributing to the project’s general fund. This can be done in any amount, and in a general way, or you may stipulate that XX amount is to be used on a specific lineage and surname. Contributions may be made anonymously, or you may also contribute in memory or in honor of a particular family member. The project has very effectively used monies from the general fund to find and partially fund a number of tests in the last few years—especially, individuals representing key lineages important in establishing a wide database.
If you would like to contribute to the general fund for the project, use this link: