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  • 1773 members

About us

JET Updated on 1-16-2024

Background & Project Admin


The Taylor Family Genes Project -- with more than 1,700 members was started in late 2003.

From the 1,230 Y DNA tests 1,116 YDNA are at a level of at least 37 markers.

Statistic Type                       Count 

Y-DNA Tests - all levels             1230

Y-DNA  - 37 , 67 & 111             1116

Big Y                                         294

Combined GEDCOMs Uploaded    149

Total Members                          1737

We focus on Taylor-surname lines, including members who may be biological Taylors but do not

Project Admin

Project administrators are volunteers who are not employed or paid by FTDNA 

In order for the project admin team to help you, we recommend that you:

  • Fill out a complete profile (see Next tab: Goals and What you as a member need to do.)

  • Upload a Gedcom (family tree)  

As project administrators, we provide the following assistance to members of the TAYLOR surname project on Y-DNA matches: 

  1. Once you have received a Y-DNA test result we look for matches within one of 129 established Haplogroups and classify your test results as a match or unmatched within one of these Haplogroups. Based on the volume received, we do these groupings 2-3 times a year.

  1. These results show up under the TAYLOR surname DNA results Tab.

We should note that some matches on your individual Y-DNA match page may not be included in the DNA results tab for several reasons:

  • Your individual match may not have joined the TAYLOR surname project 

  • Some individuals join the project but opt out of sharing or their results being displayed 

  • There may be a time lag between getting your result and our classification process

  • Some of your matches may be too distant in our judgment to include.

We do not provide any analysis or information concerning Family Finder matches or mtDNA matches, but we encourage you to communicate with your matches as part of your own research.