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At present we have identified seven distinct non-related Peden groups, five of which  have multiple participants. The charts below represent the results of the Peden DNA Project tests at this point in time. The numbers on these charts are called alleles and they represent the number of times a DNA sequence was repeated at a specific location on a strand of Y-DNA. No actual DNA or photos of DNA is ever made available to anyone for any reason.Amessage from Family Tree DNA:"It is obvious from our observations of thousands of samples that some markers change or mutate at a faster rate than others. While that actual 'faster rate' has not yet been definitively calculated, not all markers should be treated the same for evaluation purposes.The markers in red have shown a faster mutation rate than the average, and therefore these markers are very helpful at splitting lineages into sub sets, or branches, within your family tree."All but two of the Y-DNA tests completed thus far are all part of Haplogroup R1b. Family Tree DNA states: "R1b is the most common haplogroup in European populations. It is believed to have expanded throughout Europe as humans re-colonized after the last glacial maximum 10-12 thousand years ago. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic Modal Haplotype (AMH)." AMH is found along the Atlantic coasts from Spain, Portugal, France, and the islands of Britain and Ireland. AMH is defined by the following DYS #'s: 19/394=14; 388=12; 390=24; 391=11; 392=13; 393=13. AMH is the most common Y-chromosome signature of the insular Celts of Britain and Ireland and the Basques. Several of the tests indicate descent from Haplogroup I, indicative of Germanic/Viking descent.

Group 1. To date, the most diversity of related lines is to be found in Group 1. These would appear to be descendants of the Pedens that originated near Sorn, Ayrshire, Scotland. The Group 1 Modal is represented in the results of participant #102260. Kit #14540 is SNP tested and his Haplogroup is R1b1a2a1a1a4a (short form R-L47) indicating early origins in central Europe. Peden of Ayrshire, Scotland #48633, is a resident of Scotland and is a 7th generation descendant of Hugh Peden b. 22 May 1745 Glenshamrock, Auchinleck, Ayrshire, Scotland. Test results indicate a 22/25 match with the Group 1 modal. This represents common ancestry possibly some 300 to 400 years ago.

The Pedens of KY:These Peden descendants trace their ancestry to John Peden b. 1734 and Mary Smith. Many of their descendants settled in Barren Co., KY and are referred to as the Pedens of Kentucky from the book of that name by Henry C. Peden, Jr.
#14812 7th generation dscendant from son John Peden, Jr. b. 1760.
#14540 7th generation descendant from son John Peden, Jr. b. 1760.
#88312 7th generation descendant from son John Peden, Jr. b. 1760.
#93657 7th generation descendant from son John Peden, Jr. b. 1760.
#102260 7th generation descendant from son John Peden, Jr. b. 1760.
#44333 7th generation descendant from son Moses Peden b. 1764.

Peden of Pennsylvania:#54846 is a 5th generation descendant of Samuel Peden 1719-1802 and Elizabeth McBrayer (1750-1801). This Samuel Peden was in Adams Co., PA by 1741. 

Pedin of Virginia:#82275 is a 7th generation descendant of James Pedin b. abt 1699 in Scotland, possibly Ayrshire. He was a Dumdonald bursar at the University of Glasgow. In 1732 he became the rector of Nottoway Parish in Isle of Wight Co., VA.

Peden of North Carolina:#104808 is a descendant if Mingo Peden of Irvine, Ayrshire, Scotland. Mingo's son Alexander Peden immigrated to Wilmington, NC. He is a 10/12 match with Group #1 modal. It is recommended that the test be upgraded to a Y-37 test to better determine relationship with this group.

Kit #208540 no information provided. Recommend that the test be upgraded to 37 markers.

Group 2. The Pedens of South Carolina. The representative Kit # 36836 has been SNP tested and is L21+ and therefore is Haplogroup R1b1a2a1a1b4 (short form R-L21.) The particiapnts that tested for 67 markers had null results for DYS #425 and DYS #511 = 9 that places Group #2 in a rather unique category within their haplogroup. This mutation dates back some 1,500 or so years to an Irish ancestor whose descendants are to be found primarily in Ireland and Scotland. For additional information please see the Clan Colla website: The early origins of these Pedens would be Celtic and would be among the indigenous inhabitants of Britain and Ireland. Kit # 36836 has also taken the Y-111 test and another surprising result is that DYS #505 = 9 and this result is, to date, totally unique with other Clan Colla participants. So far Group 2 consists of descendants of John Peden Sr. b. 1709, County Antrim, Ireland and Margaret McDill (referred to as the Pedens of South Carolina):

#40784 7th generation descendant from son John Peden, Jr., b. abt. 1744, County Antrim, Ireland.
#44831 6th generation descendant from son John Peden, Jr., b. abt. 1744, County Antrim, Ireland. The Y-37 results confirm the genealogical evidence that this Peyton surnamed individual descends from the Pedens of South Carolina. A Peyton researcher established that the John W. Paden found in Christian Co., KY in 1846 is indeed the same individual as the John W. Peyton living in Caldwell Co., KY in 1850.
#44831 is a great grandson of John W. Paden/Peyton the son of William Paden b. 1788 in Greenville Co., SC. William Paden was the youngest son of John Peden, Jr. and a grandson of John Peden, Sr. and Margaret McDill.
#41200 5th generation descendant from son Alexander Peden, b. 1756, County Antrim, Ireland.
#36836 7th generation descendant from son John Peden, Jr., b. abt. 1744, County Antrim, Ireland.
#39872 5th generation descendant from son William Peden, b. abt. 1749, County Antrim, Ireland.#40917 7th generation descendant from son Samuel Peden, b. 1754, County Antrim, Ireland.
#41820 6th generation descendant from son John Peden, Jr., b. abt. 1744, County Antrim, Ireland.#129941 descends from son David Peden, b. 1760, County Antrim, Ireland.
#130086 7th generation descendant from son Thomas Peden, b. abt. 1743, County Antrim, Ireland.
#177973 descends from son Thomas Peden, b. abt. 1743 in County Antrim, Ireland.
#208540 descends from son Thomas Peden, b. abt. 1743 in County Antrim, Ireland
#403986 Peyton surnamed participant descends from son Samuel Peden b. 1754 in County Antrim, Ireland.
#MK31930 descends from son Samuel Peden, b. 1754 in County Antrim, Ireland.
#129941 descends from son David Peden, b. 1760, County Antrim, Ireland.
All the above listed descendants of the Pedens of South Carolina are exact 25/25 matches and eight of the ten Y-37 tests are exact 37/37 matches. Participants #39872 and # 40917 would be the Y-67 modal for the Pedens of South Carolina.

Group 3.The three members of this group are Haplogroup I indicative of Germanic or Viking descent. Two are are residents of County Down, N. Ireland.
#48634 is a third generation descendant of Richard Peden, b. abt. 1835, County Monaghan, Ireland.
#60585 descent information not provided.
#170100 descends from Andrew J. Paden b. 1838 in Pennsylvania.

Group 4. participants are all in the R1b Haplogroup.These Pedens descend from the Pedens of Johnston Co., NC.
#46690 His Pedens settled in Giles Co., TN having migrated there from Johnston Co., NC.He is a 6th generation descendant of Amos Peden from his son Bryant Howell Peden, b. 1810
#72699 also descends from Bryant Howell Peden b. 1810.Both of these Pedens are 25/25 matches.
Pedens of Cambria Co., PA.
#90291 ia a fifth generation descendant of William Peden b. 1790 Londonderry, Ireland. He is an exact 25/25 match with the Pedens of Johnston Co., NC/Giles Co., TN.
#94315 is a fourth generation descendant of William Peden B. 1790 Londonderry, Ireland.
All four of the above Group #4 participants are 25/25 matches. #46690 and # 94315 are exact 37/37 matches indicating both descend from a common ancestor, most probably within the past 300-400 years.

Group 5. The Pedens of Brittany, France.#N30258 is Haplogroup R1b. He is originally from the Brittany region of France. Brittany differs from other areas of France due to its historic Celtic background. Pedens are found in Brittany in the environs of the towns of Landerneau and Sizun in Finistere Department.

Group 6. African American Paden from Mississippi. #70578 is haplogroup R1b and his markers indicate he is in the Atlantic Modal Haplotype (AMH). He is a 5th generation descendant of Abraham Paden b. 1811, SC.  Abraham came to Tishomingo Co., MS with his Peden/Paden owners from SC.  After the War Between the States Abraham adopted the Paden surname.  Although he is R1b1c - AMH the results show that he does not descend from the Pedens of SC.

Group 7.  Peadens of North Carolina
#74247 is a 4th generation descendant of Bartlett Peaden b. 1802 in NC.
#113123 is a 6th generation descendant of Patrick Peaden found in Pitt Co., NC in 1781.
#396503 is a descendant of Bartlett Peaden b. 1802 in NC.
#74247 would be the modal for the group with #113123 being a 36/37 match and a 65/67 match; #396503 would also be a 36/37 match and a 65/67 match with #74247.
The predicted Haplogroup for Group #7 is R-M269. 

Group 8.  Pedens of Prestonpans, East Lothian, Scotland and Pennsylvania. The two following descendants are from Samuel Peden b. 1730 in County Antrim, Ireland and his wife Lydia Potter.  Samuel Peden immigrated to Lancaster Co., PA in 1750.  They are a 35/37 match.
#119495 6th generation descendant from son Isaac Peden b. abt. 1758.
#120157 6th generation descendant from son Alexander Peden b. 1762.
#129942 a resident of Scotland whose Peden ancestry traces back to the Pedens of Prestonpans, East Lothian, Scotland.
#185312 no information provided.
#135116 descends from Andrew Peddie b. 1815.

Group 9.  Peden of Canada#116212 4th generation descendant of John Peden b. in Coleraine, County Londonderry, Ireland and immigrated to Canada in about 1840.
Paden of Maryland #341945, a descendant of John Paden b. 1767 in Funkstown, MD, is a 12/12 match with #116212. For absolute confirmation of this match, it is recommended that #116212 upgrade to a Y-37 test.

Group 10. Padon descendant of William Padon b. 1745 d. 1789 Princess Anne County, Virginia.

Group 11. Padin surname orginating in Spain. This Padin descends fromNicolas Padin that migrated from Galicia, Spain to Puerto Rico in the 1800's.