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Finding our Common Heritage through Genealogy & DNA
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The Stamper DNA Project began in September of 2004, when the first DNA test kit was mailed. 

Due to its inheritance characteristics, DNA testing for surname-based DNA projects targets the male Y chromosome, therefore only Stamper males can be tested for the Stamper DNA Project. However, anyone (male or female) who has Stamper ancestry, but is not a Stamper male themselves, can get involved in the project by finding Stamper males in their immediate or extended family to do the testing.

There is nothing to fear from doing the testing. It is a quick, easy, and painless process that does NOT involve having blood drawn or visiting a medical lab. The supplier of the testing service will mail out a test kit (view a test kit here), and the sample collection can be done anywhere. The test sample is collected easily and painlessly by rubbing a small swab on the inside of the test subject’s cheek. Then mail the test kit back to the testing company. Results take about six weeks. Since the testing occurs in the inactive part of our DNA, no information regarding any medical or genetic conditions is revealed by the testing. So, we would like to invite all Stamper males to join the project and sign up for testing. And, we would like to encourage everyone with an interest in Stamper genealogy to seek out Stamper males in their family to participate in the project and do the testing. The benefits of getting tested to both the participant and the Stamper research community far outweigh the relatively modest cost of the testing itself.

Click and for FamilyTreeDNA's Tutorial on the whole process as well as how to interpret the results. Using the markers from the male Y chromosome, which pass virtually unchanged from father to son, several things can be determined. It is possible, for instance, to determine which STAMPER lines in the United States are related and possibly even link back to related lines in Europe. Additionally it may be possible to learn which Haplogroup or Haplotype your markers place you in and what part of the world your paternal Y and/or maternal mtDNA ancestor originated. The area may or may not be very specific. But it is very interesting!

The results of the DNA tests will be made available on the internet for interested Stamper researchers. But privacy will be maintained and only the kit # and ancestor's name will be shown.

Facts and History of the Stamper Surname

The family name of "Stamper" apparently originated in England in the Middle Ages. It was customary prior to 1200 A.D. to refer to a person by his occupation or locality where he lived in order to distinguish him from other people. For brevity and convenience surnames thereafter came into existence. Bardsley in his "Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames" (1901) states that "Stamper" was derived from an occupation: "The stamper, probably a stamper of coins, a mintman." Gould in his "Family Names and Their History" refers to the name as follows: "Stamper, the official who put the stamp either on tin or the nobler metals. It has been corrupted into Stammer." On the other hand, Ewen in his "Dictionary of Names" says that the stamper was a "treader of grapes." Some say the name is German in origin; others say it is Dutch and still others say it is Irish. I have found nothing to substantiate either fact except a Jewish family in New York City whose ancestor came from Germany in 1848. None of the relatives nor ancestors of the writer have or had any Jewish blood. All indications point to the fact that the name is entirely English in its origin. The first known record of the name appears in the Hundred Rolls for Cambridge County, England where a John Stamper is listed. This is a report which was returned in 1273 AD by the royal commissioners appointed by King Edward I. The commissioners were appointed to inquire into the impairment of the crown revenues and to make an elaborate investigation into the trade and financial condition of the country. The Hundred was a subdivision of the county in England and it probably originated in the division of the people into an association of a hundred warriors or perhaps a hundred families for military or administrative purposes. Another reference to the Stamper surname is found in parish records for Burton-Fleming which is located in Yorkshire, England, "shire" being another name for county. It appears that a Thomas and Elizabeth Stamper lived in this parish from about 1575 to about 1600. A son by the name of Robert was born to them February 18, 1577; a son, William was born February 17, 1582, and a daughter Anne was born Feb. 7, 1584. Anne died and was buried May 20, 1589, and her mother, Elizabeth, died and was buried November 17, 1594. In Bardsley's "Dictionary of English and Welsh names" there is a statement to the effect that a Robert Stamper is referred to in "Depositions from York Castle". According to the parish records of St. Thomas the Apostle in London, an Anne Stamper married John James in 1658. The name appears in other records in England between 1500 and 1700. There is a Stamper family in Cleveland, Ohio, whose ancestor was born in England in 1855. C. W. Scrimshaw, an attorney now living in Cleveland, Ohio, who was born in Lincolnshire, England, knew a family near Boston, England, with this name. There are a number of Stamper families now living in the neighborhood of Durham, England. (Source: Descendants of James Stamper 1750-1826, by Oliver Stamper)

The following is from a newspaper article entitled "Know YOUR Name" by John C. Downing: "STAMPER, STEMPER--In England, the surname Stamper is an occupational surname for one who stamps out designs and lettering on coins or other metals, makes seals for official documents and for private use. In Germany, the surname Stampfer, modernized to Stamper in many instances, has the name meaning. In Yugoslavia, Stamper denotes a printer. In England, John Stamper was living in Cambridgeshire in 1273, and Robert Stamper was in Yorkshire around 1320. John James and Anne Stamper were married in St. Thomas the Apostle Church, London, in 1658. The English surname Stamp(s) is from a different origin and denotes a man from Estampes in the Department of Seine-et-Oise, France. Hans Jacob Stamper, who died in 1579, was a German goldsmith and medal maker. John Stamper held land in Middlesex County, Va., prior to 1702. The first United States Census in 1790, lists the spellings Stemper in Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia. The 1800, North Carolina Census lists the spelling Stamper. (Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch, Sun., July 25, 1982)

The Stamper surname is quite common in Cumberland (now Cumbria), England. The Stampers were reivers during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I in the Middle March area. Reivers were raiders along the Anglo-Scottish border (Border country), for nearly three hundred years from the late 13th century to the end of the 16th century. 

According to the Registry of Crosthwaite in Cumberland a John Stamper of Turpenhow married Margaret Grave of Dailbotthome on November 9, 1589. There was also a Ullrig Stamper (Ulrich Stampfer) from Holland who migrated to Cumberland County to work as a smelter in the royal mines. Ullrig married Janet Atkinson on May 8, 1569. Ullrig was buried on September 19, 1606 and Janet was buried on May 7, 1608.

A Hugh Stamper was imprisoned in Carlisle Castle Prison in 1663 (Cumbria County, England) for his Quaker beliefs, and also fined. Shortly after, he fled to County Armagh, Ireland. Hugh Stamper was buried in 1676, his wife Bridget in 1681, a son Daniel in 1684, and daughter Sarah in 1674. There are no gravestones, reflecting the early Quaker belief. A Hugh Stamper (probably the same one as above) was imprisoned in 1654. The record of which is below. ANNO 1654 "THOMAS BEWLEY and HUGH STAMPER, standing at the Sessions in Carlisle with their hats on, were by the Justices committed to prison without any legal cause assigned. After a month's confinement they were discharged without paying fees: but Hugh Stamper was afterwards arrested for fees and again imprisoned and detained there one and twenty weeks."

This name was introduced to America as early as 1722 in which year we find a record of the emigration of Johan Stamper, who sailed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from Germany.

According to the 1990 Census of the United States, the surname Stamper ranks 2,488 in order of most common names.

Descendants of John Stamper

Generation No. 1

JOHN STAMPER, SR. (PHILLIP3, ANTHONY2, AMBROSE1) was christened May 16, 1647, at St. Kentigern's Church, Great Crosthwaite, Cumberland, England, and died about March 1690, in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex County, VA. He married (1) DORCAS. She died July 16, 1667, in Middlesex County, VA. He married (2) ELIZABETH. She died April 29, 1683, in Middlesex County, VA. He married (3) CARY on May 8, 1684, in Middlesex County, VA; she died Bet. 1712 - 1713, in Middlesex County, VA.


It is believed that the John Stamper who first appears in the 1666 Lancaster County, Virginia tithables list was the son of Phillip Stamper (c.1603-1666) and Winifred Hodgson (1614-1672) of Millbeck, Crosthwaite Parish, Cumberland. They were married June 17, 1645, in Crosthwaite, Cumberland, England. Phillip and Winifred had four known children: Mabel (1645-), John (1647-1690), Anthony (1651-), and George (1654-). Phillip was the son of Anthony Stamper (d.1623?) and an unknown wife. Anthony was the son of Ambrose Stamper, Sr. (d.1590) and his wife, Janet (possibly nee Smithson?) (d.1616). Winifrid was the daughter of James Hodgson and his wife, Isabelle Studdart.

John Stamper settled in Lancaster (now Middlesex) County, Virginia in 1666 at the age of 19. John Stamper was a literate man. He was both a planter and a carpenter. He was requested by both the church and the court to view the quality of carpentry work done by others. He entertained Minister John Shepherd in his home in 1679.

Early records refer to John Stamper as "Mr". At that time, "Mr." was then a title used for men of high standing in their community, who had established themselves as gentlemen of integrity. It is known that John had at least one bound servant. From Court Orders, Book No. 1, 1673-1680 dated February 2, 1673, page 3: "Mary Grier, daughter of Anner Grier is bound apprenticed to John Stamper". About a year after John's death, we find in the court orders on April 6, 1691: "Mary Grier, Apprenticed to John Stamper decd is this day discharged and set free and ordered to be paid Corne and Cloathes according to act".

The Will of John Stamper: In ye name of God Amen. I John Stamper of ye County of Midlesex being in good health of body, and of sound and pfect Mind and Memory, Praise be therefore given unto Allmighty God, doe make and ordaine this my pesent Last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say) first and principally I commend my Soul into ye hands of Allmighty God, hopeing through ye Merrits death and passion of my Savior Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my Sins, and to inherite everlasting Life, and my body I commit to ye Earth to be decently buried at ye discrecion of my Executors hereafter Named and as touching ye discretion of all Such Temporall Estate, As it hath pleased Allmighty God to bestow upon me I give and dispose thereof as followeth; first I will that my debts and funerall charge shall be paid and discharged. Item I doe give and bequeath unto My Loving Wife Carew Stamper, & my Loveing Sonn John Stamper all my Temporall Estate that Lieth of Consisteth in goods and Chattles whatsoever Jointly betwene them boath, whome I do leave my Joynt and Sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament. Item I leaveth Richard Robinson my Sonns guardian Item That my Loveing wife aforesaid Carew Stamper doe Injoy and possess the third part of all my Lands for her life, and in Case that my Sonn John die before he cometh to age my will is that my aforesaid wife Carew Stamper Shall Injoy and possess all my Lands to her and her heirs forever, and I doe hereby Revoke and disanull and make voide all former wills and Testaments by me heretofore made. In Witness whereof I the said John Stamper to this my Last will and Testament Sett my hand and Seale, this ninth day of November one thousand Six hundred Eighty and Eight-1688.

/s/ John Stamper (Seal)

Sealed and Delivered
in ye psents of
Robard Vallicot
George Wortam
William Vallicot

Notes for DORCAS:

  Dorcas was a rare name in Middlesex County, and more than likely, she was a newcomer to the area. From the Parish Register of Christ Church, "Dorcas Stamper, the wife of John Stamper dyed July 16th 1667."

Notes for ELIZABETH:

  From the Parish Register of Christ Church, "Elizabeth Stamper ye Wife of Jno. Stamper departd this life 29th Aprill 1683." Also found in the Register, "Jno. Stamper, the sone of Jno. and Elizabeth Stamper was borne the 29th of August 1677 and was baptized at the house of the said Jno Stamper p. Mr. Sheppard, 8th of October 1677."

Notes for CARY:

  We are not sure of the maiden name of Cary. However, some researchers have suggested that her maiden name may have been Powell and that she gave her son her maiden name. We may never know what her maiden name was for certain.

  Sometime after John Stamper's death, Cary married Peter Tindall by whom she had a son, Richard, born early 1694. Peter died mid-1697, and in September of that year, Cary took the administration of his estate. Before October 1699, Cary married Henry Barnes. In July 1707 both Henry and Cary were ordered to account for the Stamper and Tindall estates. Early 1713 the cross complaints of Powell Stamper and Henry Barnes were dismissed from court, probably indicating that Cary had died and there were problems settling what was owed to Powell Stamper. In July 1714, Henry Barnes married Johanna Lawrence. Henry Barnes died on October 23, 1717.

i. JOHN2 STAMPER, b. Aug 29, 1677, Middlesex County, VA.


  According to the book, "Stamper Court Records of Middlesex Co., VA", only two records were found naming John Stamper, Jr: his birth record and his fathers will. Since Powell Stamper (1685/90-1727) inherited all his father's estate, it is assumed that John, Jr., died before reaching maturity. The Elizabeth Stamper whose inventory was returned to court in 1697, makes one wonder if John lived long enough to have gotten married. Elizabeth Stamper would have to be an adult with her own property. Since there were no other Stampers in Middlesex County during this time period, this seems to be the only plausible answer; yet, there are no records to prove the theory.


  We find the following record of John Stamper, Jr., in the Parish Register of Middlesex Co., VA: "Jno. Stamper, the sone of Jno. and Elizabeth Stamper was borne the 29th of August 1677 and was baptized at the house of the said Jno Stamper p. Mr. Sheppard, 8th of October 1677."

Baptism: Oct 08, 1677, Middlesex County, VA

Child of JOHN STAMPER and CARY is:
2. ii. POWELL2 STAMPER, b. Bet. 1685 - 1690, Middlesex County, VA; d. May 22, 1727, Middlesex County, VA.

Burial: May 23, 1727, Middlesex County, VA

Generation 2

2. POWELL2 STAMPER (JOHN1) was born Bet. 1685 - 1690, in Middlesex County, VA, and died May 22, 1727, in Middlesex County, VA. He married MARY BROOKS Apr 10, 1708 in Middlesex County, VA, daughter of JONATHAN BROOKS and SARAH. She was born 1687, in Middlesex Co., VA; and died 1735, in Middlesex Co., VA.


  No record of Powell Stamper's birth has been found. The fact that Powell named a daughter Cary who died young and a later daughter Kerah (probably the same name spelled differently by the church scribes of the day) is good indication that he was the son of John Stamper and his third wife, Cary. He also named his first son John (after his father?). Research in the Tidewater Virginia area has not revealed definite evidence of Stampers in that area before John Stamper.

  According to the Parish Register of Christ Church, "Powell Stampar & Mary Brookes were married ye 10th of April 1708".

  In 1711, Powell Stamper sold 100 acres (out of his 200 acres) to John Lewis. The 100 acres which were left remained in the Stamper family until James Stamper and Nancy Stamper Williams sold it to William F. Newcomb in October of 1852.

  Powell seems to have inherited his fathers estate and to have been a reasonably prosperous Tidewater farmer. At the time of his death, he left a considerable estate.

  The inventory of his estate was presented to the Court of Middlesex Co., VA. "In obedience to an order of Court held the six of June 1727. We the Subscribers first sworn have met and appraised the Estate of Powell Stamper deceased as followeth:

3 young steers, 3 yearlings, 3 cows with calf, 8 barren cows, 1 heifer, 1 old mare, young mare, 4 Ewes and 6 lambs, 2 old beds and furniture, bed and furniture, 1 old bed and furniture, 1 old table, 1 old chest, 1 smal chest, 1 ditto, 5 old chares and 3 frames, 1 felt hat, 2 remnants of cloth, 2 *Quires* of Paper, parcel of old cloths, 1 Raw dowe skin, 3 jiggs, 1 meal sifter, 1 *Rundet*, 1 old tub and 3 old poles, 3 frying pans, 1 iron pot, one grate pot and one small do (pot) & hooks, 1 ladle and flesh hook, 1 pare of fior tongs & gridiron, 1 brass skillet, a parcel of carpenters tools, a pare of old Shoes, 1 Sadle and bridle and cloth, 1/2 Powder & a Shott 6 fish hooks, 1 Box Iron and heater, a parcel of old books, 47 lb of tabo and 10 p pound, 9 lb of old Puter, 1 dish, 1 old tankard, a parcel of lime, 15 quart bottles, 1 Small Looking glass, 1 old gun, 1 old do (gun), 3 pr of wool cards, 13 1/2 pounds of picked cotton, a parcle of old cotton, 22a of unpicked cotton at 2 pa to 10 3/4 pounds of cotton at 4 p pound, 2 wedges & 1 cutting knife, 1 Iron Pestle, 2 Grubbing hoes/2 axes/2 weed hoes, 38 pd of old iron, 1 old rope 1 old gun barrell, 3 old tubs, 1 sifting tray 1 tub, 2 raw hides, cask, 8 barren hogs at 4 shill pr hog, 4 Sows at fore shilling sow, 13 Shott at 12 d piece, and 4 hogs not yet come to hand."

Executor: Mary Stamper (her X mark) Witnesses: J.C. Tagel, J.H. Lewis, Lawr. Orrill. (*Quires*- is a book of loose pages, *Rundet*- is a cask)

At a court held for Middlesex County the 11th day of July 1727:

  Mary Stamper made Oath to this Inventory of Powell Stamper decd Estate and it was admitted to record.

Test H Stanard CMC

  Although, Powell was not a rich man, he was comfortable for a man of his time.

Burial: May 23, 1727, Middlesex Co, VA

Notes for MARY BROOKS:

  Mary's parents were Jonathan and Sarah Brooks. From records of Christ Church Parish we find: "Mary daughter of Sarah widow of Jonathan Brooks bap'po, May 1687". This means that Mary's father had died before or shortly after her birth.

  Sarah's maiden name is believed to be Mayo. This assumption probably stems from the will of Jonathan Brooks dated May 7, 1686, naming his wife as 'Saray' and Valentine Mayo as a witness. This assumes that Sarah was Sarah Mayo, a possible sister of Valentine Mayo. After the death of Jonathan Brooks, Sarah supposedly married John Burk (or Bourk) and had two children (twins), Mayo and Sarah, born May 22, 1690, and baptized on June 15, 1690.

  It is known that John Mayo, Sarah, and Valentine Mayo lived in close proximity to each other.

  Mary was left a widow with five young children, Cary had died at age eight. There is a record of a Mary Stamper marrying a John Dobbs on May 11, 1735. This would of been our Mary, for at that time women did not stay widows. The book, "Stamper Court Records of Middlesex Co., VA", states Mary died in July of 1735.


Baptism: May 1687, Middlesex County, VA

i. CARY STAMPER, b. Jun 23, 1712, Middlesex County, VA; d. Sept 02, 1720, Middlesex County, VA.


Burial: Sept 04, 1720, Middlesex County, VA

ii. JOHN STAMPER, b. 1714, Middlesex County, VA; d. Bef. Oct 24, 1774; m. SARAH PERROT, Mar 25, 1733, Middlesex County, VA.


Baptism: Oct 17, 1714, Middlesex County, VA

iii. SUSANNAH STAMPER, b. Dec 19, 1716, Middlesex County, VA. 


Baptism: Jan 27, 1716, Middlesex County, VA

iv. JONATHAN STAMPER, b. Apr 21, 1719, Middlesex County, VA; d. 1799, Wilkes County, NC.


Baptism: May 24, 1719, Middlesex County, VA

v. LETITIA STAMPER, b. Sept 22, 1723, Middlesex County, VA.


Baptism: Nov 24, 1723, Middlesex County, VA

vi. KERAH STAMPER, b. Mar 21, 1725, Middlesex County, VA.


Baptism: Apr 24, 1726, Middlesex County, VA

  Records concerning Cary, Susannah, Letitia, and Kerah are lacking. We are fortunate to follow the lines of John and Jonathan Stamper, Sr., in more detail.

Generation No. 3

3. JOHN3 STAMPER (POWELL2, JOHN1) born 1714, and died 1774. He married SARAH PERROT Mar 25, 1733, in Middlesex County, VA, daughter of ROBERT PERROT and CATHERINE DANIEL. She was born Feb 06 1708/09 in Middlesex County, VA.


  John died shortly before his will was probated (October 24, 1774).

The Will of John Stamper:

Will Book No F, 1772-1787. p. 35

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I John Stamper of the Parish of Christ Church and County of Middlesex being very sick and weak, tho of sound sense and memory praised be to the Allmighty God for the same I do make constitue and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as followeth That is to say First I give and Bequeath to my Son Robert Stamper and his heirs all my Lands Lying and being in the County aforesaid forever. Secondly My will and Desire is that the Remaining part of my Estate be sold to the greatest advantage it Possibly can and the money a Riseing from the sale I leave in the Hands care and Management of my Son Robert Stamper for the support and maintainance of my beloved wife Sarah Stamper during her Life and after her Decease her funeral Expences to be paid if any of the aforesaid Personal Estate should Remain the Hands of my Son Robert My Desire is it shall be Equally divided among all of my children. I do appoint my son Robert Stamper whole and sole Executor of this my last will and Testamt as WITNESS my hand this Twenty Fifth day of July one Thousand seven Hundred and seventy four.

/s/ John Stamper (Seal)

Signed Sealed & Delivered
in presents of
Henry Chowning
William Daniel

  At a Court held for Middlesex County at the Court house in Urbanna on Monday the 24th day of October 1774.

"THIS WILL was this day proved in Open Court by the Oaths of Henry Chowning & William Daniel Witnesses thereto and by this Court ordered to be Recorded and is Recorded."

                                                                       Test. Will Churchill

                                                                       Truly recorded

                                                                       Test. Will Churchill CK

Baptism: Oct 17, 1714, Middlesex County, VA

5. i. ROBERT4 STAMPER, b. Dec 17, 1733, Middlesex County, VA; died Jan/Feb 1807.

Baptism: Jan 12, 1734, Middlesex County, VA

ii. JOHN STAMPER5, b. Apr 14, 1737, Middlesex County, VA5; d. Feb 16, 1738/39, Middlesex County, VA.

Baptism: May 06, 1737, Middlesex County, VA

iii. POWELL STAMPER5, b. Mar 20, 1738/39, Middlesex County, VA.

Baptism: Bet. Apr 25, 1738 - 1739, Middlesex County, VA

iv. JOHN STAMPER, b. Aug 17, 1741, Middlesex County, VA; d. 1774, Halifax County, VA; m. ELIZABETH, Abt. 1765.

Baptism: Sep 13, 1741, Middlesex County, VA

v. SARAH STAMPER5, b. Oct 21, 1743, Middlesex County, VA.

Baptism: Nov 20, 1743, Middlesex County, VA

vi. MARY STAMPER5, b. Nov 13, 1745, Middlesex County, VA.

Baptism: Dec 15, 1745, Middlesex County, VA

4. JONATHAN3 STAMPER, SR (POWELL2, JOHN1) was born Apr 21, 1719, in Middlesex County, VA, and died 1799, in Wilkes County, NC. He married RACHEL PARKS Abt. 1749, daughter of JOHN PARKS and MARY SHARP. She was born Dec 03, 1733, in King George County, VA, and died Aft. Dec 17, 1793, in Wilkes County, NC.


  The birth and baptism (May 24, 1719) of Jonathan Stamper, Sr., is recorded in the Registry of Christ Church Parish, Middlesex Co., VA.  We have no other records of Jonathan until we find him, his family, and some other Stampers living in Amherst Co., VA in 1763.

  We do not know the date that Jonathan Stamper, Sr., arrived in Amherst Co., VA, but he was there in 1755, when his son, Joel, was born.  Jonathan is thought to have left Middlesex Co., VA in the 1740's.

  Jonathan Stamper, Sr., and his family were among the first settlers in the area that became Wilkes County, NC (then Rowan Co., NC).  They arrived in Wilkes County around 1767 (per son Joel's pension papers for service in the Revolutionary War), from Amherst Co., VA.  The destination of Jonathan Stamper, Sr., and his family was the land called "Lord Granville's Domain between the Yadkin and the Catawba Rivers" in North Carolina.  North Carolina had been established originally as a proprietary colony belonging to eight English lords.  In 1729, seven of these lords sold their rights to the colony to the King, but one, the Earl of Granville, refused to part with his share which, in 1744, was set apart with specified boundaries.  Part of his "domain" consisted of a vast area which had been organized in 1749, as Anson County, but from which Rowan County had been cut off as a separate county in 1753.  Shortly after Rowan County had been created, the county seat was established and named initially Rowan Court House, but this was later changed to Salisbury. 

  North Carolina was the first colony to be settled by the yeomen farmers and ex-indentured servants from the tidewater area of Virginia.  Prior to 1752, there were virtually no settlers in the Forks of the Yadkin.  The settlers of this region were largely of English stock, though there was a substantial number of Germans.


  The Stampers initially lived on Bugaboo Creek, near the present-day town of Ronda, Wilkes Co., NC.  They moved to the Roaring River area in the 1780's.  Jonathan Stamper, Sr., and some of his sons owned land in Montgomery Co., VA (which then included the territory that is now Kentucky).

  There are enough records in Wilkes Co., NC for one to determine that the Stampers were in NC several years before the first state grants were issued to them in the early 1780's.  Yet, the Montgomery Co., VA records provide enough Stamper information for one to conclude there was some moving back and forth over the VA/NC border before their final settlement in NC.

  Surry County was formed from Rowan County, NC in 1770.  Wilkes County was formed from the western part of Surry County in 1777.  Ashe County was formed from Wilkes in 1799, which then included Alleghany County and a part of Wautauga County.

  According to the book, "History of North Carolina Baptists", the Wilkes County area had the largest Baptist population of any other area in the entire world during the years 1772-1778.

Mar. 7, 1763, Amherst Co., VA.  John FREEMAN & wife Abigail sell to JONATHAN STAMPER of the Parish and County of Amherst 200 acres on Stonehouse Creek for £40.  (Amherst Co., VA, Deed Book A, p. 102.)

Sept. 16, 1765, Amherst Co., VA.  JONATHAN STAMPER received a Virginia Land Grant of 124 acres on the head branches on the north side of Buffalo River.  (Patents No. 36, 1764-1767 p. 881.)

July 1766, Amherst Co., VA.  JONATHAN STAMPER and his wife RACHEL sell to John ROWZEE a parcel of land containing 124 acres on the North side of Buffalo Creek for £18.  (Amherst Co., VA, Deed Book B, p. 100.)  Proven July 7, 1766.

Oct. 3, 1768, Amherst Co., VA.  JONATHAN STAMPER and Rachel sell to Joseph RICHARD a parcel of land they purchased from John and Abigail FREEMAN for £25.  (Amherst Co., VA, Deed Book B, p. 383.)  Proven Oct. 3, 1768.

1771 Tax List, Surry Co., NC.  JONATHAN STAMPER

1772 Tax List, Surry Co., NC.  JONATHAN STAMPER

1772, Surry Co., NC.  JONATHAN STAMPER was a constable.

1777 Tax List, Surry Co., NC, Capt. Benjamin Cleveland's District.  JONATHAN STAMPER

1778, Wilkes Co., NC.  JONATHAN STAMPER granted a license to operate an ordinary (inn).  Richard ALLEN and Benjamin CLEVELAND, securities.

May 30, 1778, Wilkes Co., NC.  JONATHAN STAMPER entered 320 acres on Bugaboo Creek against the Old Mill to CANADY's (KENNEDY's) line, including JONATHAN STAMPER, Jr.'s, improvement.  (Wilkes Co., NC, Land Entry Book, No. 130.)

Nov. 9, 1778, Wilkes Co., NC.  JONATHAN STAMPER entered a claim for 314 acres of land on Bugaboo Creek.  Jacob STAMPER and Andrew CANADY were chain carriers for this survey.  (Wilkes Co., NC, Book A-1, p. 266.)  Grant issued March 25, 1780.

Oct. 24, 1778, Wilkes Co., NC.  George PARKES entered 150 acres on Bugaboo Creek about a mile above JONATHAN STAMPER's.  (George PARKES marked out, Wm. TOLBEY written in.)  (Wilkes Co., NC, Land Entry Book, No. 480.)

Feb. 6, 1779, Wilkes Co., NC.  JONATHAN STAMPER, SR., entered 100 acres on the waters of Bugaboo Creek at his other entry.  (Wilkes Co., NC, Land Entry Book, No. 799.)

Oct. 2, 1779, Wilkes Co., NC.  JONATHAN STAMPER entered a claim on Bugaboo Creek for 208 acres.  Thos PAYNE, Senr. and Josiah STAMPER were the chain carriers for this survey.  Issued Oct. 23, 1782.

Nov. 8, 1779, Wilkes Co., NC.  Thomas PAYNE, Jr., entered 100 acres on the waters of Big Bugaboo Creek on JONATHAN STAMPER's line.  (Wilkes Co., NC, Land Entry Book, No. 1273.)

Dec. 31, 1779, Wilkes Co., NC.  John BAKER entered 200 acres on a fork of Cranberry Creek on north side branch, runs into creek north side of Turkey Knob including the good land.  (John BAKER & Solomon BAKER marked out; JONATHAN STAMPER written in.)  (Wilkes Co., NC, Land Entry Book, No. 1457.)

Mar. 25, 1780, Wilkes Co., NC.  Land Grant to JONATHAN STAMPER, 314 acres Bugaboo Creek, line between STAMPER and Andrew CANADA (CANNADY) including STAMPERS Improvements.  (Wilkes Co., NC, Deed Book A-1, p. 267.)

Land Records, Montgomery Co., VA (Book A, p. 55). 

     JONATHAN STAMPER, 300 acres on Steep Hill Branch

     JACOB STAMPER, 200 acres on Brush Creek

     JOEL STAMPER, 100 acres on Muddy Branch

     POWELL STAMPER, 200 acres on Chestnut Ridge

1782 Tax List.  Montgomery Co., VA. 








(May 30, 1782, Jonathan Stamper requested a survey of 300 acres to begin at the Steep Hill Branch and run up the branch, so as to include his improvements.  Land Records of Montgomery Co., VA [Book A, p. 55])

July 25, 1783, Wilkes Co., NC.  Deed from Wm. LENOIR to JONATHAN STAMPER, £10, 30 acres north side of New River at mouth of Fighting Creek.  Land granted LENOIR by state, Oct. 23, 1782.  Wits: Richard ALLEN, Rowland JUDD.  Signed: Wm. LENOIR.  (Wilkes Co., NC, Deed Book A-1, p. 279.)

July 26, 1783, Wilkes Co., NC.  Deed from JONATHAN STAMPER to Andrew CANADY, £70 Virginia money, 150 acres Bugaboo Creek.  Pine marked in the presence of John TOLIVER.  Signed: JONATHAN (X) STAMPER. (Wilkes Co., NC, Deed Book A-1, pp. 264-265.)

July 26, 1783, Wilkes Co., NC.  Deed from JONATHAN STAMPER to Thomas ROBBINS, £120 Virginia money, 157 acres Bugaboo Creek where JONATHAN STAMPER formerly dwelt, upper part 314 acres tract.  Wits: Edward FINCH, Richard ALLEN, John MORGAN.  Signed: JONATHAN (X) STAMPER.  (Wilkes Co., NC, Deed Book A-1, p. 266.)

Oct. 29, 1784.  Wilkes Co., NC.  Deed from Thomas ROBINS to Richard ALLEN, £130, 157 acres Bugaboo Creek.  Pine marked in presence of John TALIFERO [TALIAFERRO].  Upper part 314 acre tract entered by Jonathan STAMPER, including improvement where STAMPER formerly dwelt.  Wits: John BROWN, Benjamin HERNDON, James FLETCHER.  Signed: Thomas ROBINS.  (Wilkes Co., NC, Deed Book B-1, pp. 349-359.)

1785, Wilkes Co., NC.  Deed from George WHEATLEY, Jr. to JONATHAN STAMPER, £100, 150 acres south side GAMBILL's fork Roaring River, conditional line between ALEXANDER and STAMPER, including STAMPER's plantation.  Wits: George WHEATLEY, Sr., Randol ALEXANDER, Moses WHEATLEY.  SIgned: George (X) WHEATLEY, (Jr.)  (Wilkes Co., NC, Deed Book C-1, pp. 86-87.)

1787 Tax List, Wilkes Co., NC, Capt. Johnson's District: 

     JONATHAN STAMPER, SR., 150 acres, 1 poll

     JOEL STAMPER, 200 acres, 1 poll

     JONATHAN STAMPER, JR., 340 acres, 1 poll

     JACOB STAMPER, 120 acres, 1 poll

Nov. 10, 1787, Wilkes Co., NC.  Deed from Randolph ALEXANDER to George WHEATLEY, 52 acres south fork Roaring River.  Wits: George WHEATLEY, Sr., Jonathan STAMPER, Mason WHEATLEY.  (Wilkes Co., NC, Deed Book D, p. 435.)

1787, Wilkes Co., NC.  Deed from JONATHAN STAMPER to Peter WHITAKER of Montgomery Co., VA, £15, 30 acres mouth of Fighting Creek.  Wits: George WHEATLEY, George WHEATLEY, Jr., Mason WHEATLEY.  Signed: JONATHAN (X) STAMPER.  (Wilkes Co., NC, Deed Book C-1, pp. 89-90.)

May 18, 1789, Wilkes Co., NC.  Land grant to JONATHAN STAMPER, JR., 200 acres Roaring River at Martin GAMBILL's upper line.  (Wilkes Co., NC, Deed Book B-1, p. 457.)

1790 Census, Wilkes Co., NC, 6th Company, p. 121:  JONATHAN STAMPER

     2 white males over 16

     0 white males under 16

     2 white females

     1 slave

     Also listed (p.122):  Joel STAMPER (1-3-3-1); Jonath. STAMPER (2-4-3-0)

Oct. 26, 1790.  Wilkes Co., NC. Court Minutes.  Ordered that the Iron Works Road now ending at Long Bottom on Roaring River be extended to Widow Gambill's.  Jonathan STAMPER [probably Jr.], Joel STAMPER, and others appointed to a jury for that purpose.

Oct. 3, 1796, Wilkes Co., NC.  Land grant to Charles GORDON, Sr., for 61,227 acres, mentions JONATHAN STAMPER's line on the south fork of the Roaring River, Joel STAMPER's line, and others.  (Wilkes Co., NC, Deed Book B-1, pp. 548-550.)

1797 Tax List, Wilkes Co., NC, Capt. Nall's District:

     JONATHAN STAMPER, 300 acres, no polls (over 60 years of age)

     JOEL STAMPER, 200 acres, 1 poll

     JONATHAN STAMPER, JR., 100 acres, 2 polls

     JESSE STAMPER, 250 acres, 1 poll

     JACOB STAMPER, 322 acres, 1 poll

Dec. 13, 1798, Wilkes Co., NC.  Land grant to JONATHAN STAMPER, 300 acres on Thomas JOHNSON's line.  (Wilkes Co., NC, Deed Book D, p. 600.)

1799 Tax List, Wilkes Co., NC, Capt. Johnson's District: JONATHAN STAMPER, 300 acres, 1 poll

  Among Jonathan's neighbors were the Caudills, Turners, Sebastians, Whitakers, and Adamses.


  Jonathan Stamper, Sr., and his sons owned enough land at Bugaboo Creek to make several large plantations.

  In 1772, Jonathan Stamper, Sr., served as a constable in the King's service in the Parish of Saint Jude, Surry Co., NC.  Constables were appointed to preserve the peace in the different sections of the county.  It is well to remember that only land owners, and men of good character were permitted to discharge any of the duties as a juror, constable, ranger, or justice.  These persons were, in their day, recognized leaders.

  Jonathan was a patriot during the American Revolution, he helped supply provisions for the Continental militia. One DAR application states Jonathan, "paid for material aid in Salisbury District, NC for sundries furnished the militia of NC, VA, & SC as allowed by Brown, Erwin, and Greenlee Auditors Salisbury District in April 1782". 

  In December 1778, Jonathan Stamper, Sr., applied for a license to keep an Ordinary (tavern) at his dwelling house, with Richard Allen and Benjamin Cleveland as securities.  The term "ordinary" in this instance was interchangeable with inn or tavern.  It was a place where a traveller could expect to obtain lodging not only for himself and his family, but for his horses as well, and he could also expect to find food and drink.  Not only was a license required to operate an ordinary, but the court set the prices that the proprietor might charge.  In order to be granted a licence, one had to present a formal written petition.  Furthermore, the proprietor of such an establishment was required to arrange for two citizens of substantial means to serve as securities.

  Jonathan Stamper, Sr., lived on his large plantation until 1783.  He then sold his land and moved to upper Wilkes County where he died in the spring of 1799.

  Jonathan Stamper, Sr., was an owner of slaves as were most farmers of the time, but he did care for the slaves.  He stated in his will that, "My will and desire is that the Negroes may not be sold out of the family."  We know that he owned at least three slaves, two women and one boy named James.

  We are led to believe that Jonathan couldn't read or write because he signed his will with an "X" mark.  However, not everyone in those days who signed by mark "X" were illiterate, and even if they could not write they could often read.  Perhaps Rachel was able to read and write.

  Jonathan Stamper, Sr., died testate in the spring of 1799.  His will was proved in the April term of 1799, in the Court of Wilkes Co., NC.  Jonathan's personal property was sold at an estate sale on the 4th and 5th of June 1799, raising a total of £354.2.5 (pounds, shillings, pence).  The will granted Rachel a "life estate" in the personal property; therefore, she must have predeceased her husband.

The Will of Jonathan Stamper, Sr:

   In the name of God Amen.  I, Jonathan Stamper, Senr. of Wilks County and State of North Carolina am very old But in good helth and sound memory  I give my Soul to God to him that gave it to me my Body to the earth to be Buried.  My Will and desier is that first all of my just debts be paid.  I lend all my Estait both rail (real?) and personal to my Dearly Beloved Wife Rachel Stamper enduring life or Widowhood.  After her lif or widowhood I give and bequeth to my son Jesse Stamper the land and plantation Where I now Live  one negro boy By the name of James and the Bed that sd Jesse Stamper now lyeth on and If the sd Jesse Stamper Dies Without a Lawfl are (heir?) of his body my Will and Desire is that the Estate Be Brought in and Equally Divided amongst his Brothers and Sisters and after my Wifs Life or Widowhood my will and Desire is that the rest of my Estate be equall devided amongst the Rest of my Children  my Will and desire is that the negroes may not be sold out of the family  Given under my hand Seald With Seal and dated This Seventeenth day of decmber one Thousand Seven Hundred and ninety three - - -

                                 Jonathan Stamper Senr (Seal)

                                 signed X (his mark)


John Forrester 

William Sebastin   Jut

I Leave my Son(s) Jonathan Stamper and Jesse Stamper Executors to my Estate.

(Jonathan Stamper, Sr.'s original will was in Wilkes County Wills 1778-1948 C.R 104-801.8; Jonathan Stamper File 1799)

April Term 1799:

The within deed was proven in open court by the oath of William Sebastian.

                                  Wm. B. Lenoir, C.C

Recorded on page 509

By Wm. B. Lenoir C.C

  After Jonathan Stamper, Sr.'s., death in 1799, the inventory of his estate showed he was a man of "means" or wealth.



July Term 1799

  An account of the sale of Jonathan Stamper's Estate on the 4th and 5th of June 1799.

(Note:  Prices have not been included)

SOLD TO---------------ITEM 

Jesse Stamper____one negro woman

Jacob Stamper____one negro woman

John Burton______mare and colt

Jesse Tollivar___one yearling colt

Moses Tollivar___one mare

William Reavis___cow and yearling

Rubin Parks______cow and calf

Jacob Stamper____one cow

Joel Stamper_____one cow

Rubin Parks______cow and calf

John Burton______one yearling

John Burton______heifer yearling

Jesse Toliver____heifer yearling

Robert Burton____one heifer

George Reeves____five head of sheep

David Hickerson__twenty-four hogs

Joel Stamper_____one saddle

Jesse Stamper____one feather bed

Jacob Lyon_______one feather bed

Jesse Stamper____pot and hooks

Jesse Stamper____oven 8/one skillet 4/   

Jesse Stamper____one wheel 14/

Jesse Alexander__one skillet

Jonathan Burton__frying pan

Jonathan Stamper_kettle

Jonathan Stamper_one flax wheel

Jesse Stamper____pair of wedges

Jesse Stamper____one wheel

Jesse Tolliver___one wheel

Jacob Lyon_______one hoe

Jesse Stamper____two basons

James Stamper____three basons

Jesse Stamper____eight plates

James Stamper____one bason

Jesse Stamper____one dish

Jacob Stamper____one pair of shears

Jesse Stamper____spoons

Jacob Lyon_______one jugg

Jesse Stamper____one shevel ploug

Jesse Stamper____one pair fire dogs

Jesse Tollivar___two axes

Ruben Parks______one mattock

James Stamper____one broad ax

Jonathan Stamper_one ploug

Jesse Stamper____ax 4/6  3 hoes 13/6     

Jesse Stamper____one colter 4/6

Jacob Lyon_______one hackle

Jesse Stamper____one clevis

Ruben Parks______bar of iron

Ruben Parks______bar of iron

Jesse Stamper____two flat irons

Jonathan Stamper_tobacco knife

Jesse Tollivar___one handsaw

Jesse Tollivar___one drawing knife

Jesse Stamper____one chisel

Ruben Parks Jr.__hammer and chissel

Jacob Stamper____one hymn book

Jacob Stamper____one howell

Jesse Alexander__one howell

Hezekiah Barber__one round shave

Jesse Alexander__one screw augar

George Lewis_____one wimble bitt

Jesse Stamper____two cotton

Henry Johnson____one frow      

John Burton______two cotton

Joseph Hammon____four pounds flax

Jesse Stamper____four pounds flax

Willis Alexander_one augar

Jesse Stamper____wheat patch

David Hickerson__spun yarn

David Hickerson__spun yarn

George Lewis_____two wool

James Stamper____one Bible

Jesse Stamper____one Testament

Jesse Stamper____one book

Jesse Tolivar____two books

George Lewis_____one bottle

George Lewis_____one bottle

Jesse Tollivar___one quart pott

Jesse Stamper____one bee hive

John Burton______one bee hive

John Townzee_____one bee hive

James Stamper____one bee gum

Moses Tollivar___one bridle

Jacob Stamper____one jointer

Ruben Parks______one jugg

James Stamper____one bridle

George Lewis_____one bell

Joseph Hammon____two hemp

James Stamper____two jointers

John Burton______one bell

Jesse Stamper____one table

Jesse Stamper____two chairs

Jesse Stamper____knives and forks

Owen Hall________three slays 10/6        

Owen Hall________three butcher knives 14/

Owen Hall________two paper boxes and salt seller 5/

Owen Hall________one file3/ two cage 2/

Owen Hall________two saw 1"5 one hackle 2/

John Burton______pair compasses

Jacob Lyon_______one canister

Thomas Baker_____foot addze

Jesse Tollivar___shoe knife

Jesse Tollivar___one pewter half pint

Wm Raynolds______swingletrees

Wm Raynolds______one chest

George Lewis_____hogshead 7/Loom & slay 14

The above was retd. by Adrs. on Oath

Jonathan Stamper) Adrs.

Jesse Stamper) Adrs. 


  Wilkes Co., NC Will Book 2, pg. 79. November 4, 1802: Settlement with administrators of estate of Jonathan Stamper (Sr.), dec'd.  Administrator Jonathan Stamper (Jr.) presented receipts and vouchers from different legatees (no names) in amount of $202.10.  Signed: Jno. R. Johnson, William Petty, & R. Owens.

Baptism: May 24, 1719, Middlesex County, VA


  We have not found any marriage records for Jonathan Stamper, Sr., but he refers to his wife as "Rachel Stamper" in his will of 1793.  The Diary of E.M. Parks shows a "Rachel Stamper" born December 3, 1733, in it. This diary goes on to state that Rachel's parents were John Parks and Mary Sharp and that her grandfather was Thomas Parks.  So it is assumed that this "Rachel" married Jonathan Stamper, Sr., and that her parents were John Parks, Sr., and Mary Sharp.

  Jonathan Stamper, Sr., witnessed a Deed of Gift document for John Parks, Sr., in 1772:

A Deed of Gift

To all People to whom these Presents shall come I John Parks Senior of the Parish of and County of Surry Planter for and in consideration of the Love goodwilll and affections which I have and do bear to my children one and all I freely give grant and granted and by these presents do freely give, grant unto my children their Heirs Executors Administrators all and singular my Estate of

Land, Negroes, and all ......of stock. And the yearly increase of the Earth; all ... and ..... together with all other House Furniture and it shall be lawful at whatsoever time that all and every of my Children  will be jointly and severally agrees to sell the said goods and chattels aforesaid for money and divide it among them all which shall be done at the discretion of William Parks and John Parks my two eldest sons as follows, they shall deliver to my Daughter Sally Sale one Negroe Boy named Goin in consideration of taking care of two helpless children and the said Sally Sale to take them into her care with their Equal Portions and his.. one the said Sally Sale and her Heirs and the said William and John Parks to pay off all the rest their equal parts of what there is to them their heirs and to be allowed said ...full reward for their trouble without any manner of Condition in Witness whereof have ... my and land and seal this twenty eight day of

September one thousand seven hundred and seventy two.


Jesse Walton

Jhn.White                                       John Parks (Seal)

Jonathan Stamper

6. i. JAMES4 STAMPER, b. Nov 04, 1750, Amherst County, VA; d. Mar 12, 1826, Grassy Creek, Morgan County, KY.
7. ii. JOSHUA STAMPER, b. Abt. 1753, Amherst County, VA; d. 1825, Clark County, KY.
8. iii. JOEL STAMPER, b. May 17, 1755, Amherst County, VA; d. Apr 30, 1833, Wilkes County, NC.
9. iv. JONATHAN STAMPER, b. Abt. 1757, Amherst Co, VA; d. 1831, Ashe County, NC.
10. v. JESSE STAMPER, b. Abt. 1760, Amherst County, VA; d. Abt. 1828, Wilkes County, NC.
11. vi. JACOB STAMPER, b. Dec 15, 1762, Amherst County, VA; d. Jun 15, 1834, Eagle Creek, Owen County, KY.
12. vii. MARTHA FRANCES 'FRANKY' STAMPER, b. Feb 14, 1767, Amherst County, VA; d. 1854, Sparta, Allegheny County, NC.
13. viii. SUSANNAH STAMPER, b. Aug 22, 1767, Wilkes County, NC; d. Aug 10, 1845, Lawrence County, IN.

Generation No. 4

5. ROBERT4 STAMPER (JOHN3, POWELL2, JOHN1)5 was born Dec 17, 1733, and died Jan/Feb 1807. He married MILDRED Abt. 1759, in Middlesex County, VA.


The Will of Robert Stamper:

Will Book No. 2, 1799-1812, pp. 337-338.

    In the name of God Amen.   I Robert Stamper of the County of Middlesex and State of Virginia being weak and low but of perfect sense and memory do make and constitute and ordain this be my last will and testament revoking all others heretofore made by me.  In manner following.   Imp.  To my Son John Stamper and his heirs forever I give and bequeath my tract of land which I heired by my father being by estimation two hundred acres more or less and is bounded as followeth - by Abbotts Orphans   Lollisons   Brooks and Lewis lines which lands I have since purchased.   Item   I give to my Son John and his heirs an equal part of all my property exdept the balance of my land which joins the said two hundred acres of which he is not to have any part or portion.  Item   whereas my daughters Elizabeth Cardwell and Sally Kidd have negroes which I lent them.  Now if either of my daughters should wish to hold the said negroes lent and not forward them at the day of division   my desire is they shall have no other part of my estate but if the negroes lent Charles, Anna, and her incres be returned my desire then is for them to have an equal dividend.   Item   to my Son Robert Stamper I give and bequeath to him and his heirs one Spanish Milled dollar and no other part of my estate whatsoever.  Whereas I become my Son James Stampers Security for a certain sum of money (say fifty or sixty pounds) now if my estate should have that sum of money to pay   my desire is the same shall be deducted out of my Son James heirs part   namely George Stamper and Polly Stamper   heirs of the said James Stamper and if either the said children   George or Polly should die without lawful heir or issue   my desire is for their part to be returned to my estate to be divided among all my children except John Stamper and Robert Stamper - All the rest of my estate I equally divide between my Children namely William Stamper   Leo Stamper   Nelson Stamper   Samuel Stamper   and Elizabeth Cardwell and Sally Kidd when the Negroes lent them be returned to my estate--Lastly I nominate and appoint Leo Stamper and Nelson Stamper executors to this my last will and testament heretofore by me made.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this tenth day of Jany 18 hundred and three.

                                                                          /s/ Robert Stamper (Seal)

Signed and Sealed and acknowledged

        in presence of

Thos Kidd

Polly Meacham

    At a court held for Middlesex County at the court house in Urbanna on Monday he 23rd day of February 1807.

  "The last will and testament of Robert Stamper was proved by the oaths of Thomas Kidd and Polly Meacham Witnesses thereto  and is ordered to be recorded.  And on the motion of Nelson Stamper one of the executors therein named who made oath thereto  and together with Thomas Blake  John Jesse and Staige Davis his securities  entered into and acknowledged this bond in the penalty of Ten thousand dollars  conditioned as the law directs.  Certificate is granted him for obtaining probat in due form--liberty is reserved for the other executor in the said will named to join in the probat when he shall think fit."

                                                                           Teste   Thomas Muse CK

                                                                           Truly recorded

                                                                           Teste   Thomas Muse C M C

Baptism: Jan 12, 1734, Middlesex County, VA

Children of ROBERT STAMPER and MILDRED are:
i. LEONARD5 STAMPER, b. Dec 14, 1769.
ii. SAMUEL STAMPER, b. Oct 06, 1775; m. SALLY KIDD, Apr 04, 1801.
iii. GEORGE STAMPER, b. Jul 22, 1777.

6. JAMES4 STAMPER (JONATHAN3, POWELL2, JOHN1) was born Nov 04, 1750, in Amherst County, VA, and died Mar 12, 1826, in Grassy Creek, Morgan County, KY. He married SARAH MOORE 1773, in Wilkes County, NC. She was born Aug 09, 1749, in Ashe County, NC, and died Mar 12, 1839, in Grassy Creek, Morgan County, KY.



  Oliver Stamper in his book Descendants of James Stamper 1750-1826 terms James
Stamper as “farmer, trapper, hunter, and trader”. He says that James and wife Sarah
Moore Stamper arrived in Kentucky sometime between 1796 and 1825 and that they may have first lived in what is now Letcher Co., Kentucky before migrating to Morgan Co., Kentucky.

 James Stamper apparently had several daughters in addition to the two sons identified by Oliver Stamper. The 1790 census of Randolph Co., North Carolina lists a
Jammez Stamper with three sons and six daughters. It seems that most or all of the
daughters had already married in North Carolina, and when James decided to accompany his sons to Kentucky they did not follow. James and his wife Sarah are buried at or near Grassy Creek in Morgan Co., Kentucky.

 James Stamper's general movements can be documented by his appearance in various tax lists and census records:
1774 - Surry Co., NC tax list
1779 - Randolph Co., NC tax list
1782 - Montgomery Co., VA tax list
1784 - Wilkes Co., NC tax list
1790 - Randolph Co., NC census
1820 - Clay Co., KY census

  Records of the Kentucky Historical Society shows James Stamper was at Strode Station in 1779.

Burial: At or near Grassy Creek, Morgan County, KY

Burial: At or near Grassy Creek, Morgan County, KY

Children of JAMES STAMPER and SARAH MOORE are:
14. i. WILLIAM 'TATER BILL'5 STAMPER, b. Mar 22, 1774, Surry Co., NC; d. Apr 30, 1852, Grassy Creek, Morgan Co., KY; m. Emily Polly.
ii. SUSAN STAMPER, b. May 22, 1778, NC; d. Dec 19, 1857, Ashe Co., NC; m. LUTHER PERKINS, Nov 07, 1801, Ashe Co., NC; b. Feb 07, 1777, Ashe Co, NC; d. Jun 01, 1858, Ashe Co., NC.
15. iii. THOMAS MOORE STAMPER, b. Abt. 1780, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Bef. 1850, Morgan Co., KY.
iv. JOANNA STAMPER, b. Nov 05, 1781, Ashe Co., NC; d. Jul 1861.

7. JOSHUA4 STAMPER (JONATHAN3, POWELL2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1753, in Amherst County, VA, and died 1825, in Clark County, KY. He married JANE 'JENNIE' WOODRUFF Abt. 1778, in Bourbon County, KY, daughter of JOHN WOODRUFF.


  Joshua reportedly served in Revolutionary War. He appeared on the 1773, 1774, and 1775 tax lists for Wilkes Co., NC.  A Court Declaration in 1805, stated that Joshua was at Boonesborough in 1780, and resided at Strodes Station from 1780 to 1784. Joshua settled at Stroud's Station near Winchester, KY in 1779, where he died in 1825.  Joshua and Jane attended a sermon of Francis Asbury in 1790.

  One Joshua Stamper filed for a pension for his service in the Revolutionary War.  It was filed in Illinois.  However, this could have been a widows pension.

The Will of Joshua Stamper of Clarke Co, KY (received Apr 2007 from Hettie (David-Woodall) Sebastian, widow of Samuel Elihu Sebastian, Sr.)

  In the name of God Amen. I, Joshua Stamper of the County of Clarke, and State of Kentucky, being weak and feeble of body but disposing mind and memory, do make and establish this my last will and testament: First it is my will and desire that after my death, that my body be buried in a decent and Christian like manner and that after all my just debts are paid, I give and bequeath my estate both real and personal in the following manner; to wit;

Item; I give and bequeath to my daughter Rachel two cows and two feather beds, five sheep and one horse worth eighty dollars, the whole to be of good quality and the beds to have the furniture with the steds, the balance of my children having received heretofore the full amount. I therefore will that my wife, Jinny Stamper have the use of the whole of my land during her lifetime and three cows, seven sheep,, two horses, six hogs, two beds and ?? and furniture, one large plow, one small, one hoe and ax, and large one oven and pot, one dining table, six chairs all to be of her own choice, the balance of my personal estate to be sold and be equally divided amongst all my children, my son Richard Stamper’s two children, Nancy and Tommy to have one share, Polly Arnett, Rachel Stamper, John Stamper, Jonathan Stamper, Susan Gardiner, Nancy Donley. It is my will that all of my fore named children should have an equal share except my daughter Nancy Donley and if she should ever consent to live with her husband, William Donley, then in that case she is not to have any of my estate more than she has heretofore received in my lifetime and at the death of my wife, I will that the whole of my lands be sold and the balance of my personal estate also be sold and divided to heretofore expressed. I do appoint my son Jonathan Stamper to be my executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof, I set my hand and seal this 13th day of July 1822.

Joshua Stamper (Seal)
Witness present.
Robert Cunningham
Elias Gardner

Clarke County October Court 1825
This last will and testament of Joshua Stamper dec’d was produced in open court and proven according to law ????


  The following is taken from the book, "Methodist History of Adair Co., KY," pages 78 & 79 by Vista Royse Allison:

"One of the earliest families to join the Methodist Church in KY was Joshua Stamper and his wife, Jane. She joined first and he followed later. They are the parents of Rev. Jonathan Stamper. Mr. & Mrs. Stamper came from VA about the year 1778. They were forced to live in forts for twelve years and endure the hardships of frontier life."
"They lived first at Bonnesboro and then at 'Strondes Station'. Mrs. Stamper was an extremely sensitive woman and was often in fear she would not be among the elect. She was a faithful Christian woman and her home was always open to the weary itinerant and for many years served as a preaching place. She led a Godly life and the world is better that she lived, for she trained and sent out a Christian family of sons and daughters who loved and labored for the cause of Christ."

  Their son, Rev. Jonathan Stamper has been quoted as saying "I have often heard my parents say they lived without bread or salt from the time of their arrival in Kentucky which was late in October until the corn ripened in the ensuing summer."

i. RICHARD5 STAMPER, b. 1779, Rowan Co, NC; d. 1822, Bath Co, KY.
ii. JOHN STAMPER, b. 23 Dec 1783, Clark Co, KY; d. 29 Sep 1871, IN.
iii. NANCY STAMPER, b. Abt. 1785; m. WILLIAM DONLEY, 1813.
iv. RACHEL STAMPER, b. Abt. 1790.
v. JONATHAN STAMPER, b. 27 Apr 1791, Madison Co, KY; d. 26 Feb 1864, Decatur, IL; m. ALETHA TUCKER, Abt. 1812.

Stamper Footprints, pg 31 .. From the records of the Kentucky Historical Society we find: (1) Jonathan, son of Joshua and Jane Stamper was a famous minister throughout Kentucky. He was a Methodist circuit rider. he also served in the war of 1812. (2) Joshua Stamper was at Boonesboro in 1779. (3) Joshua and Jane Stamper attended a sermon of Francis Asbury in 1790.

vi. SUSANNAH STAMPER, b. Abt. 1800; m. (1) ELIAS GARDNER, Abt. 1818; m. (2) MARK SHUMATE, 29 Nov 1830, Wilkes Co, NC.

8. JOEL4 STAMPER (JONATHAN3, POWELL2, JOHN1) was born May 17, 1755, in Amherst County, VA, and died Apr 30, 1833, in Wilkes County, NC. He married NANCY CANNADY Jul 29, 1780, in Wilkes County, NC. She was born Abt. 1755, in Halifax County, VA, and died Aft. 1820, in Wilkes County, NC.


  Joel Stamper appeared in open court February 4, 1833, he was seventy-seven years old.  He stated in his pension application record (File No. S 3999) that he was born May 17, 1755, in Amherst Co., VA.  When he was twelve years old his father moved the family to Wilkes Co., NC.  He entered the service as a volunteer in Captain Jesse Walton's company of Minute Men.  About a week later, he marched to Salisbury where he was stationed under General Rutherford for three months.  At the end of the three months he was discharged and went home.  After being home a short time they were again ordered out to go against the Tories at Cross Creek or Fayetteville.  He was again ordered out by General Rutherford in quest of Tories in the Forks of the Yadkin for three weeks.  Ordered out by Colonel Cleveland and marched to Burke County and King's Mountain.  Having no horse, he did not reach battleground in time for battle.  Marched with Tory prisioners to Salem, NC where he received his discharge having been gone three months.  He states he has no documentary evidence to prove his service, but refers to William Spicer, Joseph Pruitt, and William Johnson as witnesses who can testify to his services.  He states that he has a record of his age in his Bible.

  Joel was granted $32.33 per annum commencing March 4, 1831. In the Daughters of the American Revolution Patriot Index of 1966, his death date is listed as April 30, 1833.

  On May 5, 1801, Joel purchased 100 acres on Fork of the Roaring River for £50. This included the plantation on which Matthew Ramey formerly lived.

  According to the minutes of early Wilkes County, NC: Joel Stamper helped to lay off road in 1803.

  We know that Joel owned land near his father and his brothers. Joel was a baptist.


  Some researchers believe Nancy may be a daughter of Andrew Cannady, but it is not proven.

i. RICHARD5 STAMPER, b. 1781, VA; d. Aft. 1850, Breathitt Co., KY.

i. JONATHAN STAMPER, b. 1782, VA; d. Abt. 1854, Breathitt Co., KY; m. MARY "POLLY" SEBASTIAN. 
ii. RACHEL STAMPER, b. Abt. 1783, NC; d. Abt. 1840.
iii. NANCY STAMPER, b. 1784, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Abt. 1860.
iv. JOEL STAMPER, b. 1788, Wilkes Co., NC; d. 1852, Lexington, Fayette Co., KY.
v. JAMES STAMPER, b. Abt. 1792, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Feb 15, 1868; m. SUSANNAH; b. Abt. 1810, Wilkes Co, NC; d. 24 Apr 1871, Wilkes Co., NC.
vi. WILLIAM STAMPER, b. Abt. 1793, NC.
vii. MARY STAMPER, b. 1798, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Abt. 1822; m. THOMAS HANDY, 24 Feb 1817, Wilkes Co., NC.
viii. ELIZABETH STAMPER, b. 22 May 1796, Wilkes Co., NC; d. 1865, Dallas Co., IA; m. UNKNOWN CARTER.
ix. MARGARET 'PEGGY' STAMPER, b. 1798, Wilkes Co., NC; d. 1823; m. JOHN HANDY, 23 Dec 1820, Wilkes Co., NC.

9. JONATHAN4 STAMPER (JONATHAN3, POWELL2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1757, in Amherst County, VA, and died 1831, in Ashe County, NC. He married MARY "POLLY" DAVIS Bef. 1780, in Wilkes County, NC. She died Abt. 1800.


  Jonathan, Jr., lived at first in Wilkes Co., NC, but seems to have moved to the waters of Cranberry Creek, which later became Ashe Co., NC. His will was dated April 9, 1822, and was proved in February of 1831. He refers to a 300-acre tract of land, wife, and eight children. Jobe is the only one of his children that is identified by name in the will. Jobe was left a mare named Yellow and a colt named Bounce.

  Jonathan Stamper, Jr. is believed to have fought in the Revolutionary War.  He appears on an undated List of Cox's company, probably ca. 1783.  In a letter dated August 30, 1948, Will H. Daniel stated, "I have in my possession a powder horn which was given to me by Mrs. Mary Cornet, who said it was carried in the Revolutionary War by Jonathan Stamper, Senior".  Below that he speaks of Jonathan Stamper, Senior, and his wife, "Polly Davis".  This shows us that when he said "Jonathan Stamper, Senior", he was really referring to Jonathan Stamper, Jr.

The Will of Jonathan Stamper, Jr., of Ashe Co, NC, (received April 2007 from Hettie (Davis-Woodall) Sebastian, widow of Samuel Elihu Sebastian, Sr.)

  Know all men by these presents that I Jonathan Stamper of Ashe County and state of North Carolina being weak of body but of Sound and disposing Judgement, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do this day make this my last will and testament in manner and form as follows

In the first place I recomend that all my Just debts be paid, 2dlly the tract of land that I live on of 300 acres my wife she is to have during her life time also all household furniture and clothing and also what money may be on hand or owing to me.  She is to have to support her while she lives- and after that each of my children being eight alive gets one cow apiece  the remainder of my stock I want to be sold at publick sale giving a reasonable credit and the money that arises therefrom to be retained in the hands of my executors for the use and support of my wife during her life.

I give to my son Job a certain mare and colt called Bounce and the mare called yellow   and all contracts between Job and myself concerning land is to stand good and binding on me, as the contract mentions between us already made   and at my wifes decease I want all that may then remain of her property to be equally divided among my children that may then be alive and I hereby Constitute and appoint my son Job Stamper and my son in law John Long executors to see this my last will and testament truly performed according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and do declare this to be my last will and testament in witness whereof  I have hereunto sett my hand and seal this 9th day of April 1822.

/s/ Jonathan Stamper (Seal)


A.B. McMillan (Jurat)

Jno McMillan

(Ashe County, NC Wills C.R.006.801.5; Jonathan Stamper File 1822).


Burial: Stamper Cemetery, south of Sparta, NC near the community of Laurel Springs


  According to tradition, Mary "Polly" Davis was killed by men named Hart, Cox, and Bledsoe who were attempting to rob her of $700 in gold which she had buried near her home. This story was repeated by the late Will H. Daniel, a West Virginia lawyer who was a descendant of Jonathan and Polly. He was one of the first to do serious research on this line. According to him, the robbers killed Polly, but did not get the gold. Roy Wyatt, also a descendat of Jonathan and Polly, says that in the early 1900's a search was conducted around Jonathan and Polly's old homesite in present-day Alleghany co., NC and some of the gold was unearthed.

  Jonathan Stamper, Jr.'s will was written in 1822, about nine years before his death, and makes reference to his wife, so if he was only married once, the event, if true, happened sometime after that, possibly even after Jonathan Jr., had died and left his wife a widow.


Burial: Stamper Cemetery, south of Sparta, NC near the community of Laurel Springs

i. WILLIAM B5 STAMPER, b. ca. 1780, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Bef. 1855, Ashe Co., NC; m. MARGARET "PEGGY" BALDWIN.
ii. JOBE STAMPER, b. 1783, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Aft. 1860, Alleghany Co., NC; m. ELIZABETH ROSE.


  Deed of Knob in Alleghany County a round top patch of cleared land to Jobe Stamper and his heirs forever by Continental Congress.  Granted all land that a man with good eyesight can see from top of  "Tommy's Knob". (1799)

iii. JOSHUA STAMPER, b. ca. 1785, Wilkes Co., NC; d. ca. 1853, Ashe Co., NC; m. MARY 'POLLY' BLEVINS.
iv. JOHN STAMPER, b. ca. 1786, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Ashe Co., NC; m. SARAH "SALLY" LEWIS.
v. SOLOMON STAMPER, b. ca. 1788, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Oct 21, 1854, Ashe Co., NC; m. ELIZABETH SIZEMORE.
vi. FRANCES STAMPER, b. ca. 1792, Wilkes Co., NC; d. ca. 1835, Ashe Co., NC; m. TOBIAS LONG.

vii. SUSAN STAMPER, b. ca. 1793, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Aft. 1860, Ashe Co., NC; m. JOHN LONG.

viii. LARKIN STAMPER, b. Jun 14, 1800, Wilkes Co., NC; m. EMILY MAUPIN.

10. JESSE4 STAMPER (JONATHAN3, POWELL2, JOHN1) was born Abt. 1760, in Amherst County, VA, and died Bet. 1820 - 1830, in Wilkes County, NC. He married BARBARA DEVAIT Aft. 1793.


  Jesse was ill at the time of the writing of his fathers will and had no heirs.  It is assumed that he was not married at that time.  Records show that Jesse was a midget, as were two of his daughters, Rachel and Delphia. . We do not have a record of his height, but according to legend, he was so short he had to ride his horse to sow wheat and rye.  Jesse and Barbara owned a large farm. Jesse inherited his fathers plantation and a negro boy named James.

Land Grant of JESSE STAMPER, 100 acres in Wilkes Co., NC, south fork of Roaring River, entered April 2, 1799.

Nov. 30, 1801, Wilkes Co., NC.  Land grant to JESSE STAMPER 100 acres both sides south fork Roaring River Jonathan Stamper's line.  (Wilkes Co., NC, Deed Book C-1, p. 342.)

March 25, 1826, Wilkes Co., NC.  JESSE STAMPER and wife Barbary and son Jacob bill of sale for a slave.  (Wilkes Co., NC, Deed Book M)


  Unlike her husband, Barbara was of normal height. We have no information on who her parents were.

i. JACOB5 STAMPER, b. ca. 1795, Wilkes Co., NC; m. SUSAN CLARISSA 'CLARY' LAWSON, Nov 18, 1826, Wilkes Co., NC.
ii. DELPHIA STAMPER, b. ca. 1800, Wilkes Co., NC.


  Delphia was a midget, and she never married.

iii. RACHEL STAMPER, b. ca. 1802, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Apr 12, 1883.


  Rachel was a midget, and she never married.

iv. SUSANNAH STAMPER, b. ca. 1803, Wilkes Co., NC; m. MARK SHUMATE, 1830.
v. CLARINDA STAMPER, b. ca. 1808, Wilkes Co., NC; m. JOHN S. BROWN, 01 Mar 1842, Wilkes Co., NC.
vi. SARAH ANN HARRISSEE STAMPER, b. ca. 1811, Wilkes Co., NC; m. EZEKIEL BROWN, Apr 16, 1844, Wilkes Co., NC.
vii. FRANCES IRENE STAMPER, b. ca. 1814, Wilkes Co., NC; m. AARON BROWN, Abt. 1844, Wilkes Co., NC.

11. JACOB4 STAMPER (JONATHAN3, POWELL2, JOHN1) was born Dec 15, 1762, in Amherst County, VA, and died Jun 15, 1834, in Eagle Creek, Owen County, KY. He married (1) SUSANNAH 'SUSAN' Abt. 1780, in Wilkes County, NC. He married (2) JUDY PEAKE COBB Nov 24, 1829, in Owen County, KY.


  From the Court Minutes of early Wilkes County: Jacob helped to lay off road in 1803.

Feb. 26, 1779, Wilkes Co., NC.  Jacob STAMPER entered 100 acres on the fork Little Elkin Branch near the little mountain.  (Wilkes Co., NC, Land Entry Book, No. 884.)

   Jacob Stamper was in the Revolutionary War and fought at the Battle of King's Mountain.

He applied for his pension in Owen Co., KY.

  Jacob Stamper appeared in open court on October 5, 1832, he was sixty-nine years old.  He stated in his pension application record (File No. S. 16544) that he was born Dec. 15, 1762, in Amherst Co., VA.  He entered the service in 1778 at age 16.  He was selected by his Captain as a spy to make a survey on Tories at New River.  That he did go upon said service in company with only one man, and on his mare crossed New River by fording.  He came near killing his fine mare belonging to himself and which he so naturally injured that she was never after of much service.  He persuaded his brother (un-named) who lived in the vicinity of their rendezvous and who was well acquainted with their principle maneuvers and intentions to accompany him to the American Forces.  Zachariah Goss was with the Tories and was one of their principal men, being a brother-in-law of one of the Tory Captains.  Zachariah was taken only two days later and was tried by the officers and condemned to be hung which sentence was expected on the same evening that he (Goss) was taken.

  Lyman Draper in his book, "King's Mountain Men" on page 388, deals with a Tory hanging at Peach Bottom on New River in Ashe County.  He calls Zachariah Goss "one of Sam Brown's gang of murderers, plunderers, and horse thieves."

  He states after he left service he soon married and moved from Wilkes County, NC to Grayson County, VA.  Afterwards moved back to Wilkes County - and then moved to Botetourt Co., VA where he did not remain very long - then moved back to Wilkes County and after remaining there some time moved to the State of Kentucky in the now County of Owens on Eagle Creek in which section of the Country he yet resides in Exceedingly indigent circumstances and totally unable to provide for himself and family by reason of his almost total blindness in which condition he has been for several years past.

  This disease is called Retinitis pigmnetosa and it is a progressive degenerative disease of the retina of the eye. This results in night blindness and a total loss of vision in later life. This disorder is passed direct from parent to child, never skipping a generation.  Jacob's son, Jonathan, inherited this disease, and passed it onto one or more of his children.

  When asked if Jacob had a record of his age, he replied, "I have a record of my age at home on a separate paper which was taken from my father’s family record and which has ever since been carefully preserved by me."  He states he volunteered as a private in Captain Richard Allen's Company and served there in about two years.  Afterwards, he volunteered as a private in the Company of Absolem Cleveland upon a three month tour.

  He states at the time of his service he was quite young and does not recall the names of the officers except those he was placed under command of.  He received no discharge that he remembers for the first portion of his service, but did receive a discharge for the last tour he preformed, but it has since been lost.

  Jacob's certificate pension was issued February 5, 1833, semiannual allowance ended March 5, 1833.

  It has been passed down through family tradition that Jacob was a man of small stature.  He served as a mounted scout, he not being able to walk long trips.  According to the late Samuel Elihu Sebastian, Sr., Jacob and his sons Jesse and Jonathan went to Cincinnati, OH, where they made brick and built brick houses.  They later went to Owen Co., KY.  

  The following Owen County Court Record names four of Jacob's children and states that Jacob died June 15, 1834, in Eagle Creek, Owen Co., KY.

  It was this day satisfactorly proven to the satisfaction of this court in Owen County by the auth (oath) of George Wood who is a crucible person that Jacob Stamper late of Owen County Kentucky departed this life on the 15th of June 1834 and that at the time of his death he left no widow but the following children towit Jonathan Stamper Jepe Stamper (Jepe is a German way of writing the double "S" in Jesse), Nancy Wood late Nancy Stamper Elizabeth Morgan late Elizabeth Stamper all of whom still survive and are residents of Owen County and the court further certifies that this is further proven satisfactorily that the late Jacob Stamper was the identical person named in an original certificate presented to the court and respected by them bearing the date on the 5 day of Feby 1833 and signed by Lewis Cap (Gap?) Secretary of War and numbered 5226 by which said certificate he became intitled to receive sixty dollars per annum during his natural life proven the 4 March 1831.


  We have been unable to locate the source for the name of Jacob's first wife, "Susan". 


  Judy is believed to be the daughter of Nathaniel Peake. She was previously married to Samuel Cobb (1735-1809).


i. JONATHAN5 STAMPER, b. Abt. 1780s m. Mary McCormick. 

ii. JESSE STAMPER, b. Abt. 1782, NC; d. Jun 16, 1845, Eagle Creek, Owen Co., KY; m. (1) NANCY SEBASTIAN, Abt. 1800, Wilkes Co., NC; m. (2) MARY 'POLLY' HAMMOND, Jun 11, 1823, Owen Co., KY.


The Will of Jesse Stamper (received May 2007 from Hettie Sebastian, widow of Samuel Elihu Sebastian, Sr).

I, Jesse Stamper, this day being in a very low state of health yet in proper mind, do make this my last Will and Testament; First I want as much of my property sold as can be best spared to pay all my just debts and I will (sic) is that my wife Mary Stamper have the land, the plantation she now lives on during her lifetime or widowhood to support and raise the children. And to have control of all the property belonging to the said estate after my just debts is all paid and my will is that my son, George Wesley Stamper have the property he now claims towit; One mare and colt, one suckling steer and I want the other two boys to have a horse worth forty dollars each. And the girls to have one bed and furnature and one cow each. This they are to have before my first wifes children get anything, after this the law makes an equal division for all alike but the younger children to get this as they come of age. And I also appoint my son Hirum Stamper as my trustee to sell the property and pay my debts and no further. Given under my hand and seal as Witness 18th day of June 1844.

In the prence of,
Andrew Goss
Samuel Poe

/s/ Jesse Stamper (Seal)

AB. I also appoint my son Hirum Stamper to see to and give the younger children their part as they come of age.

Proven in Owen County Court June term 1845 by oath of Andrew Goss & Samuel Poe

Owen County KY Will Book C, page 285

iii. NATHANIEL STAMPER, b. Abt. 1785, Wilkes Co., NC; m. SARAH GAMBILL, Aug 23, 1800, Wilkes Co., NC.
iv. ELIZABETH STAMPER, b. Abt. 1788, Wilkes Co., NC; m. SAMUEL MORGAN.
v. NANCY STAMPER, b. Abt. 1800, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Dec 09, 1873, Clark Co., IL; m. GEORGE WOOD, 1831, KY; b. 1793, KY; d. Nov 06, 1864, Clark Co., IL.

12. MARTHA FRANCES 'FRANKY'4 STAMPER (JONATHAN3, POWELL2, JOHN1)6 was born Feb 14, 1767, in Amherst County, VA, and died Bet. 1850-60, in Ashe County, NC. She married JESSE TOLLIVER 1782, in Wilkes County, NC. He was born Abt. 1756, in Fauquier County, VA, and died Mar 04, 1838, in Ashe County, NC.


  The 1850 Ashe Co., NC census shows Martha living with her son, Soloman Tolliver, she was 82 years old.


  Jesse Taliaferro changed his name to Tolliver in 1782. From 1777 to 1782, he was enlisted as a private in Wilkes Co., NC. Jesse and Martha lived in various locations in what is now Alleghany Co., NC. Jesse Tolliver originally lived in the upper Mulberry Creek area of Wilkes County, NC.  By 1789, he was living in the vicinity of the New River and Elk Creek.  This area became part of Ashe County in 1799, and Alleghany County in 1859.

  Land grants give such descriptions as Jewel Swamp, south side of Peach Bottom Mountain, Little River, Glade Creek, and Dog Creek. They owned several farms at one time and it is believed they had slaves to help with the farming.

  In 1780, Jesse TOLIVER fathered a child out of wedlock with Lucy ROBINS. Moses TOLIVER and Hilliar ROUSSEAU posted a "bastardy bond" for the child on June 6, 1780. This required them to reimburse the county should it incur any expenses in supporting the child. Wilkes Co. court records indicate that Lucy ROBINS died in 1787 and her daughter Elizabeth was "bound out" to Thomas ROBINS till age 18 to learn to spin, read, and write.

  In 1834, Jesse applied for a Revolutionary War veteran's pension. He was awarded $55 per year. After his death, his widow, Franky, applied for widow's benefits. In 1842, Franky Toliver applied for pension benefits as Jesse's widow. In 1847, Franky's son Solomon Toliver filed a declaration in support of her application and included four pages from the family Bible. The family Bible records the birth dates of their 10 children and various grandchildren of Jesse and Franky Tolliver.

i. JANE5 TOLLIVER, b. Jul 06, 1783, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Ashe Co., NC.
ii. SUSAN TOLLIVER, b. Feb 14, 1785, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Bef. 1800, Wilkes Co., NC.
iii. SARAH 'SALLY' TOLLIVER, b. May 09, 1786, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Dec 28, 1859, Lee City, IL.
iv. JOHN TOLLIVER, b. Jun 20, 1788, Wilkes Co., NC; d. 1834, Ashe Co., NC.
30. v. MARTHA 'PATSY' TOLLIVER, b. Mar 13, 1797, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Wilkes Co., NC.
vi. JACOB TOLLIVER, b. Jul 26, 1799, Wilkes Co., NC; d. Oct 1854, Clay Co., IL; m. SUSANNAH ISOM, Dec 27, 1821, Grayson Co., VA.
vii. ALLEN TOLLIVER, b. Jul 18, 1802, Ashe Co., NC; d. Feb 11, 1891, Mitchell, Lawrence Co., IN; m. (1) SUSAN FENDER; m. (2) MAHALA LASWELL.
viii. SOLOMON TOLLIVER, b. May 13, 1804, Ashe Co., NC; d. Abt. 1865, Wilkes Co., NC.
ix. STARLING TOLLIVER, b. Mar 13, 1806, Ashe Co., NC; d. Aft. 1870, Alleghany Co., NC; m. MILLY SPURLIN.
x. HIRAM TOLLIVER, b. Mar 10, 1808, Ashe Co., NC; d. Dec 27, 1895, Wyoming Co., WV.

13. SUSANNAH4 STAMPER (JONATHAN3, POWELL2, JOHN1) was born Aug 22, 1767, in Wilkes County, NC, and died Aug 10, 1845, in Lawrence County, IN. She married JOHN PLEASANT BURTON 1779, in Ashe County, NC. He was born Jul 08, 1758, in Richmond, VA, and died Jul 04, 1836, in Mitchell, Lawrence County, IN.


  At the Burton Gap Cemetery near Mitchell, IN, there is a monument dedicated to John Pleasant Burton.  On one side of the monument is the following inscription:  "Susannah Stamper Wife of John P. Burton Born In Wilkes Co., North Carolina August 22, 1767 Died in Lawrence Co. Ind. August 10, 1845."


Burial: Burton Gap Cemetery


  John was the son of Richard Burton and Mary Pleasant.  He fought in the American Revolution as a private in Joynes Company, 9th Virginia Regiment.  He brought his family to Lawrence County, IN in 1826.  John was a member of the Masonic Order.  Besides their own children, they helped raise 6 orphans. 

  John was buried in an upright position at his own request.  An inscription on a monument reads: "John Pleasant Burton Born In...Co. Ind. Buried standing at his own request Masonic Funeral Ceremonies Performed By George Tincher A Brother Mason."


Burial: Burton Gap Cemetery

i. RICHARD P5 BURTON, b. 1782, VA; d. Sep 04, 1872, IN.
ii. MARTHA 'PATSY' BURTON, b. 1784, Ashe Co., NC; d. 1852, Clark Co., IL.
iii. ALLEN BURTON, b. Apr 20, 1786, Ashe Co., NC; d. Mar 01, 1861.
iv. JOHN M BURTON, b. 1788, Ashe Co., NC; d. 1838, Green Co., IN.
v. MARY 'POLLY' BURTON, b. Jul 06, 1790, Ashe Co., NC; d. Apr 26, 1864.
vi. DAVID BURTON, b. Mar 15, 1792, Ashe Co., NC; d. Jul 22, 1880.
vii. WILLIAM BUCHANAN BURTON, b. Feb 14, 1794, Ashe Co., NC; d. Sep 20, 1846, Lawrence Co., IN.
viii. HUTCHINS BURTON, b. Feb 12, 1797, Ashe Co., NC; d. Jun 03, 1869.
ix. HARDIN BURTON, b. Aug 15, 1798, Ashe Co., NC; d. Oct 06, 1873, IN.
x. ZACHARIAH BURTON, b. Sep 12, 1801, Ashe Co., NC; d. Jun 19, 1888.
xi. ANN BURTON, b. 1803, Ashe Co., NC; d. Jul 12, 1891.
xii. ELI BURTON, b. Oct 15, 1807, Ashe Co., NC; d. Mar 23, 1899.
xiii. ISOM BURTON, b. Oct 15, 1807, Ashe Co., NC; d. Sep 01, 1885.

The above information has been provided by Betty Stamper-Latham, Golden Combs Ferguson, Hettie Sebastian, Gloria "Kay" Vandiver Inman, Dorothy E. Stamper, Rebecca Moon, Pamela Stamper-Fitch, Judy Lawrence, Betty M. Maynard, Sadie Stamper Greer, and many others.

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