Valentine's Day Sale! Family Finder only $59 + extra savings on bundles ! Now through Feb 17!


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About us

Surname Project open to men and women with suspected or known Montgomery ancestors. Men with a direct paternal Montgomery ancestor are highly encouraged to take both a YDNA and a Family Finder autosomal test to validate their Montgomery line. Men and women who have taken the Family Finder test whose suspected or known Montgomery ancestor is not on the direct male line are also encouraged to join. All new members are kindly requested to enter their tree in their profile. This helps other members of the project find their common ancestor with you. Note that if your closest Montgomery ancestor was more than 10 generations back, the Family Finder test will not detect a match with that common ancestor. Autosomal tests from other companies (, 23andMe, and MyHeritage) can be transferred to FTDNA in lieu of taking a Family Finder test. The Project seeks to discover relationships and validate ancestries and origins for Montgomery families worldwide. Free 37-marker YDNA tests are available to men with the MONTGOMERY (and variants) surname who have a proven family tree of at least 3 generations within Ireland or Scotland, and whose direct family line is not represented in the project already. Subject to approval by administrator. Apply by joining the project.