About us
Read before clicking join
This Y DNA project is for MEN named Collins, Collings, Cullen, or a close variation. (See SURNAMES.) It is not sufficient to have a Collins person in your ancestry. The tester must be a man named Collins and his direct paternal lineage must be of men named Collins.
State in your JOIN request the most recent Y DNA test you ordered - Y37, Y111, or Big Y. One of these tests is required. Y37 is the minimal, "entry level" test.
Haplogroup identification from a Family Finder (autosomal) test is not sufficient for enrollment in the project. Only an FTDNA Y-DNA test is sufficient.If you don't already have a Y DNA test of 37 markers or more, see the FTDNA products page:
If you already have a FTDNA account with a swab submitted, log in to your account before ordering your Y DNA test.
See the FAQ for eligibility details, project policies, tips on setting up your account, etc:
Men with non-eligible surnames need to follow the FAQ instructions BEFORE clicking JOIN. They will likely need to do substantially more testing beyond Y37 and they must have close STR matches IN THE PROJECT.
• See our DNA and Y testing tutorial if you need help understanding the differences between the male line, female line, and universal lineage types of tests:
• You can view the project haplogroup work done on our project website:
• If you are pedigree hunting, you can view the pedigrees that project members have allowed the project to publish on our project website:
(Effective October 15, 2022) -Accounts are required to use the testers' REAL names in the first and last name fields. Monitors who are NOT the testers need to put C/O [monitor name] in the MIDDLE NAME FIELD.
If you have any questions AFTER seeing these materials, send Susan a BRIEF email, NO ATTACHMENTS - DIRECTLY - at sjbgeneticgenealogy@gmail.com.Copy and paste the exact phrase COLLINS PROJECT into the subject line of your email otherwise your email will be viewed as SPAM and you will not get a reply.
The FAQ has tips and suggestions to further your research and the LINKS provide some research venues.
Best of luck with your research and God bless you