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Sheldon DNA Project

  • 240 members

About us

Our success to date:
  • Combining 3 SHELDON immigrants to America:  Godfrey of Maine,  John of Providence and Richard as yet unknown into YDNA Group A and furthermore connecting them via DNA to a tester from Derbyshire, England !!! This confirms the written genealogy that many had claimed for SHELDON origins and for descendants of all of the above is confirmed.
  • We have disproven the connection between Isaac SHELDON of Windsor CT and the SHELDONS of Derbyshire, England.
  • Group B has successfully connected Isaac of Windsor CT and John of Kingston, RI have common heritage.  It is hoped that further YDNA testing in England will allow us to connect this group to its geographic homeland.
  • We have established 6 distinct DNA lines in Warwickshire, England.