J2a-L26 Levant Matches

With Primary Focus on Subclades Downstream of J-L24
  • 1150 members

About us

The new developments in genetics are proceeding at a rapid clip!

Thanks to the fact that so many members have done advanced marker testing, Walk on the Y, Geno 2.O, Big Y and FGC Y-testing, not to mention lots of individual SNP explorations!  
We have established additional subclades of our main J2a-L24 branch and are contributing to genetic history...I have posted many new charts and other resources under LINKS...check it out!

This page may not be regularly updated but all group members hear from me directly about developments.  So, if you want to know more, please join up!  (How's that for a bribe?)

CAVEAT---I am a volunteer administrator, so I must admit that daily life often impinges into my research and analysis time! 

BIGY Results Focus in 2024:  No words can adequately summarize how much difference it makes to have BigY results for members.  We have learned over the years that
STR results (even at the 111 marker level but especially at lower levels) simply cannot provide the accuracy and specificity of the BigY data for finding times to 
common ancestors and identifying branches on the tree. (You gotta know your exact branch to know whose genealogy is most relevant to yours!)

Meanwhile, I am available for consultation, discussion or shipment of chocolate at any time: d

Deb Katz 
Pacific Beach CA USA