DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.


  • 210 members

About us

The Project is actively engaged in research to determine the location of members of haplogroup F within the phylogenitc tree. Therefore, in addition to SNP tests for the major haplogroups for which members of haplogorup F have by definition tested negative, we have also been conducting tests for less common SNPs. In February 2008, your Group Administrator (kit 26248) received negative results for S22 and S2, the SNPs that define haplogroup IJ, the direct ancestor of haplogroups I and J. In addition, results were also negative for S86, a “private” SNP found so far in a single individual. Testing is currently being done for S138, a mutation believed to link haplogroups H,IJ and K. Results are expected back in the near future. Recently results for DYS 399 were received for a project member. These results did not bear a distinctive characteristic found in members of haplogroup G. *NEW*: And as some believe that many of us who are currently classified as simply “F” in fact belong to haplogroup F4 (+P254), an F member is currently being tested for this F subclade. FTDNA has agreed to offer this test to our members at a discounted price to confirm membership in haplogroup F4. Please contact the Group Administrator if you might be interested in being tested for this SNP.