Jewish Q

A genetic genealogy community and collaboration
  • 475 members

About us

Join the conversation! We have a Facebook group for our project members.

When this group was first organized we discovered a group of us of Ashkenazi Jewish (Eastern European Jews) were Y-DNA Haplogroup Q which at the time was considered to have originated in Siberia. We wanted to know how this could be and we started this group to find out what we all had in common. We were originally one of the few groups focused on Jewish men and so we invited any Jewish person to join our group if they were interested in our common ancestral origins.

This group is specific to the branches of Q that are found in any and all Jewish Diaspora populations from Ashkenazi Jews in Europe to Yemeni Jews in Africa. While many people with these lineages may not be practicing the Jewish faith today, we come together to explore our common history and heritage.

Note: There is a bigger Y-DNA Haplogroup Q-M242 Project that welcomes all Qs, and we encourage all the members of this group to join that one as well. If you have Jewish ancestry on your direct paternal line, please also join the Avotaynu DNA project. Through these two projects, Adam Brown and Rebekah Canada are doing active research to explore and document the Jewish Q lineages including when they entered the Jewish Diaspora populations.