• 70 members

About us

I became interested in family history when the 1901 census was published on line. My maiden name is Brewerton and when I hit a brick wall with my Gt.x 3 grandfather William Brewerton c 1765 Wales/Cheshire, I started collecting other Brewerton names. In 2008 I put that information on to Tribal pages. In 2011 I started the Brewerton DNA project based on the Brewerton one-named study. Due to the fact that my father has close connections to the name Brereton via DNA I also helped to start the Brereton DNA project and am a co-administrator there. At the moment this is mainly a Y-37 project. Members, men, must take a minimum of a Y-37, anything less is confusing and mostly irrelevant. However, if you closely relate to the names on this project, within 4 generations and have taken the family finder test you are very welcome to join whether you are male or female or if you have a different surname. I have established a General Fund, to accept donations in any currency via credit card/ Pay Pal. The amount you put in the box is in dollars. These funds will be held at the testing company, and used to help sponsor test kits for those key males who would otherwise be unable or unwilling to afford the cost of participation in the project.

To make a donation please click on the link "Contribute to the Surname Project General Fund". Please specify "Brewerton Project General Fund" in the top box of the Donation form. The Y DNA test results contain no personal information, and you will match or be a close match to those to whom you are related. This is an opportunity to learn more about your origins and ancestry.