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Acadian AmerIndian Ancestry

Acadian and Amerindian Ancestry DNA Project
  • 2306 members

About us

Acadian Amerindian Ancestry Project (Est. 2006) 

  • If you have an ACADIAN SURNAME in your family lines, as listed in the project profile, and you've had the Y DNA, mtDNA or Family Finder test, you are qualified to join this project. 
  • If you are a MALE with an ACADIAN SURNAME and you'd like to find out how to participate, please join this project by ordering a Y Chromosome 37 marker test.  
  • If you have a MATRILINEAL ANCESTRY (your mother’s mother’s mother’s line)  that leads to a NATIVE and / or an ACADIAN grandmother, please join this project by ordering a full mitochondrial sequence mtDNA test. 
  • If you have Y DNA, mtDNA, or Family Finder matches with members of the Acadian Amerindian Ancestry project and are researching your ancestry, you are welcome to join this project. 
  • If you'd like to discover new leads for ancestry research and close, immediate and distant cousins, please join the project by ordering a Family Finder kit.  
  • It is not necessary to have a percentage of "Amerindian" ancestry (also reported as "Native American") in your Autosomal DNA test results, to belong to the Acadian Amerindian Ancestry project.
  • Have questions? Contact the administrators of the project and we'll be glad to help you make the right decisions for your genetic genealogy goals.
  • Please include the email addresses of all project administrators in your inquiries.

Acadian Amerindian Ancestry Revised Project Goals

(1) The Acadian Amerindian Ancestry Project builds upon the historic surnames and the mtDNA and Y DNA haplogroups of our Acadian and Amerindian ancestors of 17th-century Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, and adds a new dimension: Family. 

(2) The Acadian Amerindian Ancestry researches the grand heritage of Acadia's earliest families from a whole relationship perspective including the DNA, the history, and the genealogies of the mothers, the fathers and their descendants and relates Y chromosome DNA, mitochondrial DNA, and autosomal DNA results with respective genealogies to provide a multi-dimensional picture of Acadian - Amerindian ancestry. 

(3) The Acadian Amerindian Ancestry invites all current members to continue participating, thanks everyone for their help with establishing our ancestor database, is inclusive, and accepts new “legacy,” “allied,” and “collateral” members as defined below:

 • Legacy Members:  Legacy members have paternal-line (father-to-father) or maternal-line (mother-to-mother) ancestors who are of Acadian surnames (and/or) Amerindian family lines out of Nova Scotia and surrounding regions and contribute Y and/or mtDNA results to the project. 

 • Allied Members: Allied members have non-Acadian surnames with genealogies that include Acadian (and/or) Amerindian ancestors out of Nova Scotia and surrounding regions and contribute Y, mtDNA and/or Family Finder (autosomal) DNA results to the project. Typical example: A man carries an ancestral Acadian or Amerindian grandmother's mtDNA signature and the surname of his Scottish paternal ancestor along with his ancestor's Y DNA.  His surname will be listed as "allied" in the Y DNA results -- and he will have "legacy" mtDNA results.  Another example:  A man may carry an Acadian surname and his mtDNA relates to an Irish grandmother.  He will have a "legacy" Y DNA surname and "allied" mtDNA results.  

 • Collateral Members:  Collateral members may not know of their precise Acadian or Amerindian ancestries but have DNA test results that align with (or match) the mtDNA, Y DNA, or Family Finder autosomal DNA test results in the Acadian Amerindian Ancestry project database and join to research possible connections.