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I2a Y-Haplogroup

  • 4918 members

About us

Due to constant updates in the ISOGG numbering of subclades, our approach is to follow Ken Nordtvedt's "Founders Haplotypes for Y- Haplogroup I Varieties and Clades" chart to identify the various subclades of our I2a group. Ken basically uses SNP numbers with further breakdowns according to his research findings. These SNP numbers won't be changing, (might have new snp's added later) but this will be a more stable reference of our various subclades. Here's the link to his homepage: Ken's homepage see "FounderHaps.xls" for his chart which shows modals of each subclade.

All known I2a men can be placed in one of these five subgroups:

I2a1 (also called I-M26, nicknamed "sardinian")

I2a2 (also called I-M423, includes Dinaric, Disles and Isles)

I2a3 (now called I-L1286, includes Alpine group and the I-L233 groups Western and West Isles).

I2a4 (also called I-L880, nicknamed "Northern France").


As of  January 01, 2015, current members of I2a have been placed in the following subclades:

Clades.....subclades........number of haplotype

...I2a1 (I-F1915) M26+ F1915+ L247-) ........................................................................................................................4

...I2a1 (I-L247) M26+ F1915+ L247+ (Castro need L247 test).....................................................................................6

...I2a1 (I-L672 '19-22')M26+L672+L160- PF6947- DYS413 = 19,22..........................................................................16

...I2a1 (I-l672 'France') M26+L672+L160- PF6947- DYS391=9 DYS425=null ..........................................................25

...I2a1 (I-L672 'generic')M26+L672+L160- all are likely PF6947-...............................................................................19

...I2a1 (I-PF6947) M26+ L672+ PF6947+ L160- .......................................................................................................17

...I2a1 (I-L672)M26+L672+L160 status unknown, Geno 2.0 or L160 or PF4088 recommended, email for advice ...53

...I2a1b (I-L160) M26+L672+L160+ Geno 2.0 or PF4088 recommended email admins for advice...........................72

..I2a1b (I-L160) M26+L672+L160+ Z118- Geno 2.0 or PF4088 or PF6950 recommended, email ...23

...I2a1b (I-F1295*) M26+ L672+ L160+ F1295+ PF6950-  ........................................................................................3

..I2a1b (I-PF6950) M26+L672+L160+F1295+PF6950+ ............................................................................................6

..I2a1b (I-PF4088* 'DYS425=10') M26+ L672+ L160+ PF4088+ CTS11338- we recommend CTS8386 ..................8

...I2a1b (I-PF4088* 'DYS462=13') M26+L672+L160+PF4088+CTS11338- 111 markers recommended...................7

...I2a1b (I-PF4088*)M26+ L672+ L160+ PF4088+ some are CTS11338- F168- others need CTS11338 or Geno.20 ..41

...I2a1b (I-PF4189)M26+L672+L160+PF4088+CTS11338+PF4189+PF4190- .........................................................7

...I2a1b (I-PF4190) M26+L672+L160+PF4088+CTS11338+PF4189+PF4190+ Casula and Winter are PF4393+....3

..I2a1b..(I-CTS787)M26+L672+L160+PF4088+CTS11338+CTS787+ but Z118- ......................................................2

...I2a1b..(I-Z118)M26+L672+L160+PF4088+CTS11338+CTS787+Z118+Z106- ......................................................5


...I2a2 'Dinaric' ..L621>CTS10228 and also S17250- ,need Y4460 or Z17855 test (I-CTS10228)............................ 22

...I2a2 'Dinaric' ..L621>CTS10228 and also S17250- ,Y4460- ,Z17855- (I-CTS10228*)-.......................................... 2

...I2a2 'Dinaric' ..L621>CTS10228>S17250 and also Y4882- Z16971- Z16983- ( I-S17250*)...................................14

...I2a2 'Dinaric' ..L621>CTS10228>S17250 need Y4882 , Z16971, Z16983 or BigY test ( I-S17250).......................20

...I2a2 'Dinaric' ..L621>CTS10228>S17250>P61 ( need Y4882 or Z16971 test, almost all Dinaric are P61-)............1

...I2a2 'Dinaric' ..L621>CTS10228>S17250>Y4882 (I-Y4882)...................................................................................30

...I2a2 'Dinaric' ..L621>CTS10228>S17250>Z16971>A2423 (I-A2423) .....................................................................2

...I2a2 'Dinaric' ..L621>CTS10228>S17250>Z16971>A815 (I-A815) .........................................................................2

...I2a2 'Dinaric' ..L621>CTS10228>S17250>Z16983/A356 (I-Z16983/A356) ............................................................14

...I2a2 'Dinaric' ..L621>CTS10228>Y4460 and also Y3118- S8201- (I-Y4460*)..........................................................2

...I2a2 'Dinaric' ..L621>CTS10228>Y4460 need Y3118 or S8201 test (I-Y4460) .......................................................6

...I2a2 'Dinaric' ..L621>CTS10228>Y4460>S8201 (I-S8201)......................................................................................12

...I2a2 'Dinaric' ..L621>CTS10228>Y4460>Y3118 (I-Y3118).......................................................................................8

...I2a2 'Dinaric' ..L621>CTS10228>Z17855 (I-Z17855)................................................................................................2

...I2a2 'Dinaric' ..L621>CTS10228>Z17855>A1221 (I-A1221).....................................................................................2

...I2a2 "Dinaric-N" (I-CT10228) we recommend S17250 test......................................................................................287

...I2a2 "Dinaric-S" (I-CTS5966) we recommend Z16983 test......................................................................................109

...I2a2 'Disles' (I-L621) M423+ L621+ (CTS4002, CTS10936, CTS11768 status unknown).......................................5

...I2a2 'Disles A' (I-L621) ..M423+ L621+ but CTS4002- CTS10936- CTS11768-......................................................4

...I2a2 'Disles B' (I-CTS10936) ..M423+ L621+ CTS4002+ CTS10936+ CTS11768+ but CTS5966- CTS10228-....18

...I2a2b (I-A1150) 'Isles-B3' and others, L161+ L1498+, recommend A1150 test......................................................9

...I2a2b (I-L1498) 'Isles-B1' L161+ L1498+ S2703+ S2742+ A1514+.........................................................................27

...I2a2b (I-L1498) 'Isles-B2a' and misc. Isles B, all L161+ L1498+ recommend S2703 SNP test...............................26

...I2a2b (I-L1498) 'Isles-B4', L161+ L1498+, recommend CTS4122 test ...................................................................4

...I2a2b (I-L1498) 'Isles-B5', L161+ L1498+ S2703-, email ...............................................8

...I2a2b (I-L1498) 'Isles-C/D Todd Cluster" L161+ L1498+ ........................................................................................8

...I2a2b (I-L1498) 'Isles-C1' L161+ L1498+, recommend Big Y, FGC14453 or 67 markers......................................23

...I2a2b (I-L1498) 'Isles-C2' L161+ L1498+ additional Big Ys recommended............................................................26

...I2a2b (I-L1498) 'Isles-C-like but FGC14553-".........................................................................................................2

...I2a2b (I-L1498) 'Isles-D1' L161+ L1498+ email  for advice.......................................... 15

...I2a2b (I-L1498) 'Isles-D2' L161+ L1498+ we recommend FGC7217 ....................................................................29

...I2a2b (I-L1498) 'Isles-D3' L161+ L1498+ also called 'Isles-D99' email  for advice.......15

...I2a2b (I-L161) ungrouped, L161+ needs L1498 test and 67 or 111 markers, email ......6

...I2a2b (I-L161), L161+ L1498- PF4135- called 'Isles-B2b' but not closely related to Isles-B2a ..............................8

...I2a2b (I-L161), L161+ L1498- PF4135-, 'Isles-A-cousin'........................................................................................ 1

...I2a2b (I-PF4135 probably) 'Isles-A1 and A2' recommend PF4135 test..................................................................4

...I2a2b (I-PF4135) 'Isles A1 and A2', PF4135+ ........................................................................................................30

...I2a2b (I-S2703) 'Isles-B2' L161+ L1498+ S2703+ recommend S2742 test.............................................................8

...I2a2b (I-S2742) 'Isles-B2' L161+ L1498+ S2703+ S2742+ S2627+.......................................................................4

...I2a3* 'Alpine' (I-L1286)P37.2+ L1286+ L1287+ L233-............................................................................................5

...I2a3a 'Western' (I-A417) P37+ L1286+ L1287+ L233+ A417+...............................................................................3

...I2a3a 'Western' (I-L233) P37+ L1286+ L1287+ L233+ A417- ...............................................................................72

..I2a3a 'Western' (I-L233) P37+ L1286+ L1287+ L233+ we recommend A417, email ...104

..I2a3a 'Western-Isles' (I-L233) P37+ L1286+ L1287+ L233+ most are likely A417-...............................................25

...I2a4 "Northern France" (I-L880)P37.2+ L880+ .....................................................................................................4

...I2a5 'France' (I-L1294) P37+ L1294+ L1297+ L1298+ and L1295- L1296-...........................................................9

...I2a5a "France-Scotland" (I-L1295) L1294+L1295+L1296+L1297+L1298+.......................................................... 2


Total............................................................1,380 yDNA members

Some of our membership comes from various DNA companies other than Familytreedna. The members have now joined FamilytreeDNA and all are welcome.  You may have noticed a prefix before the kit number and this lets us know which previous company the member came from. Here is a list: (1) A = those who test with African DNA. (2) B = those who transfer results through a lab transfer program such as, GeneTree, etc. (3) E = those who test with iGenea, a European associate of FTDNA (4) M = those who test with Middle East associate. (5) N = those who test with and transfer from National Geographic. (5) H = those who transfer from DNA Heritage (6) U = those who test at UK associates of FTDNA. Source: Bennett Greenspan on 4/30/2012



Jan 01, 2014: Of the current 1131 yDNA members, 600 have shown their paternal "country of origin" to be in 44 different countries.  Most of the known countries are located in Europe or the UK. They are: Algeria with 1 member; Argentina with 1; Austria with 10 members; Belarus = 22; Belgium 2; Bosnia & Herzegovina 13; Bulgaria 23; Canada 4; Chile 2; Columbia 1; Croatia 8; Cyprus 1;  Czech Republic 13; Denmark 4; England 119; Finland 1; France 17; Germany 49; Greece 16; Hungary 30; Iraq 1; Ireland 112; Italy 15; Kazakhstan 1; Latvia 1; Lithuania 6; Luxembourg 1; Macedonia 7; Malta 1;  Mexico 4; Moldova 1; Montenegro 4; Netherlands 2; Northern Ireland 5; Norway 2; Poland 51; Portugal 5; Puerto Rico 2; Romania 7; Russian Federation 44; Scotland 50; Serbia11; Slovakia 14; Slovenia 5; Spain 28; Sweden 3; Switzerland 8;Tunisia 1; Turkey 3; Ukraine 39; United Kingdom 56; United States 27; Uzbekistan 1; Wales 9.


Jan 2011: Summary of five 2009 WTY's in the I2a Group: (1) Subclade I2a1 kit 40308 Wil Husted discovered L158, L159, L160 on 4/22/09 (2) Subclade I2* Kakhi in 2009, no SNPs discovered (3) I2a2-Isles kit N28466 O'Grady discovered L161 on 6/14/09. (4) I2a2-Disles kit 8386 anonymous donor discovered L178 on 7/14/09. (5) I2a3 kit 11612 Bill Morrow discovered L233 on 12/13/09. 

Jan 2012: Summary of 2011 WTY's in the I2a Group: (6) L. Mayka Din-N kit 56266 discovered L147 on March 14, 2011; (7) S.Jan Plewako kit 131251 discovered L621 on June 29, 2011; (8) O. Baldomero kit N16683 no new SNPs on Sept 16, 2011; (9) C.Wickwire, kit 80598 discovered L673 on Aug 19, 2011; (10) Bernie Cullen kit 55069 discovered L672 on Aug 19, 2011; (11) J.Dobson kit 76814 no new SNPs on Sept 2, 2011; (12) R.Hale kit N12526 no new SNPs on Sept 13, 2011; (13) V. Patic kit 154978 no new SNPs on Dec 15, 2011.

 Summary of 2012 WTY's in the I2a Group: (continuing with previous count = 13 WTY's: (14) May 3, 2012 new SNP L1224 discovered in WTY of Andrew Paprocki, kit 209633, Subclade: I2a2a-M423-Din-N, however, it is now thought to be equivalent to M423. As of May 31, 2012 there are three WTY's active in the lab. They are (15) Michael Fleming, kit N10316 Subclade: I2a3-L233-Western; due date 6/13/2012; (16) Charles Connon, kit 110023, Subclade: I2a*-P37.2-France, due date 7/4/2012; (17) Tim Davis, kit 110417, Subclade: I2a1b*(M26+L160+Z118-Z106-), due date 7/11/2012.

To view individual haplotypes, click onto the icon: Y-DNA Results (to the upper left of this screen). To view a particular Founders Haplotype Modal of the above subclades: Hg I Modals


Group Adm note: Starting May 9, 2009, we have been gathering info about each of the above subclades, such as defining SNPs, defining DYS markers, the place where each subclade may have originated, age back to each subclades common ancestor, etc. Please email Group Adm Bill Morrow with any info or data for this endeavor. We hope to end up with a good reference place for each subclade that the reader can enjoy and rely upon. Below are the early results, subject to constant revisions and updates.


I2a3-L233-Western. Was I2a*-P37.2-Western until Dec 2010. This subclade was discovered in 2004 by Kari Hauhio of Finland. It is very young with an TMRCA age dating back to about 150 A.D. Found more in Western Europe, and particularly in a swath across Germany, Baltic and North Sea costal areas and then into the British Isles. It has no defining SNP downstream from SNP P37.2, except L233 which is being researched. It is therefore defined by the absence of certain SNPs, being M26- M423- M161- P41.2=M359.2- L69.2=S163.2-. Northhampton, Nottingham, Lancashire & Worcester counties may be locations of I2a-Western haplotypes in England. Source: I2a-Western in UK

Read more about I2a3-L233-Western:

Feb 5, 2008: Story of I1b1(P37.2+)

March 4, 2008: Ancient Asterisk for P37.2+-Western Clade

May 16, 2008: Hg I Clade ages

Feb 27, 2009: New Subclade of P37.2+ I2a*-Western = West Isles

May 18, 2009: I2a Group Adm Bill Morrow, who is P37.2+-Western, upgraded to 67 markers, results due 7/8/2009.

June 9, 2009 Bill Morrow applied for a "Walk Through the Y" SNP search at FTDNA. Self funded.

June 29, 2009 FTDNA approved Bill Morrow for WTY SNP search.

July 7, 2009: FTDNA advised Bill Morrow his application was accepted. Bill donated $750 to I2a fund to pay for his WTY.

July 9, 2009: Bill Morrow sent his new DNA kit (vials #3 and #4) to FTDNA who should receive it no later than July 13, 2009.

July 14, 2009: FTDNA shows new WTY SNP search status "Pending shipment to lab" for Bill Morrow.

July 15, 2009: FTDNA shows new order in lab batch 317 due 8/26/2009.

November 11, 2009: Dr Krahn says a new SNP L233 was discovered in the WTY SNP search. It is ancestral in M26 and M423. Testing will start when SNP L233 is available.

Nov 19, 2009: New SNP L233 is now available for testing. Any P37.2* member can test to see if they are derived or ancestral. P37.2* includes P37.2-Western, P37.2-France and P37.2-West Isles.

Dec 13, 2009: FTDNA reports my WTY "SNP search" is completed. As mentioned earlier, a new SNP L233 was discovered, I tested A+ to it. I tested ancestral to the new SNPs: L158-, L159-, L160-, (L161 and L178 missing for the report) L69- M26- M161- M423- P41.2- and of course tested C+ for P37 thru P37.2 in addition to other SNPs of I2a*

Dec 15, 2009: One P37.2-France donor tested L233- so that splits clades Western and France. France remains I2a* and Western will probably go to I2a3.

Jan 24, 2010: I1 vs. I2a3-Western coalescence

Jan 24, 2010: Hg I node's timing

April 15, 2010: Updated Hg I clade TMRCA estimates. Ken estimates P37.2-Western's Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor = 1860 years back = 150 AD.

SNPs: M170+ M258+ P19+ P38+ P212+ U179+ L68+ P215+ P37.2+

Defining SNP: We are researching L233. Since P37.2* means there are no other derived SNPs downstream, these known SNPs must test negative: M26- M161- M423- P41.2=M359.2- L69.2=S163.2-

Defining DYS markers: (8)388=15 (18)447=26 (20)448=18 (31)607=10 (41)395b=17; (51)557=17 (55)534=16 (57)444=14 (58)481=27 (60)446=11 (62)568=12.

Discovered in 2008 by Ken Nordtvedt. First mention found of this subclade was May 16, 2008 in a posting by Ken Nordtvedt. "This subclade seems closest to Isles in genetic distance in comparison to distance from Dinaric and Western." The Warpedfounderstree at Ken Nordtvedt's website shows the introduction of the P37.2-F clade branch line and M423 bracketed between its branch line and the slightly later one leading to the Isles clades. I2a-F is upstream a bit from both I2a2-Isles and Dinaric. source

Nov 11, 2009 email from Ken Nordtvedt: "I2a-F clade which is M423- but branched the I2a line not much before Isles and Dinaric split. I2a-F is strongly associated so far with French origins, but one haplotype of it from Albania seems to have been found."

Dec 15, 2009: One P37.2-France donor tested L233- so this splits France from Western and West Isles clades. SNPs: P37.2+ all other I2a downstream SNPs test ancestral (negative). Defining SNP: L233 tests negative which splits this clade France from Western and West Isles. Defining DYS Markers: (5)385a=11 (6)385b=14 (8)388=9 (14)459a=9 (17)454=12 (19)437=16 (20)448=21 (21)449=32 (22)464a=12 (25)464d=17 (31)607=13 (36)442=13.

Was I2a*-P37.2-West Isles. This is a newly found (2009) subclade by Ken Nordtvedt, which is almost exclusively British. Like P37.2*-Western, it is defined by the absence of certain SNPs, being P37.2+ M26- M423- M161- P41.2=M359.2- L69.2=S163.2- and would have an MRCA age of 3,000 years. Ken Nordtvedt first posted info on this subclade on February 27, 2009 on Rootsweb Hg I list: New subclade of P37.2+ I2a*-Western SNPs: same as P37.2-Western

Defining DYS markers: Same as Western, except for the following:







Determined by Ken Nordtvedt in late January 2010. Very similar to P37.2-West but defined by testing negative to SNP L233. Ancestry of donors centers around the Alps. Defining SNP: I-P37.2+. Tests negative for all I2a downstream SNPs.

Differences in DYS Marker values (alleles)




















I2a1-M26. The SNP M26 was discovered before 2004. The subclade I2a1-M26 dates back to early post LGM and repopulation of extreme western Europe. Source: Age of Sardinian M26 Ken Nordtvedt has divided M26 into these varieties: A,B,C & France.

From Ken: "The founder of I2a1 most likely was 12-12 at DYS385a,b. It is recommended that if your DYS385 and DYS385b are different you do an inexpensive Kittler test from FTDNA's advanced lab. The two copies of DYS385 are located at different sites A and B on the y Chromosome. The Kittler test will tell you which of your DYS385 copies experienced the mutation from 12-12, something the ordinary report of your DYS385 results does not disclose. This additional information from the Kittler test will help work out the history of I2a1 since its founding, and it could help you learn whether you truly match another at DYS385 or are two steps of mutation apart. Contact Ken Nordtvedt at if you have questions on the Kittler test."

September 2010 Bernie Cullen Co-Adm of the I2a group, changed M26 subclades, changing M26-F to I2a1*-F (M26+L160-); eliminating M26A, B, C and adding (1) I2a1*(M26+L160- YCAlla,b=18,21); (2) I2a1*(M26+L160-); (3) I2a1*(M26+L160- 413a,b=19,22); (4) I2a1*(M26+L160-); (5) I2a Needs L160 Test; (6) I2a1a(M26+L160+); (7) I2a1a-DYS462=13(M26+L160+). In January 2011 Bernie added I2a1-DYS425=10(M26+L160+). These changes were due to the discovery of SNP L160 which now defines the Sardanian subclade.

Map showing the locations of M26 in continental Europe: Map of Hg I SNPs

To read more about M26:

 Hg I and subclades

Ken Nordtvedt's Story of I2a

Undated (it's old) & unknown author of a blog on M26: Solving the mystery of Y-chromosome SNP M26

March 18, 2008: M26+ branches off early enough in the I-tree to escape the later M423+ mutation

Sept 19, 2008: Is Northern M26 Older?

Oct 13, 2008: M26 Age pp3

Jan 09, 2009: (Public Library of Science) Plos One article: Sardina and M26

Jan 29, 2009: Kittler for I2a1-M26

Mar 10, 2009: Hg I beginnings

Mar 10, 2009: Hg I beginnings 2

Feb 28, 2009: A French Clade of M26

April 6, 2009: Wil Husted announces his WTY SNP search

April 26, 2009: Wil Husted begins his "Walk Through the Y" SNP search, self funded. Wil's M26-A.

June 12, 2009 AJHG article implies that Italy was also a refuge during the IGM and that in Sardinia, mtDNA U5b3 and yDNA M26 were a founder event marking both female and male lineages. (see abstract of AJHG article). AJHG article

June 12, 2009 Wil Husted's WTY SNP search finds three new SNPs

June 15, 2009: 3 new I2a1 SNPs. Ken urges all members of I2a1 to test for new SNPs.

July 8, 2009: I2a1-France in Ireland indicates Norman/Continental origin? SNPs: M170+ M258+ P19+ P38+ P212+ U179+ L68+ P215+ P37.2+ Defining SNP: M26+ Newly discovered SNPs: L158, L159.1 and L160. All M26ers tested so far are derived for L158 and L159.1. SNP L160 is ancestral (negative) for M26-France subclade. SNP L160 has been derived for those members of M26-C who have tested. M26-A and B members have tested both derived and ancestral. Thus far (Dec 2009) we do not know the reason L160 tests both derived and ancestral for some members, so all M26ers are encouraged to test L160.

Defining DYS Markers of M26 Varieties, from other I2a subclades:

Note: The following M26 varieties A, B and C have been eliminated, but we are leaving the defining marker information for the time being.

DYS# ------M26 Varieties--


(3)19....17 16 16 17

(4)391...10 10 10-11 09

(6)385b..12 12 13 12

(9)439...11 12 12 14

12)389ii.28 29 28 28

27)H4....11 11 11 11

28)IIa...11 11 11 11

47)511...07 07 07 07

52)594...11 11 11 11

55)534...13 13 13 13

61)617...13 13 13 13

65)640...12 12 12 12

Distinguishing DYS Markers between M26 Varieties:


(3)19...17 16 16 17

(4)391..10 10 10-11 09

10)389i.13 14 13 14

12)389ii 28 29 28 28

18)447..25 25-7 24 24

20)448 21 21 20 21

36)442..13 12 12 13 Generally, M26-France members also test 0 = null at DYS marker (48)425 and at advanced marker DYF 371X.


I2a1a1 (M26+L160+M161+) Was I2a1a-M161 This subclade is defined by the SNP M161+. It is a subHaplogroup of I2a1-M26. We have one member of I2a who has tested positive for M161+. His ancestral country in 1869 is Puerto Rico; before that, Spain.

March 31, 2008: First M161+

Aug 13, 2009: M161 donor tested derived for L160 (positive). SNPs: same as M26 Defining SNP: M161 Defining DYS markers: same as M26

Distinguishing DYS Markers of our one M161 member's haplotype from Modal M26 varieties:

--------------------M26 Varieties---


(3)19....17.....17 16 16 17

(9)439...11.....11 12 12 14

10)389i...13....13 14 13 14

12)389ii..28....28 20 28 28

15)459b..09....10 10 09 10

18)447...25....25 25*27 24 24


I2a2a-Dinaric Includes I2a2a-M423-Din-N and Din-S. Dinaric is short for Dinaric Alps. The Dinaric Alps are located north of Italy, extending south along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea some 400 miles. Ken Nordtvedt has split I2a2-M423-Dinaric into Din-N and Din-S. Din-N is older than Din-S. N=north of the Danube and S=south of the Danube River. This I2a2-Dinaric subclade is defined by SNP M423. M423 was discovered in 2007 by Underhill, et al. M423 is downstream from SNP P37.2. The SNP M423 occurred before both of the branch lines to I2a2-Isles and I2a2-Dinaric separated. This was probably 10,000 years ago. The Dinaric founder was probably in the Balkans or Danube basin. The age of I2a2-Dinaric was estimated at 3600 years, then adjusted to 2550 years, now TMRCA ages are being recomputed.

Read more about I2a2-Dinaric: Haplogroup I at Wikipedia. Map of Hg I SNPs in continental Europe. Look for M423.

May 8, 2007: Dinaric I1b1 and DYS 448. DYS448 = 19 for S and 20 for N.

Nov 5, 2007: Dividing I1b1-Dinaric N=north of Danube and S=south of Danube River. Din-N is older than Din-S. Distinguishing markers = DYS 448 = 19, 20 and DYS 449 = 30 and 32.

Dec 15, 2007: Dinaric I1b1 Variances. Age =3600yrs.

Feb 05, 2008: Story of I1b1

Feb 06, 2008: M423 and P37 M423 is ancestral for M26+ and is downstream from P37.2+

Feb 19, 2008: M423 SNP for I1b1 is here Dinaric is almost always 14-15 at DYS385a,b.

May 16, 2008: Hg I Clade Ages Dinaric = 2550 years.

Dec 19, 2008: Dinaric becomes I2a2

March 05, 2009: Dinaric I variances. Dinaric founder was probably in Balkans or Danube basin.

March 10, 2009: Hg I beginnings. Ken answers Wil Husted's questions on Hg I beginnings.

March 11, 2009: Hg I beginnings. Charles Hollenbeck answers Wil's questions on Hg I beginnings.

Sept 2, 2009: Where I2a2-Dinaric lived prior to the Balkan migration.

April 7, 2010: Croatian I2a2 Dinaric

April 10, 2010: Russian I2a2a-Dinaric Characteristics

April 13, 2010: Russian I2a2-Dinaric TMRCA SNPs: M170+ M258+ P19+ P38+ P212+ U179+ P215=S31+ P37.2+ Defining SNP: M423+ Newly discovered SNP L161 splits Dinaric and Disles from Isles. Older SNP I-L69.2 splits Isles from Dinaric / Disles.

Defining DYS markers from other I2a subclades:


















Distinguishing DYS Markers between Din-N and Din-S





I2a22a-M423-Disles Was I2a2-Disles Discovered by Ken Nordtvedt in 2009. Ken named the new clade Disles which is a contraction of Dinaric and Isles. On Feb 20, 2009, Ken posts: .." Disles is sharply defined about half way between Dinaric and Isles. Disles is defined by SNP M423. It is populated almost completely by British Isles folks with Scotland and secondarily Ireland in the lead. It is not large in population. It has characteristics on the 38-67 panel closer to Isles than Dinaric but certainly is in between." The MRCA for I2a2-Dinaric and I2a2-Disles was 6600 years ago.

July 15, 2009: One Disles member's WTY SNP search discovered SNP L178 It is on the Dinaric/Disles branch after it splits from I2a2 Isles branch line. It is ancestral for L161. SNPs: same as I2a2a-Dinaric Defining SNP: M423+ Newly discovered SNP L178 and I-L69 should be tested by all Disles.

Defining DYS markers from other I2a subclades:















Distinguishing DYS Markers from I2a2a-Dinaric:

DYS# Disles DinS DinN











I2a2b-M423-Isles: Was I2a2-M423-Isles. From Ken Nordtvedt's "Story of I1b1": ..."Isles I1b1 is almost exclusively found in the British Isles and especially Ireland. Its haplotype population shows much diversity which with its absence on the mainland suggest the Clade arrived or was founded in the Isles very early in the post-glacial repopulation of that region". As of April 4, 2009, Isles varieties are: A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2,D1,D2. More quotes from Ken: The Isles founder was probably in Germany somewhere. Isles migrated to the British Isles and eventually Ireland. Isles B is the oldest clade, 6600 years back to MRCA.

Read more about I2a2b-M423-Isles:

Feb 6, 2008: M423 and Isles. M423 separates Dinaric from Isles.

May 16, 2008: Hg I Clade Ages Isles B is 6600 years back to MRCA.

May 16, 2008: Isles is positive for M423 Both Dinaric and Isles are positive for M423.

Aug 12, 2008: 4 Clades of P37.2+Isles At that time, varieties were A,B,C,and D.

Dec 19, 2008: P37.2+M423+Isles becomes I2a2.

Jan 11, 2009: Early Isles Farmers

Jan 21, 2009: rs9786274 separates Dinaric from Isles

Feb 21, 2009: MRCA for Isles is 6600 years ago.

March 5, 2009: M423 defines Isles. Isles founder was probably in Germany. Isles migrated to British Isles and eventually Ireland.

April 4, 2009: I2a2-Isles Clades divide again. New clades (varieties) are: A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2,D1,D2. April 24, 2009 John O'Grady mailed his new DNA samples to FTDNA for his "Walk Through the Y" SNP search. His subclade is Isles-D2.

June 14, 2009: John O'Grady's WTY SNP search finds one new SNP L178.

Oct 22, 2009: donor whose clade is Isles B2 tested ancestral for SNP L69 (later L69.2 for I2a donors). This may mean SNP L69 splits Isles from Dinaric / Disles donors, more testing needed. March 31, 2010: Timeline of the Interesting I2a2b-Isles L161+

June 3, 2010: Ken Nordtvedt says Isles-C2 with L161 = 1500 years back to Most Recent Common Ancestor: New I2a Results.

Isles SNPs: M170+ M258+ P19+ P38+ P212+ U179+ P215+ P37.2+

Defining SNP: M423 Newly discovered SNP L178 is derived for all Isles members and should be tested by Dinarics. SNP L69.2 may split Isles from Dinaric / Disles.

Defining DYS markers from other I2a subclades:

A1: (13)458=18; (17)454=12; (30)456=17; (20)448=20; (28)YCAIIa=19; (31)607=13; (61)617=12; 463=23; 534=15.

A2: (17)454=12; (30)456=18.

B1: (3)19=16; (20)448=20; (23)464b=12; (30)456=17; (31)607=13; (61)617=12; 534=15.

B2: (2)390=25; (30)456=16;

C1: (20)448=20; (21)449=28; (23)464b=12; (25)464d=14; (30)456=18; (31)607=13; (50)413b=23; (60)446=14; (61)617=12; 441=15; 534=17.

C2: (9)439=10; (11)392=12; (12)389ii=32; (20)448=20; (21)449=28; (23)464b=12; (25)464d=14; (30)456=18; (31)607=13; (50)413b=23; (61)617=12; 441=15; 534=17.

D1: (2)390=25; (5)385a=11; (20)448=20; (23)464b=12; (25)464d=14; (30)456=17; (31)607=13; (50)413b=23; (61)617=12; 441=15; 463=24; 534=15.

D2: (5)385a=11; (9)439=10.

Distinguishing DYS markers between Isles varieties:

A1: (13)458=18; (17)454=12; (18)447=24;(19)437=14; (28)YCA-IIa=19; (30)456=17; (47)511=11; (51)557=17; (58)481=24.

A2: (12)389ii=29; (17)454=12; (18)447=24; (30)456=18;(47)511=11;

B1: (3)19=16; (36)442=11; (43)537=12; (58)481=26.

B2: (2)390=25; (43)537=12;

C1: (21)449=28; (55)534=17; (64)572=11.

C2: (9)439=10; (11)392=12; (12)389ii=32; (21)449=28; (22)464a=11;(25)464d=14; (36)442=13; (55)534=17; (64)572=11.

D1: (2)390=25; (4)391=10; (5)385a=11; (12)389ii=31; (51)557=16.

D2: (2)390=24; (4)391=11; (5)385b=15.
