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Reeves DNA Project Update - 2q2023
A summary of the activity during the second quarter of 2023 has been included in the July 2023 news page over at The Reeves Project (TRP) See

To keep this page a reasonable size, summaries for the previous quarters back to 4q2016 and more are available from

If you have Y-DNA test results included here in the Reeves DNA Project, please take a moment to read the page Permission from Donor at    Regardless of whether you are a TRP member or not, TRP needs to hear from the Y-DNA Donors in the way described there. 

And if you are not yet a TRP member, now would be a good time to come and join us and contribute information about your branch of our R*v*(s) families.

Martin B.

PS Sorry, but I don't always remember to update this section in a timely fashion. But fret not, you can find the recent Reeves DNA Project updates at

Reeves DNA Project Update - June 2016
As Barry has noted in the Activity Feed, it has been a while since the results of Y-DNA tests have been assigned to their respective groups. That means the changes made in mid June 2016 were fairly extensive.
I’ve put together a summary of these recent updates which is freely accessible from The Reeves Project at
The observant amongst you will notice an absence of names in this summary. As a recently appointed co-admin here, I’m still trying to get to grips with what information is in the public domain and what is privileged info as a result of my new co-admin access. So for the moment I’m erring on the side of caution.
The previous DNA Project Update from February 2015 can be seen in the Rootsweb Reeves list archives at in TRP at
Martin B.