DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.


and many other related spellings
  • 107 members

About us

This project is intended to complement genealogical work on the Treece family (and other spelling variants - there are quite a few). We hope to prove or disprove theories regarding our ancestors.  There are a number of lineages of the surname, and a large portion of the Treeces in the United States appear to have come to the US from Germany, the patriarch arriving around 1733, and at the time, the name was Dries or Driess.  Some of the participants are striving to unwind puzzles of their own paper trail and DNA, where facts don't match, and new participants assist those folks in their quest.

There are other Treece lineages, and those may be British, Australian, Irish or others.  Help us figure it out!

We want to identify others who are related and to unite families around the globe. We invite you to participate in the Treece surname DNA project.

Mary Lou and Jef, the current project admins, wrote a book in 2016 that combines the genealogy of Andreas Driess with DNA findings. You can download that book here in PDF, suitable for paperless viewing or for printing on your own printer and binding however you wish. in this folder, you will find all of the relevant files. There is a readme file that explains what everything is. Click here (takes you to drobox, where you can view or download the files).

Select the Y-DNA RESULTS tab to see the comparison of "markers".  Contact us if you wish to participate, or simply have some interesting information!  Donations to the project are welcome, and any funds collected will be used for ordering additional tests.