
FTDNA Winn Surname Project
  • 480 members

About us

Winn Surname Project welcomes participants with the surnames Winn, Wind, Wine, Winer, Winne, Winner, Winnie, Winning, Wyn, Wyne, Wynn, Wynne, Wynns, Wind, Winde, Wynd, Wynne, Wynne, Gwin, Gwinn, Gwynn, Gwynne, Guin, Guinn, Guynes, Guynn, Goin, Goins, Goines, Gowen, or other variation of spelling, for Y-DNA, mtDNA, and Family Finder DNA testing. We do not limit participants. If you have a Winn in your lineage we will place you in a group of Y-DNA, mtDNA, or Family Finder DNA results.

Do you have Winn/Wynn ancestors which you are seeking to verify with Y-DNA or autosomal DNA matches? Are you researching your Winn ancestors and have hit a brick wall? Join our Surname Project and help find the answers to these questions.

Please contact Group Administrator, Stephanie Miller, for additional information.