
  • 912 members

About us

The Ross Family DNA Project seeks to use DNA analysis to enable Ross families to determine if they share a common ancestor with other Ross families.   For ease of developing this page, the family name “Ross” is used to describe the project.  Please be assured that this project is for all derivatives of the name (Ross, Rose & Ros)

The project will:

  • Develop a table of genetic patterns of all Ross Families so that Ross researchers can determine whether their families have a common ancestor with other Ross families
  • Encourage Ross researchers to submit DNA samples.
  • Share the results with all participants in the project and make the results publicly available on the internet with appropriate considerations for privacy of participants

We need representatives from YOUR line.  Please find someone from your tree who qualifies and submit a test as soon as you can!  We recommend testing as many YDNA markers as you can, 111 markers are best.

Contact co-administrators of this project with any questions.

We need tests from documented descendants of:

1) George Ross, b. 1769 (father of George Ross, signer of the US Declaration of Independence)

2) Harriet Ross Tubman (of historic fame) to test.  Harriet Tubman's grandfather was Martin Ross and her parents were Ben Ross (c1785-1871) and and 
Harriets Greene (c1795-1880).  Some of her siblings changed their names to Stewart.  Her siblings possibly were Linah Ross (1808), Mariah "Ritty" Ross (1811), Soph Ross (1813), Robert Ross (1816, became John Stewart), Henry Ross (1821, became William Stewart), Ben Ross (c1823, became James Stewart), Rachel Ross (1825) and Moses Ross (1832).

3) Chief John Ross of Cherokee Trail of Tears fame.

4) Clan Ross of Balnagown

5) The family of Charles Brewster "Charley" Ross (1870) who was kidnapped in 1874 for ransom and was never recovered.