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ADMINISTRATIVE ACCESS: This project requires you to "Grant Limited Access" for administrators to your DNA kit results.

FTDNA's privacy and access policies require you to provide Group Project Administrators with documented permission to access your DNA kit results and data. Please access your settings for Group Projects and select "Grant Limited Access" for all group admins.

COMMUNICATION: Major Project News will be Announced via the Guthrie Genealogy website
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  A direct male descendant of a male Guthrie.
The type of DNA used for all surname projects is Y-DNA. This type of DNA is handed down from father to son virtually unchanged from generation to generation. This allows us to match individuals who share a common ancestry.

Females and descendants of female Guthries are not eligible to donate YDNA to the project because females do not have YDNA. They may certainly participate by recruiting their male Guthrie relatives to donate the DNA, or by participating in our Family Finder / Autosomal DNA Project.

Male adoptees whose biological fathers are of Guthrie ancestry are eligible to participate. Their Y-DNA would be Guthrie DNA.

STEP ONE:  Complete a Join Request.
This give us some basic information about your ancestry. Once an administrator has accepted your Join Request, you will be eligible for group DNA discounts at FTDNA. Joining the project indicates that you allow administrators to view your DNA results, assign you to a Family Group, and use the results in a collaborative process with the rest of the Guthrie DNA Project members.

STEP TWO: Purchase a DNA Test Kit.
Please purchase only the 37 or 111 marker test.  The Y-DNA of Guthries is quite homogenous.  Lines that are not genetically related have many of the same values in very limited tests. Even a 12/12 match between two Guthries does not mean they are related within a genealogical timeframe. More extensive testing reveals whether or not a shared genetic history exists.  

The 37-marker test results are usually detailed enough to accurately assign you to a matching GUTHRIE FAMILY GROUP. Individuals who do not currently match other members will be placed into an 'Unmatched Group' until such a time as more participants from your line join the project. If you have no idea if your Guthrie DNA belongs to one of the existing groups, then this level of testing is for you. Upgrade if you get matched with a group, or if you have a close match that would benefit from additional testing.

The Y-111 marker test provides higher quality results and more markers for comparison. Consider this level of testing if you are confident of achieving a positive match with a GUTHRIE FAMILY GROUP or the members of your known group are already participating in that level of testing. You must have other genetic matches who have also tested at the Y-111 marker level in order to have someone with whom to compare your data. 

STEP THREE: Complete your Test Kit.
FTDNA will send you the Test Kit. This is an easy cheek swab. Follow the test kit instructions. Send the kit back to the lab by mail. 

STEP FOUR: Wait for your Results.
Your results will take several weeks. In the meantime, you have access to your online personal page at FTDNA. Complete any contact info if you haven't already done so. You can also add some limited ancestral tree data, which your future genetic matches can view. This is helpful when you want to quickly check to see if you share a known common ancestor.

This is also a good time to brush up on your personal family research. Get ready to compare your data to possible future genetic matches. You should also be in touch with at least one of the group administrators. If you have known historical ties to one of the established Guthrie Family Groups, you can get a head start on comparing your traditional genealogy research while waiting for the DNA to be processed.

STEP FIVE: Interpreting your Results.
FTDNA will contact you with automated email results, and you'll receive whatever documentation goes with the DNA kit you purchased. The DNA results themselves will include a series of markers. These numbers don't mean much until you begin to compare them to other people in the project.

A link on your personal FTDNA Results Page will show you your Genetic Matches. These are other men who have DNA similar to yours. If you have selected to view ALL MATCHES you will probably see a long list of surnames other than Guthrie. These people are probably NOT related to you if your DNA is indeed Guthrie DNA. To begin with, you should focus only on genetic matches with others who are members of the Guthrie DNA Project. 

The link will show you a list of your Guthrie matches and separate them into groups representing their Genetic Distance to you. This is a number that indicates how many differences there are in your DNA compared to theirs. Using some tools provided by FTDNA, this number helps you estimate the length of time / number of generations separating you from your common Guthrie ancestor.

This is a good time to ask for some interpretation help from one of the group administrators. If your results match with a particular Guthrie Family Group, you'll be assigned to that group and your info will be linked to that area of the Y-DNA Report. 

If you do not match any of the established Guthrie groups, examine the details of your Matches page to see if there is any particular pattern. Does one surname stand out more than the rest? If so, this might be a clue. If not, discuss possibilities and recommendations with an admin.

STEP SIX: Collaboration.
Your FTDNA personal page includes contact information for all of your genetic matches. Participants from each group must work together to advance their research. Keep in mind that Guthrie DNA Project administrators do not conduct personal research on all of the Guthrie Family Groups. Naturally, they have more information on their own Guthrie Family Groups. Administrators will assist you with recommendations or provide general information on the Guthrie lines associated with other groups if that information is part of the project files.

STEP SEVEN: Consider DNA Test Kit Upgrades
Depending upon the number of markers you originally tested, you should consider upgrading to the next level if it will provide you or your Guthrie Family Group with additional information. If you tested 37 markers, but everyone else in your group is at 67, then it might be beneficial to upgrade to that level. Discuss it with your group coordinator if you have one. The upgrade to 111 markers should only be done if enough members of the group also upgrade so that you have info for comparison.


Both men and women of Guthrie ancestry may participate in our Autosomal DNA Project.

Autosomal DNA is inherited from both parents and encompasses any genetic material inherited from all of your family lines. This test is most accurate when discovering relatives whose most recent common ancestor with you is just a few generations away. 

STEP ONE:  Complete a Join Request.
This give us some basic information about your ancestry. Once an administrator has accepted your Join Request, you will be eligible for group DNA discounts at FTDNA. Joining the project indicates that you allow administrators to view your DNA results, assign you to a Family Group, and use the results in a collaborative process with the rest of the Guthrie DNA Project members.

STEP TWO: Purchase a DNA Test Kit - or - Transfer DNA Test Results

If you are purchasing your kit directly from FTDNA, buy a Family Finder test.

If you plan to transfer a kit from AncestryDNA, 23andMe, or HeritageDNA, follow the Autosomal Transfer instructions found on the FTDNA homepage link.

STEP THREE: Complete your Test Kit
FTDNA will send you the Test Kit. This is an easy cheek swab. Follow the test kit instructions. Send the kit back to the lab by mail. 

STEP FOUR: Wait for your Results.
Your results will take several weeks. In the meantime, you have access to your online personal page at FTDNA. Complete any contact info if you haven't already done so. You can also add some limited ancestral tree data, which your future genetic matches can view. This is helpful when you want to quickly check to see if you share a known common ancestor.

This is also a good time to brush up on your personal family research. Get ready to compare your data to possible future genetic matches. You should also be in touch with at least one of the group administrators. If you have known historical ties to one of the established Guthrie Family Groups, you can get a head start on comparing your traditional genealogy research while waiting for the DNA to be processed.

STEP FIVE: Interpreting your Results.
FTDNA will contact you with automated email results, and you'll receive whatever documentation goes with the DNA kit you purchased. The DNA results themselves will include a series of markers. These numbers don't mean much until you begin to compare them to other people in the project.

A link on your personal FTDNA Results Page will show you your Genetic Matches. These are other people with whom you share genetic segments.

A project admin will review your matches to people who have included GUTHRIE (and its spelling variants) on their Ancestral Surname lists. You will be provided an analysis of your Guthrie matches. In order to complete this, please provide a barebones outline of your Guthrie ancestry beginning with you and going back to your furthest proven ancestor.

STEP SIX: Collaboration.
Your FTDNA personal page includes contact information for all of your genetic matches. Participants from each group must work together to advance their research. Keep in mind that Guthrie DNA Project administrators do not conduct personal research on all of the Guthrie Family Groups. Naturally, they have more information on their own Guthrie Family Groups. Administrators will assist you with recommendations or provide general information on the Guthrie lines associated with other groups if that information is part of the project files.