Ireland yDNA

Irish Y-Chromosome project
  • 11237 members

About us

The aim of the Ireland yDNA Project is to:

1. Have a project for males of Irish descent, who are doing  y-chromosome DNA testing and have Irish ancestry on their own paternal line, especially for those who may not yet have a suitable surname project to join.

2. Create a database of yDNA of males with an Irish heritage on their paternal line, which can be utilized in Irish genealogical research, both personal and academic.

3. Encourage yDNA testers to join their own surname project or to create their own.

4. Encourage Ireland yDNA Project members to join the appropriate y-haplogroup projects in order to assist with ongoing research into the y-haplotree.

Note:The Ireland yDNA Project cannot accommodate entire clans/septs for membership as the numbers would be too great to handle. The Ireland yDNA Project is primarily for individuals looking for help in identifying their Irish origins on their own paternal line.