Cameron YDNA Project

  • 421 members

About us

This is a Y-DNA project. Only male testers who have done a Y-DNA test are eligible to join. If (like your project admins) you are female, you will want to find a male on your direct Cameron line to test. We recommend beginning with a Y37 test. This will tell us what group of Cameron males you match with. We are making good progress in identifying the various Cameron cadet lines with yDNA, and expect that to continue as more men test. You should be aware that in order to determine if you match a particular cadet line, you will need to test at the highest level (BigY). The goal of the project is the identification of ther yDNA mutations that delineate the direct Lochiel line, the lines of the founding 'tribes' (Macgillonie, McMartin, McSorley), and the numerous cadet lines. In addition, we aim to identify and categorize the many yDNA signatures belonging to Camerons who are not descended from the line of the Chiefs or from one of the original 'tribes'. Lastly, we are seeking evidence that might validate or disprove any of the many legends regarding the origins of Clan Cameron. This necessarily involves analysis of results for other Clans that appear to have genetice links with the Camerons (for Group A of the project, the main stem of the Clan, this is so far some MacPhees, some Macnabs, a group of Grants, and a small group of MacMillans).