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Sheldon DNA Project

  • 240 members

About us

SEVERAL of the Original Project Goals have been met:

The goals of this project are:

1) Identify the DNA of the original 4 or 5 Colonial Sheldons. DONE
2) Determine if any of the original 4 or 5 Colonial Sheldons are related. DONE
3) Assist members in proving their relationship to one or more of the 4 or 5 original Colonial Sheldons. ONGOING
4) Determine the English ancestry of the original 4 or 5 original Colonial Sheldons. THIS HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED FOR GROUP A which includes descendants of Godfrey, John of Providence and Richard  ONGOING for Group B, C etc
5) Encourage greater participation in the SFADNA project by our members and our English cousins. ONGOING


1) Identification of Branch Related SNPS to help in identification of unattached SHELDONS