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Munster Irish

  • 1313 members

About us

March 2023 - This section has been quiet for a while now.  Looking at what has been posted, I should point out that the recording of our October 2015 presentation at the Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2015 conference failed, and it was never loaded onto YouTube.  You can access the slide-show at  We're delighted that the project has increased over a thousand since Feb 2013.  We are at 1260 at the moment!

August 2016 - RTE television launched a series 'John Connors: The Travellers'  - - and we were asked to assist with analyzing the DNA tests done on a number of the people in the program.  We were given acknowledgement of this in the credits of the episodes.

June 2016 - RTE television approached Elizabeth to assist with interpretation of DNA results for the testing of one of their presenters, John Creedon, for his series 'Creedon’s Epic East' -

9th October 2015 - The presentation of The Munster Irish DNA Project - An Update Two Years On & An Explosion of SNPs took place at the Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2015 conference at the RDS in Dublin.  We hope a YouTube video of the talk will be uploaded in the near future.

22nd August 2015 - The presentation of The Munster Irish DNA Project & the Men of Munster took place at The Genealogy Event - Irish Conference, Woodlands House Hotel, Adare.

2nd November 2013 - The video of the presentation of
The Munster Irish DNA Project & the Men of Munster - Who Are They? is available at

21st October 2013 - The presentation of The Munster Irish DNA Project & the Men of Munster - Who Are They? took place at the Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2013 conference on the 20th of October.  A YouTube video will be uploaded shortly of the talk.

1st of September 2013 - The Munster Irish DNA Project will feature at the lectures during the Genetic Genealogy Ireland 2013 conference in Dublin from the 18th to 20th October 2013.  See

1st of February 2013 - Over 200 participants in the project

21st March 2012 - Initial Interpretations added to Results page

1st of February 2012 - Over 100 participants had joined

1st of January 2012 - The Munster Irish DNA Project officially launched