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I1 Z17954 [xDF29] YDNA Project

  • 204 members

About us

Branch SNPs

Z17954 > Z131/S249,Z132, A8100, A8283, A9606, FGC37297, S2303Z17936,S2504/Z17937 are Branch YSNPs found down from I1-M253 on the Haplogroup-I1 Tree, but upstream from the DF29 Branch.

The main Project SNPs include: A13821, A8081, A8082, A8099, A8100, A8101, A8283, A8775, A9178, A9606, A9638, CTS5510, CTS6397, FGC37297, S2303, S2304, S2315, S2320, Z131, Z132, Z16216, Z17923, Z17924, Z17925, Z17926, Z17928, Z17942, Z17943, Z17949 Z17954

Almost all the dozens of A-series SNPs that populate the part of the I1-M253 Tree between M253 and DF29, have been discovered and registered by this Project.

It is Project Members that make this Project a success. Without the testing of Y-genome and Whole Genome products, this Project would not have discovered the A-series SNPs that now populate those Branches.

This list of SNPs will be updated on this Project as more Y-sequencing results data is analysed by this Project, and as new SNPs are discovered on Z17954 Branches.