DNA Day Sale: Save on Family Finder, Y-DNA, & mtDNA. Now through April 25th.

Sastamala Huittinen Eura Vesilahti

Sastamala Huittinen Eura Vesilahti Regions
  • 381 members

About us

1 Yleistä / General

Yhteisprojekti niille, joilla on sukujuuria vanhojen suurpitäjien Sastamalan, Huittisten, Euran ja Vesilahden alueilla. Projektissa tarkastellaan sekä isälinjoja (Y-DNA), äitilinjoja (mtDNA) että kaikkia sukulinjoja (Family Finder; autosomaali ja X DNA) ja yhdistetään geneettistä sukututkimusta perinteiseen sukututkimukseen.

Cooperation Project for those persons who have or might have family roots in the regions of old parishes and municipalities of Sastamala, Huittinen, Eura and Vesilahti and near by (e.g. Kiukainen included). The project covers paternal (Y-DNA), maternal (mtDNA) and mixed lines (Family Finder; autosomal & X DNA).

- Sastamala, Tyrvää, Vammala, Kiikoinen, Kiikka, Mouhijärvi, Suoniemi, Suodenniemi, Lavia, Hämeenkyrö 
- Huittinen, Kauvatsa, Keikyä & Vampula
- Eura, Honkilahti, Kiukainen, Eurajoki
- Vesilahti, Akaa, Toijala, Viiala etc

Yksityisyys ja tietoturva

Family Tree DNAn yksityisyydensuoja ja käyttöehdot löytyvät täältä: Privacy Policy and Terms of Service Laboratoriot ovat AABB-akkreditoituja.
Perehdythän Suomen Sukututkimusseuran ytännesääntöihin (2013), joissa kerrotaan, mitä on hyvä henkilötietojen käsittely sukututkimuksen eri vaiheissa.

Privacy and security

Family Tree DNA Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. The test laboratory has got full accreditations.
The Finnish Genealogical Society has got Code of Conduct (2013, in Finnish), it explains how personal registers should be used in genealogy.

Sastamala, Huittinen, Eura and Vesilahti Region Project Privacy Statement 

As Administrator the Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) 
Sastamala, Huittinen, Eura and Vesilahti Region  DNA Project we give priority to protecting your privacy and to the confidentiality of your personal data. In particular we will not publish your name, e-mail address or other contact details, or share this information with any other project member or other person or organisation without your specific written approval. The only personal data we hold is that relevant to meeting the published goals of our Project, and which has been made available to us by DNA testing companies, in the same format as they make it available to you, or which you have given us direct by e-mail or by post. We hold this data indefinitely or until you request its deletion, and publish anonymized data at on our Project website (https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/finland/about/background) where you may see its current status. We will be pleased to correct any errors in your personal data that you bring to our attention. At your request at any time your data from our project files will be promptly removed. However data that has previously been posted in the public domain cannot be retrieved. In our administration of this project we endeavour to comply with the most recent guidance issued by ISOGG (https://isogg.org/wiki/ISOGG_Project_Administrator_Guidelines) and by FTDNA (www.familytreedna.com/learn/projectadministration/gap-guidelines-ftdna-projects/), and with the Genetic Genealogy Standards, and the Finnish admins with the Code of Conduct of the Finnish Genealogical Society Suomen Sukututkimusseuran Käytännesäännöt. We endeavor to respond promptly to any queries or complaints you may make about our handling of your personal data for this Project. However you should be aware that some of your concerns may be better forwarded direct to Gene by Gene / Family Tree DNA, the contact ombudsman(@)genebygene.com. Please remember that when you have taken a Family Tree DNA test you have accepted Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Refunds and signed an informed consent.

Sastamala, Huittinen, Eura and Vesilahti Region DNA project admins

3. Using data and information

Information and data obtained from the Sastamala Huittinen Eura Vesilahti Regions Project must be attributed to the project, administrators, and Family Tree DNA as outlined in the Creative Commons License. Please notify the administrators when using data for public or private research.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)