
  • 153 members

About us

The Dennis Surname DNA Project helps researchers trace their Dennis lineage using Y-DNA testing.

Project Goals
1. To help researchers discover the Dennis lineage to which they belong, and connect with others from the same lineage.
2. To discover genetic connections between US Dennis lineages and those abroad, particularly those in Western Europe.
3. To discover genetic connections between the Dennis surname and variant surnames (Denis, Tennis, Tennison, etc).

Who is Eligible to Join?
The project uses Y-chromosome DNA test results. Therefore, only males with the Dennis surname, or a similar variant (Denis, Tennis, Tennison, etc.), are eligible. Female Dennis descendants, or non-Dennis males, can still participate in the project by locating a male Dennis relative (father, brother, uncle, cousin, etc.) and sponsoring them as a project participant.

Why Join the Project?
The obvious benefit is that your test results can help determine the Dennis lineage from which you are descended, but the same results can also show the Dennis lineages to which you are NOT closely related. This is equally important as it can limit the names and places you need to research. Y-DNA testing is especially valuable to those Dennis males who are of an unknown direct paternal lineage, and can be an incredibly useful starting point for your research.

Test Options
The Y-DNA test is the only relevant option for the purpose of this project. There are 5 levels of Y-DNA testing available (12 markers, 25 markers, 37 markers, 67 markers, and 111 markers). Testing more markers will yield more precise information about where you fit into your particular lineage. The 37 marker test (or higher) is recommended as this will help ensure a low number of insignificant matches commonly found at the 12 and 25 marker levels. There are also options that include a combination of Y-DNA with either mtDNA or Family Finder. If you have any questions about the best option, please contact the project administrator.

Disclaimer, Conditions, and Agreement
The Dennis Surname DNA Project has no commercial affiliation with any profit making organization and receives no compensation for services or expenses involved with the project. All funds are payable only and directly to FTDNA. The Dennis Surname DNA Project will not be the recipient nor steward of any DNA samples and has no responsibility for their care, handling or return to the participant, nor duty to act on behalf of the participant in mediation of any dispute between the participant and the FTDNA. While a match between two participants may indicate that they share a common male ancestor, it will not identify the specific ancestor and there is no guarantee that every participant will match another participant. By participation in the project, the participant agrees to all conditions of the project.