Valentine's Day Sale! Family Finder only $59 + extra savings on bundles ! Now through Feb 17!


  • 1480 members

About us

This project was launched in December 2013, for persons in the Haplogroup-G to find others and to compare Y-DNA test results and paternal origins for relatedness. A major goal is to find newsubgroups (or branches) which, in turn, explain our ancestors' migrations,based on who comprises each branch.  

Important: Please note that in the Project Roster your actual haplogroup category is provided at the far left of the roster page in horizontal color-shaded rows. To find this information, go to “DNA Results,” select “Classic Chart” and reset the page size to 600. Then use a browser Find function to search for your FTDNA kit# or name. From the row of your name, scroll up the page until you find the nearest color-shaded horizontal row. Your Haplogroup-G subgroup is shown at the far left of that color-shaded row. For example: G2a2b2a1…L140+ and not tested for all known subgroups.  Suggestions for additional SNP testing in your subgroup are shown as"Recommended:" or "Rec:" 

If you are in a "predicted" SNP sub-group, such as "Predicted L140," the prediction is based on either your STR marker values or a confirmed SNP test result from a family member, or in some cases on a very close match to another project member with an SNP test result.  Information on ordering SNP tests is provided below.  

To order an individual SNP test the cost is $39. From  your FTDNA home page, click on "Upgrade" at the top of the page, then choose Advanced Tests (NOT Advanced SNP tests) Then as the Test Type choose "SNP", and enter the SNP name (such as L140) to the right and hit the Find button. Then add this SNP to the shopping cart and check out for payment.  [You will be notified by FTDNA when your SNP test result is complete, generally within 3-4 weeks. You may also wish to e-mail the Project Administrator when your SNP test result is returned.]