
  • 401 members

About us

Our preliminary analysis of Y-DNA results showed two major groupings Group 1 and Group 2, with a number of smaller groups, some of which fall between the two large groups, potentially forming a mutation bridge some time ago. Nothing has caused us to change this analysis
In 2015 we updated the analysis based on Generations to Most Recent Common Ancestor for those participants who have taken 37, 67 and 111 marker tests; the page shows all results in one list, regardless of the number of markers tested. The results at were current at July 2018 and is now obsolete.

In a relatively few cases it seems that some of us may have gained our name through our mother, or less likely, through adoption. 
In other cases the signatures appear to be solitary but close (several generations) to one or more of the groups. In this case we most likely do not have enough participants yet. 
Gratifyingly some have joined the project with derivatives of our name and shown a definite link e.g. Agin, while others have not yet been able to show such a link.

How to run the Autosomal DNA Results and Tools (Autosomal - all ancestors) for yourself
  • Log in to your FTDNA page
  • Click on any Tab and explore
How to run the YDNA Results and Tools (Paternal Matches) for yourself
  • Log in to your FTDNA page
  • Click on any Tab and explore
  • To the far right of the screen you will note a New Tab which is the FTDNATip Report - TMRCA ESTIMATOR          
How to run the BigY (Paternal Matches) for yourself
  • Log in to your FTDNA page
  • Click on any Tab and explore
How to run the mtDNA (Maternal Matches) for yourself
  • Log in to your FTDNA page
  • Click on any Tab and explore
New Groups have been set up to reposition participants and attempt to bring those who match closely together under a defined (SNP or BigY700) or predicted (NevGen) Haplogroup.