I1 Z140 YDNA Project

  • 1256 members

About us

Our goal is to aid anyone interested in researching their family history through DNA genetic testing. If you are a serious genealogist, sooner or later you're going to reach the end of traditional 'paper ' research, the so-called 'brick wall' .
YDNA testing offers an exciting and proved approach to solving this problem.
In recent years our Z140 Project has discovered thousands of new SNPs and Variants that can knock down the brick walls. They enable new genetic trees to be constructed, and over time we will merge old traditional paper trees with the new genetic trees.

There are two types of DNA of interest to genealogists;

[1] the DNA of the Y-chromosome,  
A YDNA test is from the Y-chromosome, which is passed down through the generations from father to sons, only. If you have your Y-genome sequenced, through FGC Elite or FTDNA Big-Y tests, you receive all of your SNPs and Variants, mutations going back from the present day, right back to genetic-Adam.
Using SNPs, our project builds a huge genetic tree, and from the tree you can see the common ancestors you share with others, ie, your genuine matches.

and [2] the rest of the DNA. 
Family Finder tests autosomal DNA that is passed down by both parents, from all the family lines, going back hundreds of years.

The results of a single SNP test on its own is of little value. And often, testing STRs alone cannot give you the information you look for.
It is by comparing that single SNP test with others in our database that it becomes valuable.
That is the purpose of the Z140 Project. Each member's test results are of equal importance in this regard. Whether you test just one SNP, or choose complete Y-genome sequencing, your result is of use to this project. Not testing, isn't.

That is why everyone is placed in a subgroup on the STR Results table, predicted from previous STR and SNP testing. As a subgroup member, you will see who are your close genetic kin, and will see which SNPs to test, to further your knowledge.

- William