Valentine's Day Sale! Family Finder only $59 + extra savings on bundles ! Now through Feb 17!


  • 140 members

About us

Welcome to the MAIN/MAINE/MAYNE worldwide DNA project. Anyone with any of the many variations of the surname listed is invited to participate. The project was started December 2004 and we have already made some very interesting and exciting discoveries. Reportedly the surname can be English, Scottish, Dutch-Flemish, French, Scandinavian or German in origin. We have project members living in seven different countries: England, 20 of the United States, Australia, Canada, Germany, South Africa and Chile. Two major lines are now represented, two other small groups have appeared and twenty some individuals are seeking their first match. For the purposes of the DNA project we are using the Y-DNA test, which tells you about your direct male line, that is, your father, your father's father, your father's father's father, and so on back in time.