
  • 1497 members

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The Walker project is for males with the Walker surname who have a direct line of descent from a Walker ancestor via the male line, i.e., father to son, only.  If you descend through a female Walker you are not eligible for the Y-DNA test which is the procedure for the project participants.

Exception will be made for those who are certain that they have an adoption in their male line, and who have reason to believe it may be through a Walker male.  You must provide information regarding this possibility to the group administrators to remain in the project.  A Y-DNA match of 12 markers, when additional markers have been tested, is not sufficient to indicate that you match a current Walker family group.


Capt. Richard Walker (1611-1687)
Funding is available to pay for a 111 marker y-dna test for any male Walker who can demonstrate lineal descent from Capt. Richard Walker (1611-1687) of Lynn, Massachusetts, through his son Shubael Walker (ca. 1639-1688/9) of Bradford, Massachusetts. Contact: Gene Walker,  email:   walker1637@comcast.net
A 37 marker Y DNA test kit will be provided for a male Walker who can show his descent from RENELDER WALKER, of Knox Co/Whitley Co., KY, preferably through Jesse Walker and his wife, Margaret Bishop of Whitley Co., KY. All of Renelder's other sons went to Missouri in the early 1800s. CONTACT: scperkins@gmail.com 
A YDNA kit will be provided for anyone who can prove descent from: Smith (A or K) Walker, born 27 Mar 1822 in North Carolina, died 4 Apr 1891 in Camden, Ray County, Missouri, married Eugenia Studdard, 18 August 1846, Stokes County, North Carolina.   For more information please  email   junebyr@gmail.com 
Hello. I am trying to track down a paternal line descendant of Richard “Indian Dick” Walker, and would be willing to pay for a YDNA test for someone with that lineage. 
I would also be willing to fund a DNA test for any descendant, as long as they can prove the genealogy.
I do not have much information about Richard, except what is known by his participation in the Treaty of 1819. He apparently had a son John that also received land in that same treaty.

If you are interested in applying for this free test, contact one of the Walker Group Administrators to get in touch with the donor.


I will pay for a 37 marker Y DNA test for a male Walker who can show his descent from James David Walker b. Abt. 1827 TN, d. after 1880; m. Margaret Ann Webb December 22, 1851 in Robertson Co, TN. Courtney sitnah@cox.net



Free DNA Test offer to a male participant descended from Isaac Newton Walker 1780-1840.  Contact one of the project administrators with your pedigree showing direct male descent from Isaac.
37 marker test available for proven descendant of “Indian Killer” JOHN WALKER of Blount Co., TN. Contact the project administrator if you qualify.
WILLIAM WALKER of Eastham, Barnstabe, Mass
If you are descended from WILLIAM WALKER of Eastham, Barnstable, Mass., born 1620 in Southwark, Surrey, England, we have an offer to pay for a 25 marker test, for anyone who can document his ancestry back to the Walkers of Eastham. Contact one of the volunteer administrators for information: BWGood@aol.com or walkerrs15@comcast.net

From Janis:  email contact:  rajanisg@earthlink.net:       I'd like to offer to pay for YDNA testing for male descendants of:

  • Samuel Allen Walker, b. abt 1785 VA, d. after 1860, probably in Nebraska. Lived in Macoupin County, Illinois, and Rock Island County, Illinois. Married 1) Unknown and 2) Nancy Thompson
  • Jacob Walker, b. abt 1793 GA, d. March 1855 Macoupin Co IL. Married Agnes McLean.
  • Phillip V. Walker, b. abt 1812 TN, d. abt 1865, Macoupin Co IL. Married Francis Best.
  • John L. Walker, b. abt 1811 TN, d. after 1880. Lived in Macoupin Co IL. Married 1) Elizabeth Scroggins and 2) Lavina 
  • Elijah Walker, b. abt 1817 TN, d. after 1850, possibly in El Dorado Co CA (never went home to IL--perhaps simply deserted his wife and has descendants in CA?] Married Charity Dove.
  • John M. Walker, b. 1814, Dickson Co TN, d. 1884 Macoupin Co IL. Married 1) Dinah Moore and 2) Harriet Gaskill.
  • James Walker, b abt 1818 TN, d. 1872, Macoupin Co IL. Married Mary Bentley.
  • Archalaus C. Walker, b. abt 1819 KY, d. 1887 Barton Co MO. Married 1) Mary Sawyer and 2) Elizabeth
  • Aaron Walker, b. abt 1819 KY, d. March 1880, Macoupin Co IL. Married Nancy A. Best.
  • Jacob Walker, b. abt 1822 TN, d. after 1870. Married Martha Ann Spence.
  • Joseph Walker, b. abt 1823 TN, d. after 1880, probably in Macoupin Co IL. Married Barbara Weincil/Wentzel.
  • Samuel A. Walker, b. abt 1832 IL, d after 1910. Married Eliza Ann Ward. Lived in Macoupin County, Illinois.



1. The Walker Surname DNA Project was created to establish a database of Walker DNA haplotypes to determine which Walker lineages share a common ancestor. The project was started in 2001 and almost fifty genetic groups have already been formed. We are one of the largest surname projects at FTDNA with over 500 participants. Our project is open to any male Walker or man believing that he is descended from a Walker male. Participants have come from all parts of the USA, and Canada, Scotland, and England. We would welcome more participants, particularly from the British Isles, which is believed to be the largest source of our name and original ancestors. Family Tree DNA (FTDNA), affiliated with Dr. Michael Hammer and the University of Arizona, will be testing the Y-chromosome for genetic matches between males. Since the Y-chromosome is passed down through an unbroken male lineage (father to son to son, etc.), you must be a male with the Walker surname to participate. In order for a female to participate, she must recruit a male on her father's side -- her father, brother, cousin, uncle, etc. DNA testing will identify others who are a match to your DNA indicating that you both descend from a Common Ancestor (referred to as MRCA, Most Recent Common Ancestor). The DNA will not identify the specific person, but your DNA placing you in a common family group is an adjunct to your regular genealogical paper research. Please visit the FTDNA web site for more information and an explanation of Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA). A link to Most Frequently Asked Questions is at the left of this page.

2. FINDING YOUR WAY AROUND THE WEB SITE Find Y-DNA and mt-DNA results by selecting their respective buttons at the top of the page. For PEDIGREES of Y-DNA participants, select RESULTS. We have placed the pedigrees in groups of closely matching individuals that correspond to the group numbers on the Y-DNA results. All of the pedigrees are on one page which you can search easily by using your search engine. Enter either the Group number i.e. GROUP-9, in your search finder, or search the page for name, location, kit number etc. Read our Goals and News sections to learn more about our project and to see what the latest pedigree additions are to the web site. You can participate in the Walker DNA Project by joining as a male Y-DNA descendant, sponsor a male descendant in your family, or contribute to the General Fund to help fund testing of additional Walker participants. You are also welcome to order your mt-DNA test or other DNA tests through the group pricing benefit of the project.