Valentine's Day Sale! Family Finder only $59 + extra savings on bundles ! Now through Feb 17!

Milam, Mileham, Milum

  • 83 members

About us

During 2017 we were fortunate to recruit an additional 17 Englishmen bringing our totals to 26 British men and 57 Americans. To begin, I would like to share with you an article which we prepared to explain as simply as possible the basics of genetic genealogy because it is can at first be confusing:  

We now know that there are at least six genetically distinct “MILAM” families in Great Britain. Fifteen of our British men are indeed related to one American in our Project whose oldest know ancestor was a William Mileham, born ~ 1756 in the Colony of Pennsylvania. However, we still have not found any British man genetically related to the other fifty-six of our American members who are descendants John and Thomas Milam of Colonial Virginia in the mid-1700s. Most of our Y-DNA results are displayed in this table:   

You may contact a project Administrator with any questions: .