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Burnett Y-DNA Project

Burnett Y-DNA and Autosomal DNA Project
  • 595 members

About us

Participation in the Burnett YDNA Project is open to everyone who has taken a DNA test and is researching their Burnett Heritage. The project is first and foremost a Y-DNA project and is focused on identifying and researching the various Burnett family lines around the world. We encourage all males to take the YDNA test and all females to identify a surrogate male tester for their Burnett line. You should join this project if you: - know little about your Burnett heritage and want to learn more - have researched your Burnett line and want to prove your tree through science - want to take your Burnett line further back in time - want to be part of a group discovering how these families link back to their midieval origins If you would like to join and order a YDNA kit, click the "Join" button in the upper right corner of this page and the system will walk you thru the ordering process. We also welcome all Burnett descendants who have taken an autosomal DNA test (Family Finder,, 23andMe, etc.) to join the project. If you took a DNA test on a system other than FTDNA, you can transfer your results to for free. Instructions for this can be found here: If you join the project after transferring your results, you can use the "Advanced Matches" function to see which of our members may match to you and this can help you identify your paternal Burnett line. Joining the project provides you access to other Burnett researchers as well as to the research done by and shared by the Project Administrators.