
  • 594 members

About us

January 2013:  The Oxfordshire DNA Project formed.

April 2013: Public launch.

New DNA linking service for Oxfordshire

Are you a female looking for a male cousin who could share costs on a yDNA test? Do you have Oxfordshire ancestry but can’t find many DNA matches and want to appeal for more Oxfordshire cousins to come forward?

OXSIL (the Oxfordshire Surname Interest List) in conjunction with Oxfordshire Family History Society has launched a new DNA section, where those with Oxfordshire ancestry can appeal for others to help them. Go to  http://www.oxsil.org.uk/ and select the DNA tab or the news story on DNA at the top of the home page.

Once you have found a match and ordered a test, do come back and join the Oxfordshire DNA project at www.familytreedna.com/public/Oxfordshire so everyone can benefit from your ‘matchmaking’.

Of course, you can also use OXSIL for its original purpose too, which is registering your surname interest if you are seeking other researchers of families in a given Oxfordshire town/city/village.