
  • 1499 members

About us


You have access to your DNA results and explanations of how to interpret them on your personal page.  You will need your kit number and password in order to access this page.  If you have not taken advantage of the many items here, take a few minutes to log in and explore the new displays of information.  Each of you has invested time and money in DNA testing, and hopefully you are taking every advantage it has to offer.

Please keep your e-mail address up to date on your personal page and also send it to one of your administrators to update your pedigree on our results web site.  We do not have the ability to alter your information on your FTDNA web page, so it is your responsibility to keep your mailing and e-mail addresses up to date.


The Walker project is in the forefront of sharing pedigrees of participants on a public web site so that we can share the information with a broader base of researchers.  We have thousands of female researchers and male Walker descendants of female Walkers who have no male family representative to have tested for Y-DNA, and the pedigrees and groups give them an opportunity to find family matches that would otherwise be unavailable to them.  Help us by sending in updates to your pedigree when you have new information, and if you have not yet sent in your pedigree for posting, make a New Year Resolution to send it to us so we can add it to the web site.


1.  Keep your e-mail address up to date.
2.  Send your pedigree for posting if it is not on the web site.
3.  Enter your ancestor information on your personal FTDNA page.
4.  Upgrade your marker numbers to 111 markers or do the Big Y-700 test.

Randy Walker
Suzanne Walker Hallstrom
Barbara Walker Good
David Walker

1. SUPPORT THE WALKER PROJECT WITH A CONTRIBUTION TO FUND Donations of any amount can be made to the Walker DNA project by clicking on the link at left. Any general funds donated will be used to fund select Walker DNA tests that will further our project as a whole. Donations can be specified for a particular Walker line if desired.
2. DISCLAIMER, CONDITIONS AND AGREEMENT The Walker Surname DNA Project organizers have no commercial affiliation with any profit making organization and receive no compensation for services or expenses involved with the project. At present, this web page is maintained for posting DNA results and pedigrees of participants who choose to make their information available. Although the Walker Project has arranged for discounts at FTDNA, that by no means suggests a business partnership or other relationship between the Project and the Laboratory. All funds are payable only and directly to the Laboratory. The Walker Project will not be the recipient nor steward of any DNA samples and has no responsibility for their care, handling or return to participant, nor duty to act on behalf of Participant in mediation of any dispute between the Participant and the Laboratory. While a match between two participants may indicate that they share a common male ancestor, it will not identify the specific ancestor and there is no guarantee that every participant will match another participant. By participation in the project, the participant agrees to all conditions of the Project.