Valentine's Day Sale! Family Finder only $59 + extra savings on bundles ! Now through Feb 17!


General project and portal
  • 969 members

About us

This geographic project is dedicated to the genetic history of the peoples of Cornwall. Membership is for people of proven Cornish descent, with a known recent Cornish ancestor. Here, people may investigate their Cornish DNA, find Cornish matches, and discuss Cornwall and its people. - if seeking membership with an Autosomal (Family Finder) test, you should be 1/32 Cornish or better - an ancestor born in Cornwall in the last five generations (g3gp), or with both parents Cornish in the last six generations. You need to give the name, and date and parish born or married) of this person. Also it is best if you have this person on your tree, with date and Cornish parish. - if seeking membership with a Y test, you need a Cornish ancestor on the straight paternal line (father's father's father etc), as the Y chromosome is passed almost unchanged from father to son. Again, provide the most recent Cornish paternal ancestor with date and parish. Also place a Cornish ancestor on the "earliest paternal line ancestor". - if seeking membership with a mt test, you should have a straight maternal line going back to Cornwall (Mother's mother's mother etc, women only). Again, provide this ancestor with date and parish.. The usual rules of engagement apply - people should show courtesy in discussion, and should avoid argumentative posts. You should not just join the project "researching a surname", or thinking you 'might be Cornish'. People called "Cornwall" should join the CORNWELL surname project