Knowles Surname DNA Project

Knowles / Knoles / Noles (all spellings are welcome)
  • 286 members

About us

There are more than 150+ Knowles (all spellings) progenitors in the United States, Great Britain (England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales), Northern Ireland, Scandinavia and Australia; i.e., men named Knowles who are the oldest identified ancestor for a specific Knowles family.   The primary goal for the Knowles Surname DNA Project is to establish the Y-DNA profile for each of these progenitors.  Once the DNA profile is established for a particular progenitor the test results will;

1)  permit confirmation for genealogies that lack total proof via primary source documents and

2)  help establish the progenitor for Knowles families who have been unable to determine the Knowles progenitor due to the lack of traditional genealogical documentation.