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Norway DNA - Norge

Norgesprosjektet DNA
  • 11424 members

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April 2015

Testing FTDNA S/W

August 2014

Haplogroup designations for Y-DNA is developing at a high speed with the BigY test results. We recommend everyone to join the relevant Y-DNA projects in addition to the Norway Project, and for final designation of subclades within your haplogroup we refer to the Y-haplogroup projects. Within the Norway project we work a little more slowly as we have all haplogroups with their subclades to take care of. If you discover errors or discrepancies - or simply outdated information, please get in touch with us at

Read more about Project Membership.

28 March 2014

The Norway project have today just over 1600 members and have 1026 posted Y-DNA results and 827 mtDNA results.
Eliminating the non-Norwegian, and other "stray" members, there are 825 members with "known" Norwegian paternal ancestry and
593 with "known" Norwegian maternal ancestry.

The two pie diagrams show the distribution of the haplogroups, paternal and maternal, of these members.

There has been a small change in the ratio of the various haplogroups, but the change is relatively minor considering the doubling of the membership since the last review.

Looking at the DNA-testing interest in the various fylker (counties), Hedmark is still the leading participant. (The NOR designation is for those who have not reported a fylke)

22 Februar 2013

16 September 2012

8. september 2012                                                                                 8. september 2012

16. september 2012                                                                               16. september 2012

16. september 2012

24 Oct 2011.
Today there are a total of 486 participants in the Norway Project. From these there are 257 YDNA test results posted, but unfortunately only 215 persons have posted the necessary information on where in Norway their paternal ancestors were born. These 215 results have been "plotted" in the appropriate fylke (county) and haplogroup on a spreadsheet. As this website does not display spreadsheets very well it is posted today on the following Norwegian genealogy site. (Norsktalende medlemmer bør logge inn på DIS-Norge websiden)

It is interesting to note that some fylker are more interested in DNA testing than others, but none of them have yet sufficient numbers to attempt any haplogroup distribution or cline identifications. There are however some unique results to think about. For example in Hordaland 18/27 of the results are hg R1b, in Oppland 12/23 are hg R1a and in Møre and Romsdal there are 6/25 hg G and none elsewhere in Norway! We will now start to look for possible simple explanations for these results, but in the meantime will all of you that have not yet posted all the information on your ancestors please do so ASAP.

2 July 2011
With over 400 participants in the FTDNA Norway Project we have looked at the about 200 YDNA results from men with "proven" Norwegian paternal ancestry and compared the distribution of the three most common haplogroups, I1, R1a and R1b, with the results from B M Dupuy et al's published article in 2005. The distribution however is not very similar, most probably because the Norway project has only 166 appropriate results vs Dupuy's 1676.

As this site does not really show tables and graphs correctly they can be found as an attachment on the following Norwegian site under today's date.

Again we must ask that anyone with Norwegian ancestry that have taken a FTDNA test to join the Norway project so we can help verify the haplogroup distribution in Noway.

14 May 2011.

(For norsktalende medlemmer kan resultatene også leses på DIS-Norge DNAsiden

There are now 380 registered participants in the Norway Project and we have the detailed results from 176 Y-DNA and 167 mtDNA "genuine Norwegian" participants. There are also 52 Family Finder results from the 77 persons who have registered for FF. All results where the ancestors' origin is in doubt have been ignored.

Below are some statistics for the latest results and, as can be seen, the percentages have not changed much over the last 6 months even though we have added almost 20% more members.
As hg R1b is clearly grouped in two major sub-groups this haplogroup's results have also been split in two.  

The three major YDNA haplogroups, I1, R1a and R1b, account for almost 89% of the total population. BM Dupuy, et al (2005) "Geographical heterogeneity of Y-chromosomal lineages in Norway" found that these three haplogroups accounted for almost 95%, but they had 1766 results so may be we will see a change as we get further results.

The four major mtDNA haplogroups, which account for 83% of the population, also show very little change.

For anyone wanting a full mtDNA breakdown the results are shown below. 

I have removed some of the tables from the earlier postings as these results are repeated in the tables above. 

5 March 2011
As of yesterday we had 345 members in the Norway Project so over the last 6 months we have added well over 100 new participant. We have also lost quite a few who did not have any Norwegian ancestors, there are still a few left with questionable Norwegian roots, but it will take some time to verify true Norwegian ancestry.
The following tables summarises the statistics for the Y-DNA and mtDNA haplogroups for the results posted to-date.

For the Norwegian speaking members.
Resultatene vil også bli satt inn i DIS-Norges  DNAs webside hvor spørsmål kan settes og diskusjon om resultatene kan holdes.

27 November 2010.
As it still is difficult to post results using either tables of spreadsheet on this forum I have posted the current breakdown on the DIS-Norge page,

Da det fremdeles er vanskelig å vise tabeller eller regneark på denne websiden har jeg satt resultatene inn på den DIS-Norge siden vist ovenfor.

16 November 2010.
After the update to GAP 2.0 the number of participants to the Y-DNA portion of the Norway Project has, apparently, "increased" drastically, but this is a false effect due to the inclusion of those with only maternal Norwegian ancestors in the paternal section as well. In the summary of the results to date I have not included these in the percentage calculations.
(If the spreadsheet copy of the Y-DNA results works I'll also report on the maternal numbers shortly)

PS 20 Nov '10. The page does not display correctly. You will find the result-table about "a page and a half" further down!!

13 Sepember 2010.
There has been an increase of about 10% in the number of members in The Norway Project over the last couple of months, with 264 participants, 143 Y-DNA and 127 mtDNA results. We are still missing about 1000 people who have tested with FTDNA who say they have Norwegian ancestors - to all of you PLEASE SIGN UP! The distribution of haplogroups have not changed much with the additional members, but if you want to see the spreadsheet with the numbers they are here on the Norwegian DIS site. Hvis dere vil lese om de nye resultatene finner dere den norske versjonen på DIS-Norge DNAforumet vist til ovenfor.

2 July 2010.
As the project pages don't support tables, or attached diagrams, we have decided to display future calculations and discussions on the results on the DIS-Norge DNA Forum pages, This is also where you can post questions on your Norwegian heritage, in english if you want, and there will be a number of people there that can help you, or know someone who can. I framtiden vil dere finne kalkuleringsresultatene av haplogrupper, etc på den DIS-Norge websiden referert til ovenfor.

23 April 2010.
As the webpage does not support tables or spreadsheet copies the distribution of the 101 Y-DNA results are restated below: (Still not very clear, but better.) Norway Project Y-DNA results: Hg Distribution I1 32.7% I2b 3.0% R1a 30.7% R1b1b 28.7% G2a 0.0% J2 1.0% E1b1b 0.0% T+L 0.0% Q 3.0% N1c1 1.0% Eupedia results: I1 36.0% I2b 1.0% R1a 28.0% R1b1b 28.0% G2a 0.5% J2 1.0% E1b1b 1.0% T+L 0.5% Q 0.5% N1c1 4.0% Norway Project mtDNA results: mtHg Distribution H 48.4% V 1.0% J 14.7% T 8.4% U 10.5% K 4.2% I 7.3% W 2.1% X 3.1% Eupedia results: H 42.0% V 4.0% J 12.0% T 11.0% U 16.5% K 6.5% I 2.0% W 2.0% X 1.0% Other 3.5%

The mtDNA results in the Norway project show a greater difference from the Eupedia results than the Y-DNA results, but in both cases the sample sizes are quite small which could explain the variation. There are today a total of 191 members of the Norway project, with 105 Y-DNA results and 95 mtDNA results posted. When more results are posted on the Norway project we will also look at some of the sub-clades to see if there is a possibility of identifying special Norwegian clades. For those who are interested in a description and history of their haplogroups can find these, for example, on the following websites: Norsk.

Da websiden ikke viser tabeller har distribusjonen av haplogruppene i de 101 resultatene blitt omskrevet så de er litt lettere å lese. mtDNA resultatene viser en større variasjon fra Eupedia resultatene enn Y-DNA resultatene, men det er nok bare på grunn av de ganske små antall folk som til nå har tatt testene. Når det har kommet flere medlemmer av Norway projeket skal vi også se litt på de forskjellige undergruppene i både Y-DNA og mtDNA for å se om det er mulig å isolere spesielle norske undergrupper. Det er i dag 191 medlemmer i Norway projektet med 105 Y-DNA resultater og 95 mtDNA resultater vist. For de som er interessert i en beskrivelse og historien av haplogruppen sin finnes de for eksempel i de to web-adressene. Informasjonene er på engelsk, men det er godt mulig å bruke Google oversettelse siden å oversette det til norsk. (Kanskje til og med med bedre resultat enn min norsk!) 27

March 2010. There are today 101 participants in the FTDNA Norway project and by ranking the haplogroups the result is very similar to the published results for Norway in Eupedia. The largest haplogroup is Hg I1 followed by R1a and R1b.