J2a-L26 Levant Matches

With Primary Focus on Subclades Downstream of J-L24
  • 1150 members

About us

The Levant Project's Primary Goal:  
To combine our personal genetic data and family histories with late-breaking news about our J2a-L26 haplogroup branch and its "brothers" to uncover our clan's likely travels over the last 500-10,000 years. Many of us are genealogists and even those who aren't are finding it fascinating to get this longer, bigger view of our families' history.

Along the way we:

1) Pool knowledge and research on relevant historical events and migrations

2) Pool knowledge and research on our individual genealogies to trace back our paternal line origins as far as possible

3) Promote advanced testing (higher marker numbers, SNP tests) in a strategic way to increase our insights into who connects to whom, how, when and why.

If you love history and finding your place in it...and are a genetic match with any of us---or want to take the DNA test to find out...please join!

Also, we work in close coordination with the J-L24 (J2a1h at ISOGG) project at FTDNA which is looking at the history, migration and subcategories of the larger haplogroup of which many in this project are also a part. We encourage you to join that project as well if you are downstream of the J-L24 branch since what they learn and determine will be relevant to you and your family as well.

Finally, there are some smaller projects housed within this one that represent special interests of members, who are connected to but not exclusively in the J2a haplogroup.

Debra Katz
Volunteer Administrator