N1c1 Y-DNA

Haplogroup project
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N1c1 Haplogroup

New subclade N1c1d (N1c1 L550) was defined by SNP L550+
The N1c1 L550 is predominantly spread in South-Baltic region and the SNP L550 probably had been occured in the region of Europe.
Subclade N1c1d1 is defined by SNP L551+ and L149.2+ was proven for Gediminid lineage.

L591 defines a cluster within South-Baltic Branch of haplogroup N1c1 L550+
L646 and L648 defines a cluster within N1c1 Haplogroup M178+ 
L58 defines a cluster within N1c1 L550+, but probably is unstable.
L708 and L839 is typical for every european (the Urals including) N1c1 and some Siberian clusters.
L1026 defines a cluster within L708 and is typical for european N1c1
L1025 defines a cluster within L550+ and is typical for South-Baltic branch.
Z1935 defines a cluster within L1026+ and is typical for Northern European branch. 
L1034 defines a cluster within Z1936+ and is typical for Hungarian samples indicating the Ugric marker within N1c1.