
Y-DNA Surname Project
  • 861 members

About us

2002 Jan/Feb:  the Rose DNA Project was opened under the leadership of Christine (CICIARELLI) ROSE.  David W. BROWN was the DNA project's first administrator.

2002 Nov 8:  by at least this date, FTDNA was offering 25-marker Y-DNA STR tests.

2004 Apr 28:  by at least this date, FTDNA was offering 37-marker Y-DNA STR tests.

2006 Mar 20:  by at least this date, FTDNA was offering 67-marker Y-DNA STR tests.

2011 Apr 10:  by at least this date, FTDNA was offering 111-marker Y-DNA STR tests — an offering generated by pleas from the Haplogroup R1b-M269 community as coincidental matches at 67 markers were becoming common in what is, by far, the most common haplogroup in Western Europe and the British Isles.

2011 Nov 11:  David W. BROWN passed away. 

2012 May 7:  the project came under the management of Marcia BROWN and Nora PROBASCO; the new administrators displayed and grouped test results on the project's FTDNA web site. 

2015 Jul 31:  Marcia BROWN left as administrator; Nora PROBASCO remained as the sole administrator.

2017 Feb 21:  Nora PROBASCO resigned due to health concerns. Diana Gale MATTHIESEN became project administrator.  

2017 Mar 2:  the format of the FTDNA website was updated to the newer, more graphical "groups" interface,which includes an "Activity Feed" allowing semi-private communication between project members.  

2017 Mar 2/3:  At this time, the existing ROSE project had nearly a thousand members with several hundred who were not strictly eligible for a Y-DNA (men only) project dedicated to surname ROSE.  There membership was of little use to them and of no use to the project.  In fact, carrying these hundreds of additional members on the roster was a burden to the project that only made managing the project more difficult.  So began a process of purging the membership roster of women, men whose ROSE ancestor was not on their Patrilineal line, and men with only "ROSE-like" surnames, ones that deserved projects of their own.  So as not to leave the latter adrift, Diana began a process of opening or adopting — and now running — projects for them.

2017 Mar 11:  The orphaned ROSENTHAL project was adopted.

2017 Mar 13:  The ROSA, ROSEN/Etc., ROSENBAUM, ROSENBERG, and ROSENFELD projects were opened.

2017 Mar 16:  The ROOSE project was adopted and refocused as the Dutch ROOSE/ROOSA project.

2017 Mar 18:  The ROUSE project was opened.

2017 Mar 21:  The abandoned LAROSE project was re-opened. 

2017 May 2:  The ROSIER/ROZIER project was opened by Betty LEE as Administrator and Diana Gale MATTHIESEN as Co-Administrator.

2019 Jun/Jul: Timothy Rose becomes Administrator; Cherie Ohlsson becomes Co-Administrator.

2019 Aug 31: Restrictions on membership in the group are removed.

2019 Aug. 31: The Rose and Ross Projects are working together. People from either project are welcome in the other project.

If you are one of the surnames above who got purged from the ROSE project, and would like to rejoin the Rose project, you are free to do so.