DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.


and many other related spellings
  • 107 members

About us

A Surname Project allows people from all over the world with the same or similar surname to use DNA markers to determine the roots of their surname and reunite family groups.

We welcome all spelling variations of the name. We'd like to have several men from every line tested. We are short of that goal on most lines!

We recommend that males of the Treece (or variant) surname do a y-DNA test of at least 37 markers. There may be special pricing and possible subsidy available through the project. Project administrators are here to answer your questions and assist in any way necessary. Don't hesitate to contact us!

A few project members have tested Y-DNA 12 markers only. Please consider upgrading to at least y-DNA 37 markers. It will make your results more meaningful. Upgrades are usually as simple as ordering the new test (often no need to re-test). Contact us if you are uncertain.

If you haven't already included the oldest known ancestor in your profile, please do so. It would also be helpful if you included a location and time period. Your ancestry will help you and others know how we are related! Important toward our goals!