Norway DNA - Norge

Norgesprosjektet DNA
  • 11103 members

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Lær mer på Norgesprosjektets nettside med norske artikler. 

Important: To be a member of this project you MUST give the administrators Limited or Full access to your test results. You find the settings on the Project Preferences page. 

The Norway DNA project is a genealogically based geographic project for people with known (named) Norwegian ancestors, either through a direct paternal line (Y-DNA test), a direct maternal line (mt-DNA test), or other ancestors within ten generations (Family Finder autosomal test). If you only suspect Norwegian ancestry (based on matches or haplogroup), please do not join. You will be matched against the entire FTDNA database independent of which projects you are a member of.


Dette er et DNA-prosjekt for folk med norsk genetisk opphav, enten gjennom direkte farslinje (Y-DNA-test), direkte morslinje (mt-DNA-test) eller andre aner innenfor ti generasjoner (Family Finder autosomal test). Vi ønsker alle norske som tester seg gjennom FTDNA velkommen som medlemmer.

Se også delprosjektene for hvert fylke - Lokalprosjekter  
Norske Y- og mt-linjer vil også bli lagt til i fylkesprosjektet eldste ane i linjen er fra

How to join
- if you have not tested yet, order your new test here:

- if you have already tested with FTDNA (or the Genographic project):
1. log in to your FTDNA account with your kit number and password
2. click "my FTDNA home"
3. click "join projects"
4. write "Norway" in the search field - or scroll down to Dual Geographical Projects and click N, find Norway
5. click the highlighted project name "Norway"
6. click "join" at the bottom of the page
7. Remember to fill in complete information about your direct paternal/maternal line

For å bli med i Norgesprosjektet
- dersom du ennå ikke har testet deg, bestill til prosjektpriser her:

- om man allerede har testet via FTDNA/Genographic:
1. logge inn med kitnr og passord på FTDNA
2. gå til "my FTDNA home"
3. klikke på "join projects" i venstremargen
4. søk på Norge el Norway, - eller scroll ned til "dual geographical projects", finn N og deretter Norway
5. Klikk på "Norway"-navnet
6. Klikk på "join" nede til høyre

Who can join?
If one of these criteria is met, please join (you do not need all three, we will hide the results that are irrelevant):
* If you have done a Y-DNA test: your father's father's father's line, direct paternal line, must originate in Norway.
* If you have done an mtDNA test: your mother's mother's mother's line, the direct maternal line, must originate in Norway
* If you have done a Family Finder test: at least one of your direct ancestors in any line within 10-12 generations must originate in Norway

Ancestry Information
It is very important that all members of the project fill in as detailed information as possible about their ancestral background. The easiest way to do this is to:

Name and origin of direct lines:
Please follow our project format

Under Manage Personal Information > Genealogy you find Most Distant Ancestors.

Country of origin
This is for direct paternal and maternal lines

Please fill in:
* given names, patronymic, and farm name/surname
* year of birth if known, or year of death
* place and county

Give as detailed information as possible, but note that the space is very limited, so please see the following examples.

Note that we will slightly edit the information to fit this format if the details are already known through tree or map. Also see our list of county abbreviations.

Detailed information on our webpage here (please click to read)

Also note that your direct maternal ancestor is the name of your mother's mother's mother etc - it is always a woman.

Ancestral Locations
Please enter place for earliest known ancestor of direct paternal and maternal lines and make sure the place gets correct on the map.

Please note the format: Given name(s), patronymic, farm name (or surname if relevant), year, place, county code

This section is auto-filled in if you upload a GEDCOM file first - see below. Remember to add place, county and country to the "place" field to help distinguish families with the same names.

If you have completed a Family Finder-test, then adding surnames for all your ancestral lines is very useful to trace common ancestry with your matches. Important note: The names that are useful for this are the farm names, not the patronymics. If your ancestor was called Erik Olsson Heia, then Heia is the name that can help you find relatives (not Olsson).

Norwegian Family Names
Norwegian names are sometimes difficult to understand, as hereditary surnames were not usually used. Except for the bourgeoisie in the cities and some civil servant families, almost all Norwegians were farmers, and used a three-part naming system:
* First name: all given names
* Patronymic: Olsdatter, Sveinsson, Nilsen etc, showing the given name of their father
* Farm name: the name of the farm where they were born or lived - this would change when people moved, but is the name that can best be used to find a person's origin

This is why you can't follow the surnames of your Norwegian paternal line, but need to add the farm names.

Please read our article about the Norwegian Naming Practice.

Informasjon om opphav
Det er viktig at det fylles ut informasjon om opphav for den som er testet.

Legger du til administrator på Advanced nivå, kan vi hjelpe deg med å fylle ut resten av informasjonen under "Most Distant Ancestors" der det trengs navn og sted for eldste kjente direkte linjer.
NB: Husk at direkte farslinje er farfars farfars farfar osv (agnatisk linje) - og direkte morslinje er mormors mormors mormor osv kun gjennom kvinneledd.

Les også om hvordan føre navn og opplysninger på kontoen

Haplogroup projects
We encourage all of you to also join the proper haplogroup projects for your Y-DNA and mt-DNA results. Through these you will learn more about your haplogroup and its distribution, history and subbranches (subclades), and you will get information about which SNPs are relevant for you to discover your subclade.

Tracing more ancestors in Norway: See our page on Norwegian genealogy here.
You will find links to overviews, primary sources online, further reading and information about names.

Norsk informasjon om DNA
Se Norgesprosjektets nettsider med mye informasjon om DNA-testing på norsk. Disse er under stadig videreutvikling så kikk innom jevnlig. Her samler vi nyttige artikler om hvordan DNA-testing brukes som metode i slektsforsking, korte beskrivelser av de forskjellige haplogruppene og mye mer.

Kontakt med andre testere og fora for spørsmål:
* Facebook-gruppe hvor alle DNA-interesserte kan være medlemmer
* Forum hvor man kan poste spørsmål og kommentarer: DNA på Slektsforum

Need help?
If you have questions about the project you can email to reach the administrators anytime.