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Rev. George Gillespie b.1613 of Kirkcaldy is NOT the grand daddy of us all !
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Explanation of reference to FGC51755 possibly = to John of Armagh in subgroup label for I-FGC59339>BY3467>BY3466>FGC17591>FGC52748>FGC51755 family:

Irish Parish Register records show baptisms of children of John Gillespie at the 1st Presb Church of Armagh, including Thomas 1707, Hugh 1709, William 1721, James and John 1723, as well as daughters.

Although we can never be certain this is the correct family, these records are in Armagh, where the middle branch FGC52748 members are also from, and the dates of these baptisms line up well with the expected birth years of the Gillespie brothers who acquired property in the Cowpasture valley in VA in the 1740s.  The register ends in 1728, just before the youngest son Robert would have been born about 1730.  A thorough search of Irish Parish Registers did not find any other families in this time frame with children with these names in this order.  Each of the brothers had a son John, who could have been named for their grandfather.

Since John’s first child was baptized in 1707, John was probably born about 1686, whereas FGC51755 is estimated at 1673, which is very close.