
Y-DNA Surname Project
  • 859 members

About us


Welcome to the Rose SurnameY-DNA Project!

Introduction . . .

If your surname is ROSE, ROSA, ROSEN,ROSENTHAL, ROSENBAUM, ROOSA, ROOSE, ROUSE, ROZE. RUOSE, DeROSE, LaROSE and anyother ROSE surname derivative, you are most welcome to join this Y-DNA surnameproject. You do not need permission to join as in years past.

If you are a malenot surnamed ROSE, but are finding you are genetically matching one closely,you are also welcome in the project.  You may have an NPE, or Non-PaternalEvent in your patrilineal line, and I will be happy to help you determineif that is the case.

If your surname isROSS, know that there is some genetic overlap between Rose’s and Ross’s in theProjects Family Group G. Again, you are welcome to join.

Remember, only males have the Y-chromosome, so only malescan participate. For females to participate in a male Y-DNA project, youwill need to find a male relative who is willing to be tested on behalf of yourline — as long as your email address is included on his member account, you canshare access to the account.

But first, a word . . .

The Project Administrator and Co-Administratorsof this Project are unpaid volunteers and do not represent vendors nor do theyreceive special benefits. The Project Administrator is always yourprimary contact. Co-Administrators are listed as a backup if somethinghappens to the Project Administrator. The Project Administrator will providehis email and cell phone number if you prefer to converse rather than email ortext. Always, always, always include your kit number when you correspondwith the Project Administrator.

Data sharing . . .

Progress ingenetic genealogy, just like progress in historical paper genealogy, isdependent on the sharing of information.  So, to participate meaningfully,kit managers will need to share at least their earliest patrilineal lineancestor, preferably including the upload of a GEDCOM of their patrilineal lineancestry.  You will also need to sign the Release Form thereby allowingdisplay of your results and set your privacy options to share results. While sharing of results and ancestry are obviously necessary for a Y-DNAsurname project to fulfill its purpose, your identity and email address willnever be put on public display or revealed by the Project Administrator. 

ProjectGoal . . .

The primary goal of this project is to use Y-DNA testing tools, both STR and SNP,to prove historically documented genealogy of its Rose (and Rose surnamederivatives) project members. As such, FTDNA pages such as the Project’s ColorizedSpreadsheet and the Haplogroup Tree that the Project Administrator keepsare living documents. In other words, it is constantly being revised asnew test results and other information becomes available. The Project Administratorwill email the Project’s Haplogroup Tree as may be required. FTDNA updates dataand apart from notifying kit owners of matches, does not notify kitmembers or Project Administrators when it does so. Therefore, it is up tothe individual kit manager to check in from time to time to see if thereare any pertinent updates to their kits.

It is crucial that you provide a documented, proven historicalfamily tree to the Project Administrator to take advantage of what thisProject has to offer. The Project Administrator uses your Y-DNA results to geneticallyverify your historically proven family tree. See item 3C, below.

This is a Y-DNA haplogroup project. Y-DNA testing is used to verify the tester’s patrilinealline of descent. Actively participating involves Y SNP testing. Note that SNPtesting is required to be assigned to a confirmed haplogroup. STR testing can only give you your predicted haplogroup. You need to have a confirmed haplogroup to beplaced on the Project’s Haplogroup Tree.

FTDNA provides a method to download genetictesting you may have had done at one of its competitors for a fee.

As noted above. this projectattempts to link a historically proven ancestor of akit owner to that of a particular Haplogroup / Family Group. In order for youto take maximum benefit of the time and money you have invested into DNAtesting, it is crucial that kit owners, 1) share their patrilineal(direct male line) ancestry back to their earliest known ancestor with theproject, (2) sign the Release Form that comes with their kit allowingmatching and sharing, and (3) set the sharing of their results (nottheir identity) to "Anyone" on the "Privacy & Sharing"tab of their member page.  Otherwise, their test results will not appearon the Project Results page here at the FamilyTreeDNA web site.

Y-DNA STR testing of the maleY-chromosome is a powerful tool for identifying geneticallyrelated men with a common ancestor on their patrilineal line (self, father, grandfather,etc.).  It can confidently support your membership in your own family andfirmly separate you from other, non-related families.  Y-DNA testing is successfulin helping to break down brick walls and debunk errors in paper genealogy.

Testing . . .

BigY-700 is this project’s preferred test, and although expensive at $449 regular price (as ofthis writing), it is put on sale at various times throughout the year.(Upgrades are less depending upon your current level of testing). . It is a NextGeneration Sequencing (NGS) test that discovers new SNPs by scanning over 14.5million locations on the Y chromosome. A tremendous benefit is you willdiscover SNPs for just your paternal lineage as well as identify ancient SNPsthat you may share with many, many other people. Big Y-700 testingcan discover SNPs that are pertinent to the genealogical timeframe, the last couple of hundred years. Big Y-700 nowincludes Y111 STR markers in the product along with up to 700"bonus" STRs. The Big Y learning web site has more details. 

In this Project. SNP information is overlayed over a “paper”documented family tree to produce a descendant chart as noted in Figure 1,below. You should be able to see that lines of descent in this Family Groupchart is proven out with the confirmed haplogroup R-BY-17120 and one of itssubclades, R-FT20609. You can see the necessity of having proven family treesand SNP (Big Y) testing.

If youcannot afford Big Y-700 testing, please upgrade to 111 Y STRs(Short Tandem Repeats). Our subclades are young soextended STRs are helpful to discern between subgroups potential relatives.Even if you have very few matches, upgrading occasionally picks up missingmatches as well as refines matches. More STRs is a good investment in thematching database.

Stepsto Take . . .

1. You must have a Y-DNA test result with Family Tree DNA(FTDNA). All members must order a test with STRs or they will not appear on theproject reports and in the Y matching system.

2. To join this project click on JOIN in the graphic banner at thetop of this page and login with your FTDNA account kit number and password. Youdo not need permission to join the Project as in years past.

Update your FTDNA account bygoing to MANAGE PERSONAL INFORMATION. This is critical to finding potentialrelatives and origins. We must share data to be successful. I recommend usingthe tested person's last name as the Contact Last Name. If the kit owner isdifferent than the tester, please use the First Name field to include"c/o" and the kit owner's full name (for mailing purposes).

3A. Go to PRIVACY & SHARING to checkthe below settings or you will not be apart of analyses.

·        Matching Preferences/Y DNA - All Levels

·        Origin Sharing - Opt in to Sharing

·        Project Sharing/Group Profile - Opt in toSharing

check Advanced or LimitedAccess for the project administrators. We can'thelp you if not we are not granted at least Limited Access. Do not forget tocheck the box for future administrators too.

3C. Go to GENEALOGY to 
update your Paternal Ancestor. Enter only information that is notspeculative. This cannot be stressedstrongly enough. Example: “James Welch, b.c.1812, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland”. Enteryour COUNTRY or leave blank if you do not know. Do not enter "U.S."unless truly of Native American paternal lineage. Please try to be specific ifUNITED KINGDOM; pick either ENGLAND, IRELAND, NORTHERN IRELAND, SCOTLAND, orWALES. Use current country borders so use NORTHERN IRELAND if accurate even ifthe ancestor predated its formation. Update the map location.

check your Contactinformation. for a beneficiary. Share information with yourbeneficiary.

4. Become familiar with the Activity Feed and ask questions there.